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I don’t consider that to be a hoax. When

Should i consider this passport hilarious, or grieve on the fact that Almighty when wants to show you bad to world, can go to unthinkable extents... What a poor man ramses was in terms of knowledge and wisdom. Jibrael AS, himself felt pity for ramses when ramses was repeatedly trying to get put of water storm and Jibrael was gushing sands in ramses mouth just to avoid Allah getting soft for ramses. Read this in Qasas Ul Anbiya when kid.

I can’t deny this claim. There are too many supporting points in this case, major one being Qais Abdul Rashid (R.A), First pashtun to accept Islam, when they heard of Islam, a group of Elder/leaders of Pashtuns went to Madina, accepted islam and offered military assistance offer for future. They were jews previously.

And yeah, no doubt, the rendering of ramses face as well as tutankhamen (who was centuries after ramses), both look very much like Africans from ancient Nile. Just the pharoah skull explains this very clearly if you focus on his hair and nose.
Correct , that endorse Jamal Nasir statement.
Forgot to add-the original Israelites,the Ethiopian Falashim they flew to Tel Aviv in the 80s with fanfare and trumpets to clean their toilets and who they are now secretly sterilising,the Southern African Lemba and other African Jews are NON TALMUDIC.
This is a true mystery since this document (let me not go into its contents,but,pls google and make sure you're seated!)was actually a Babylonian business manual. These people were as African as anyone else in the early ME and it seems the Originals outgrew the lifestyle demands of the document.
The Khazarian adoption of this Babylonian business model is no accident,imo. Fyi the 2 cultures were less than 200 km away from each other.
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