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One more Israel

Who is holding you back?
Pakistan is holding itself back...................... to honor our Turk Brethren but guess we dont feel appreciated because the Turks i've countered are too pro-bollywood and say we should be more close to india than pakistan ............... plus i want you to post about India-Turkey relations compare it you will have the reason for our "Reaction"
turkey , egypt and jordan donot have rivalry with Israels prime defence client
what possibly Israel can offer us ????
Won't mean Israel won't be able to sell weapons or help u in other aspects
sell weapons or help u in other aspects
with type of edge India have over israeli defence industry you wont be able to ........plus minor weapons are not our issue what we will want from israel is their superb air defence weaponry which is impossible given indian presence
and what other aspects u r talking about ?
we already know how to convert desert into Fertile land and have done it in Thal desert
of course not all of it
and what other aspects we are talking about here?
we are not that important to each other
but yes having endorsement of a nuclear powered and biggest mainland muslim populatin will indeed be a victory for Israel
with type of edge India have over israeli defence industry you wont be able to ........plus minor weapons are not our issue what we will want from israel is their superb air defence weaponry which is impossible given indian presence
and what other aspects u r talking about ?
we already know how to convert desert into Fertile land and have done it in Thal desert
of course not all of it
and what other aspects we are talking about here?
we are not that important to each other
but yes having endorsement of a nuclear powered and biggest mainland muslim populatin will indeed be a victory for Israel
What not , from green energy , water technologies , hi tech , and medicine , israel will forge better link between you and the west and better source to latest technologies
What not , from green energy , water technologies , hi tech , and medicine , israel will forge better link between you and the west and better source to latest technologies
for that we already have superb connections with west
and remember upcoming knowledge park in Lahore with help from USA
we already have tried to work it out
we protected you from terror incidents (by informing you)
and tried to use your lobbys
you gained , we failed
so no need to take big steps
Pakistan is holding itself back...................... to honor our Turk Brethren but guess we dont feel appreciated because the Turks i've countered are too pro-bollywood and say we should be more close to india than pakistan ............... plus i want you to post about India-Turkey relations compare it you will have the reason for our "Reaction"
You should recognize both Israel and Armenia,the only problem we have with Armenia is the Nagorno Karabagh issue,if they give it back to Azerbaijan all problems will be solved.
About India,look at your own trade with India,why trade with your enemy?.
Turkiye - India trade volume 2014 was $7.49 billion,Pakistan - India trade volume 2014 was $3 billion officially but we all know the unoffical trade by smugglers is at least 3 times bigger.
Turkiye will always stand with Pakistan,you know this but this doesnt mean that we should be enemies with India.
And those pro-bollywood people only look at economic gain,nothing else.
You should recognize both Israel and Armenia,the only problem we have with Armenia is the Nagorno Karabagh issue,if they give it back to Azerbaijan all problems will be solved
we also have the Issue of Kashmir .................
About India,look at your own trade with India,why trade with your enemy?
you have diplomatic ties with Armenia
I m not gonna go in the debate which is useless
ofcourse we are not recognizing Armenia by choice but in turn want Turks to at least appreciate it ifnot do the same
all i m saying we are strategically Isolated ......... if a war breaks out in south Asia Turkey and Azerbaijan are surely not gonna cut their ties with India they have not done so previously ..................
all i m saying is we are strategically isolated aand only have few real frandz
this article's main intend was to tell people that just like we will get nothing by recognizing Armenia and might lose something same is with Israel they literally have nothing to offer us
just look at the tittle
in the end i wont take the ummah as our allies and will depend more on Chinks then muslims
lets get our facts clear here
Pakistan does not recognize Armenia because it has disputes with Turkey and Azerbaijan
Turkey and azerbaijan both not only recognizes India and Israel but are having massive trade with both of them
what is wrong in establishing ties and then do a little trade they are doing it with our enemies we should we be barred
we have to ask ourselves what exactly are we getting from our "strategic Friendships"
most of our friends openly do trade with our enemy but still say we are with you
is that not a slap hard on our cheeks

hmm....still....When it comes to defense related issues, Turks side with Pakistan....Many Turks hate and oppose India just bcuz they love Pakistan.....there is no doubt Pakistan and Turkey both have people to people contacts....too strong to be broken...
.Many Turks hate and oppose India just bcuz they love Pakistan
perheps you should go online
only Defence enthusiast turks will align with pakistan and the ones who believe in Ummah
most of Turks say are pro-bollywood and usually argue to prefer india over pakistan
perheps you should go online
only Defence enthusiast turks will align with pakistan and the ones who believe in Ummah
most of Turks say are pro-bollywood and usually argue to prefer india over pakistan

We should concern with Turks who are in government, not with what their ordinary folks do.....Even Pakistanis watch Bollywood, that doesn't make us pro India...
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