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Once the Biggest Buyer, China Starts Dumping U.S. Government Debt

The US would be bankrupted if it did something so stupid as to abrogate contracts between itself and China. China held treasuries to make sure you psychos wouldn't declare war, but they don't need so many assurances anymore.

Also don't forget these toys.








World financial system, especially regarding wealth, is built up on trust and confidence.

Right now, the perception about China is pretty negative. It doesn't matter what the truth is, or it aligns with perception, what matters is perception. People have zero trust on Chinese economic stats, and their mistrust has been worsened by the stock debacle.

So capital, especially in times of crisis, flocks towards safe havens, like the USD.

Right now, it is flowing out of China into USD, which is putting pressure on foreign reserves. This is the reason why Chinese foreign reserves are decreasing. USD is gaining against all currencies, and is increasing its foothold as the reserve currency in the world.

I was referring to the idiotic claim, that somehow their is depreciation in USD, which is totally false, as it has risen by record numbers against all currencies.

Whose capital is flowing out of China? I've yet to see concrete status demonstrating a) that outflows have actually picked up over the years b) that it has anything to do with "economic stats" or stocks

What debacle, by the way? The CCP intervened, as it did before, and now the markets are stable- as they were before.
US was already bankrupt. China just helped prop it up.

I wonder what disaster the US will be in next week! :o:

This week is bankruptcy, so i'm guessing next week is mass race riots, week after will be civil war, then starvation, after that mass unemployment, and then right back around to bankruptcy. Sometime in between America will be invaded and conquered by the mighty Hong Wu!:woot:
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