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One more Israel

I believe the official policy of our government is not to recognize Israel until the Palestinian problem remains unresolved. Now if Israel and Palestine were to sort out their problem and make true peace to the mutual satisfaction of each other, then Pakistan will give serious thought to having relations with Israel. That day has not come yet. when will that day come ? Nobody knows. The ball is not in our court. Until that day lets keep watching.
Kim Kardashian is of Armenian stock
nah she is not that pretty
its just her measurments that drives people crazy

The ball is not in our court. Until that day lets keep watching.

He made this thread after being really ticked off by one Turkish poster's post in this thread:

I think this thread came up right after he had read that post lol:suicide:. The government of PAK is obviously NOT thinking like this. In fact we are closer now to Turkey than before:-)
i created this thread just to say that by recognizing countries we dont right now
we will only be over watching our interest
the best interest is not to recognize Armenia to keep our interest growing with turkey and same is the case with Israel
thread was more directed towards people who say Pakistan should recognize Israel
i just used Armenia and Turkey as an example
how exactly will it make Palestine free
or even help them a bit?
do answer i m waiting

making UN to play a role in it. When entire muslim world will speak against it, than you will see a bigger and better impact.
making UN to play a role in it. When entire muslim world will speak against it, than you will see a bigger and better impact
sir UN ???
whole muslim world have fought multiple wars on it
nothing has came of these efforts all of them have been tried
best is to keep ur own interests in ur cup
that is the only way we can support Palestine
Politically and by providing aid
I don't see why we don't recognise both Israel and Armenia? How else do you expect to function as a modern nation state in the 21st century, by living in 12th century mind set?

I am pro Kashmiri to the core, but even I am for normalising relationship with India and ending strife in the region. Civilised people end their differences through dialogue and peace, otherwise people will keep on hating each other till the end of times.
its shameful to not recognize armenia when Azeri and Turks themselve have relations with armenia..

But we should always support Azeris on karabakh issue bcoz Turkey and Azeri support our position on Kashmir..
making UN to play a role in it. When entire muslim world will speak against it, than you will see a bigger and better impact.
Muslim world has spoken many times in the form of OIC and it is still speaking, What effect did it have ? nothing. The world claims to be civilized but it is not. The world only understands the language of power or "Danda". The best thing the muslim world can do is to increase its military power and unite. Then we will have a say in the world like NATO.
Israel has nukes .
And If I am not wrong India also has good relations with Armenia.

Are you surprised ?:D

One sane post .
And lesson 101 in diplomacy .
Your nation needs professional diplomats and strong govt,.

As a rule of thumb, whenever in doubt, take a look at what Indians have to say, and then do exactly the opposite.
That'll almost certainly be in the best interest of the nation and state of Pakistan.

For instance, pay attention to how this poster, pretending to be the flag bearer of all pragmatism and rational thought, is suggesting Pakistan recognize Armenia - a municipality of a state that is smaller than a number of Pakistani cities and holds no economic, cultural, or strategic value at regional or international stage.

What benefits will it bring to us? Nill. None. Zero. But it could potentially drive a wedge between us and our most reliable, trustworthy, partner and friend Turkey. It will put a strain in our deep rooted historic, cultural, military and now blooming economic and strategic relationship.

Besides, for most of the Pakistanis and Turks I know, including me, the brotherhood extends way beyond materialistic considerations. It's one of blood and spirit. So even if if Armenia were to be a state of larger land mass, huge manpower, natural resources, and had expansive economic and military clout, Pakistan wouldn't afford her the same treatment as we'd do to other nation states. We'd keep Turkish interests at the forefront of our state policies and collective national thought.

And I should add, it's perfectly reasonable for Pakistan do behave in such as way because in international arena, it's extremely rare and fortunate for any nation to be knitted in a relationship with another nation that permeates the realms of emotions, of pristine love, and unwavering dedication to each other. Pakistan has it with Turkey - and vice versa. This is why we ought to uphold this relationship, value it, and understand how important it is. That's why we should all strive to preserve it, any and every way we can.
I don't see why we don't recognise both Israel and Armenia?
What benefits will it bring to us? Nill. None. Zero. But it could potentially drive a wedge between us and our most reliable, trustworthy, partner and friend Turkey. It will put a strain in our deep rooted historic, cultural, military and now blooming economic and strategic relationship
recognizing both Armenia and Israel will do more harm to us then benefit
that is the whole Idea of this article
recognizing armenia will put a gulf between us and azerbaijan , however i dont think pak-turk relations will get effected much
i created this article to in response of some thread members who strongly confided that we should recognize Israel
which also will do more harm to us then benefit
Muslim world has spoken many times in the form of OIC and it is still speaking, What effect did it have ? nothing. The world claims to be civilized but it is not. The world only understands the language of power or "Danda". The best thing the muslim world can do is to increase its military power and unite. Then we will have a say in the world like NATO.

could be an option

sir UN ???
whole muslim world have fought multiple wars on it
nothing has came of these efforts all of them have been tried
best is to keep ur own interests in ur cup
that is the only way we can support Palestine
Politically and by providing aid

could be another option.
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