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One third of people in Massachusetts study tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies

This is lending a lot of credence to the two strain theory. One S safe strain usa used to "vaccinate" it's population against the coronavirus bioewapon. One L lethal strain, whose variants were used against China, Iran, and Italy.

How else can usa explain the explosion of myusterious pneomonias that had identical symptoms to the coronavirus covid 19. And now, look at California and this state...why are so many people walking around with anti bodies already? That's impossible if the virus came from China. The virus must have been here months ago already, months before anything was found in China. Fort Detrick's bioweapons leak must be investigated. America is hiding something. The CDC's data must be open to the world for investigation. The American government must be held accountable.
Is it Chinese National Corona Propaganda day today or what? Seems our chinese friends have turned PDF into a "Covid-19" forum today. :lol:
Is it Chinese National Corona Propaganda day today or what? Seems our chinese friends have turned PDF into a "Covid-19" forum today. :lol:
Chinese positive news is just a small fried compare to amount of anti-China covid-19 junk pump out by US neocon. Check out how many new start thread blasting China.
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