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On Muslims who boycott France nowadays

1. Good you think so...most of the people here on forum glorify it as 1000 Year Muslim rule over Hindus and feel proud about it...ignoring that their own ancestors were slaughtered, forced converted by them.

2. 21st century civility is still absent in fundamentalist in the sub-continent ...such as in Pakistan, they still do atrocities on Hindus, other non-Muslims in the name of Islam/Blasphemy , abduct, force convert their girls etc...Similarly we see cases of Mob lynching in India for eating beef.

3. You are right..rulers commit atrocities problem is we Muslims always give it a religious angel ... Hitler was a Christian and he made Most of world's Christians suffer ...but in rest of the world, they call it atrocities on humans they don't bring religion into it....But we always cherry-pick ...we cry aloud on Muslim suffering but conveniently ignore when we cause suffering on non-Muslims....look at the current scenarios in West (Muslim want Shariya, they need Mosques, they need all kind of religious freedom there e... but we can't digest to give the same to our minorities in our countries.

4. That's because you do not know much about other religions.....e.g. Hinduism, Buddhism , Sikhism encourage seeking knowledge through questioning..they do not have written down instructions....but than this is why they are more tolerant compared to those who follows strict written instructions and questioning, deviating from those instructions is prohibited....both have their pros and cons, to me.
Answering to number 4, you must have not heard of mutazilites? Muslims were the first to gain faith through critiquing. Too bad Muslims of today are completely opposite of what their ancestors used to be. As for not knowing about other religions, I’m not going to argue with you on that.
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