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On Muslims who boycott France nowadays

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And yet Muslims destroy and vandalize Buddha statues as they please?
That is Freedom of Muslims

What do you think of Muslims who boycott France nowadays?

Sylvain Saurel

October 31
Former https://sylvainsaurel.substack.com/
I am divided. On the one hand, I am very attached to freedom of expression, which is something fundamental for us in France.


On the other hand, I have the feeling that these cartoons are only intended to provoke, not to express anything.
As a result, I don't know what to think. I like what Jacques Chirac, former France president, said in 2006 when Charlie Hebdo first published the cartoons:

That's the feeling I share. One can express oneself freely, but one must be responsible, which is not the case with Charlie Hebdo.
I understand that Muslims around the world are offended. The call for a boycott seems legitimate to me. After all, it is their freedom of expression that is being expressed in this way.

What is intolerable, on the other hand, are acts of terrorism.

Source: QUORA
Fitnu ka zahoor ho Chuka
Dajjal dunya mein a chuka
But the fact is many Islamic invaders to the subcontinent had destroyed thousands of Hindu, Buddhist and Jain temples.

Islam clearly encourages it as it believes that Idol worship is haram.

If I understand correctly didn't Prophet Muhammad himself destroy idols?

This is what all Muslims read multiple times a day and follow your Prophet's foot steps to destroy Idols worshipped by non-Muslims.

Islam expects others to respect and allow Islamic principles but Islam does not allow others to practice their own religion.

No one is forcing Muslims to indulge in Idol worship but what right does Muslims has to prevent Idol worship by Hindus or Buddhists or Jains?

This is nothing but shameless indulgence in double standards and bullying on others.

That is the crux of the problem.

Without context you can believe anything.

1. Muslims who came to the subcontinent for conquests did not always destroy Hindu temples. In some cases, they destroyed them, in some cases they did not and infact ordered the repair and building of temples. If you look at conflicts between Hindu states in the subcontinent, you will see that they also destroyed each other's temples and shrines. Do I promote this? No. But these were just the dynamics of War.

Out of the three major Islamic empires in those times, The Ottoman Empire, the Safavid Empire, and the Mughal Empire, the Mughals were considered the most secular (depending on the time frame of the empire).

2. Just because it's haram doesn't mean anything against it is justified. That's a very bad overly simplified assumption by you.

3. Mecca is a holy city, and the Kabaa was built by one of the prophets of God. Ridding it off evil was a necessity to establish it as a holy city where Muslims can yearly gather and perform Hajj.

4. Not true. Islam has always allowed other religions to practice.

You're calling Islam the crux of the problem, which it is not.
3. Mecca is a holy city, and the Kabaa was built by one of the prophets of God. Ridding it off evil was a necessity to establish it as a holy city where Muslims can yearly gather and perform Hajj.

4. Not true. Islam has always allowed other religions to practice.
3) Please know that Arab people used to gather for Hajj performance long long before Islam arrived.

4) By what was done during the time of Prophet Muhammed set a standard for people of Islamic faith that encouraged to destroy other faiths' places of worship throughout the world for many centuries. The final destruction was in Afghanistan and in some events superstitious people in BD still destroys Hindu temples/Deities.
And yet Muslims destroy and vandalize Buddha statues as they please?

Not true ... There would be any Buddah statues around for over 1400 years in Muslim lands if they did... Think about it.
I still can't figure out, and believe me, I'm NOT trolling you guys, but genuinely wondering- how the very same Pakistanis' who turn a blind eye to mosques/Muslims and Islam being thrashed, slandered in China, get offended by other countries disrespecting the religion.
3) Please know that Arab people used to gather for Hajj performance long long before Islam arrived.

4) By what was done during the time of Prophet Muhammed set a standard for people of Islamic faith that encouraged to destroy other faiths' places of worship throughout the world for many centuries. The final destruction was in Afghanistan and in some events superstitious people in BD still destroys Hindu temples/Deities.

You have no clue what you're talking about.
Ancient Bamiyan Buddha statue wilfully blown up
Ancient Gandhara statue in Pakistan smashed
Ancient Buddha statues in the Maldives museum smashed
Buddha statues in Sri Lanka vandalised (by the same people who went on to bomb churches in Easter)
Buddha statues in Bangladesh attacked
Buddha statues confiscated in Iran
Buddha Bars in UAE... I am sure they would not accept "Muhammad Bar"
none of the above were sponsored or supported by the respective govt officials and majority muslims they all were individual and punishable acts just like destroying mosques and churches in india on daily basis by extremists hindus......learn the difference.
You have no clue what you're talking about.
Not only Hajj, but also Roza/Fasting in the month of Ramazan had been prevailing long before Islam was introduced in Arab. Prophet Muhammed kept the tradition in Islam. Please learn from the history about all these things instead of talking ignorance that you learned from UNPARH Mullah.
Not only Hajj, but also Roza/Fasting in the month of Ramazan had been prevailing long before Islam was introduced in Arab. Prophet Muhammed kept the tradition in Islam. Please learn from the history about all these things instead of talking ignorance that you learned from UNPARH Mullah.

You really think you have got it all together, don't you?
Is this Pakistan defence website or am I on some right wing Hindu or Christian site ,superstitions and we let them get away with it can someone ban this blue sky mods our prophet comes first these frogs french a picture a day insult there flag what they hold dear
I say, read history books to learn about Hajj and Roza, and do not deal with superstitions spread by Islamic Mullahs. Mullahs are the reason that no Muslim country is being able to develop technologically or economically, and failing to get employment in the Mullah countries they beg to migrate to Christian countries. But, again they start bombing the host countries because they have superstitious believes.

All because of superstitious Muslim minds.

I can only advise you to see both sides of the coin.

We know that Mecca was also a religious hub before Islam for Paganism practicers., and we also know that pre Islamic Arabs used to fast during certain pagan months.

This is not new information for us.
I say, read history books to learn about Hajj and Roza, and do not deal with superstitions spread by Islamic Mullahs. Mullahs are the reason that no Muslim country is being able to develop technologically or economically, and failing to get employment in the Mullah countries they beg to migrate to Christian countries. But, again they start bombing the host countries because they have superstitious believes.

All because of superstitious Muslim minds.

Are Mullahs a problem? Yes.
Is Islam in a crisis? Yes.
Is Islam the reason of the crisis it is in? No.

Now, I am not going to discuss more religion with you because so far anything you have used has been without realizing the context, to which I answered already. And I am not going to go where you're taking this conversation.

And if you want advice, I recommend looking up pro-Islamic sources on certain pieces of information rather than always looking through anti-Islamic sources.

Also you should be a little more direct if you carry anything down there at all, don't speak in riddles.
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Yeah and Buddhist can kill and rape Muslims and Hindus under the facade of peace?

Buddha wasn’t a prophet, Buddhism is technically not a religion

You are no one to comment on that....The discussion is Faith....Buddha is considered God by Hindus and Buddhists....it's their faith....hurting someone's faith though vandalising or using freedom of speech, is equally unfortunate and incorrect.
You are no one to comment on that....The discussion is Faith....Buddha is considered God by Hindus and Buddhists....it's their faith....hurting someone's faith though vandalising or using freedom of speech, is equally unfortunate and incorrect.
Lmao no. And I can express my opinion on the matter however I see fit as I’ve taken personal interests in other religions
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