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On Free Will and Destiny

Have you checked the conversation of Musa AS and Firoun in Surah Shuara

The Quran is a Blessed Dialouge

The Most Merciful Speaks to us in Direct ....

I am just beginning to see it...so journey of a little understanding is long one... a comprehension is Never possible...

Each vessel is filled according to its capacity.

The subject matter discussed here is of Free Will.... and I wanted to discover the SpecificationLimits of Freedom and then Will... introducing the elment of Intent ... I found necessary to add not only proper layering but much needed depth to it.

I, a dedciated SystemThinker who models everything... have come to some realisations... it is a start...

The Might of Allah
moves through His Chosen Agency ...be it Nature, Men, Djin, Angels, or so much more that my senses will fall.... each to his own capacity He Giveth!

The essence of the StraightPath ...and then worship of man made illusions/freedoms... well....

It is the Duty of Every Muslim man and woman to attain knowledge ...even if they have to go to China for that! From craddle to grave it is our duty...

Deen cann't be separated from Science.

The Quran is the Key
to unlock so many things... but we must also focus on the material world and work harder and harder to make Science and Technology our own as Duty!

What I find troubling is LimitingDoctorine imposed by the MullahMaffia which only makes people to recite verses than actually feel that those verses are being sent to them... a kinda deeper, personal attachment.

We can read all the translations of the Quran but understanding is the Gift He Himself grants... that is why I say that we are atuo-muslims because we are 'born' muslims....

Since, religious discussion are not allowed on PDF ... I shall try to limit this discourse to more of journey of discovery than passing out absoluteness which is so common among atuo-muslims...

To be muslims is one thing and to be Momin is something else. and That is that!

I just find Surah Iklas beautiful. It is just beautiful on every level... maybe this is my grant for now... I am happy with this and grateful for this grant/gift....

I just hope that we move towards the GoldenAge Of IslamicReason and IslamicRationalism.... by ourselves and for ourselves... where our Duty is seeking knowledge from craddle to grave for both men and women.

And now we are most backward in everything.... is it not an Azab initself... blinded in insights and deaf in listening to reason... heart made of lead that we let the poor die when we hoard to create artificial price hike... all FreeWill done with Intent.

Regardless, I am not the one to judge.. it is not my Kursi...

I am just His banda...nay... I am justy besieging Him to accept me as His banda ... and let me be a Bemused Observer as all Wage War Against Him... it took sometime to understand but now I know it is not war against me..it is against Him....

I shall listen to Surah Nas ...it gives me strength and inner peace!

The Quran is a Code!
The Quran is a Blessed Dialouge...

The Most Merciful Speaks to us in Direct ....

I am just beginning to see it...so journey of a little understanding is long one... a comprehension is Never possible...

Each vessel is filled according to its capacity.

The subject matter discussed here is of Free Will.... and I wanted to discover the SpecificationLimits of Freedom and then Will... introducing the elment of Intent ... I found necessary to add not only proper layering but much needed depth to it.

I, a dedciated SystemThinker who models everything... have come to some realisations... it is a start...

The Might of Allah
moves through His Chosen Agency ...be it Nature, Men, Djin, Angels, or so much more that my senses will fall.... each to his own capacity He Giveth!

The essence of the StraightPath ...and then worship of man made illusions/freedoms... well....

It is the Duty of Every Muslim man and woman to attain knowledge ...even if they have to go to China for that! From craddle to grave it is our duty...

Deen cann't be separated from Science.

The Quran is the Key
to unlock so many things... but we must also focus on the material world and work harder and harder to make Science and Technology our own as Duty!

What I find troubling is LimitingDoctorine imposed by the MullahMaffia which only makes people to recite verses than actually feel that those verses are being sent to them... a kinda deeper, personal attachment.

We can read all the translations of the Quran but understanding is the Gift He Himself grants... that is why I say that we are atuo-muslims because we are 'born' muslims....

Since, religious discussion are not allowed on PDF ... I shall try to limit this discourse to more of journey of discovery than passing out absoluteness which is so common among atuo-muslims...

To be muslims is one thing and to be Momin is something else. and That is that!

I just find Surah Iklas beautiful. It is just beautiful on every level... maybe this is my grant for now... I am happy with this and grateful for this grant/gift....

I just hope that we move towards the GoldenAge Of IslamicReason and IslamicRationalism.... by ourselves and for ourselves... where our Duty is seeking knowledge from craddle to grave for both men and women.

And now we are most backward in everything.... is it not an Azab initself... blinded in insights and deaf in listening to reason... heart made of lead that we let the poor die when we hoard to create artificial price hike... all FreeWill done with Intent.

Regardless, I am not the one to judge.. it is not my Kursi...

I am just His banda...nay... I am justy besieging Him to accept me as His banda ... and let me be a Bemused Observer as all Wage War Against Him... it took sometime to understand but now I know it is not war against me..it is against Him....

I shall listen to Surah Nas ...it gives me strength and inner peace!

The Quran is a Code!
One more thing I believe Quran helps some people who want to learn and practice this specific skill. I don’t know what to call it but i can describe the skill.

Most people in the world are not clever to certain extent, just readers, with blind minds, Eat what they are fed with (media).

And then there is a certain group of people in this world, On PDF, In quite the numbers, Most or many of are of the type

“Hear/Read something, Don’t believe it, Just take it as someone’s word. Research it or analyze it critically then come to an improved conclusion with no or least doubts on it’s truth”

So to match this specific skill with Quran, If one is a normal usual reader, Just for the sake of speaking words out, They fall into the category which eat everything instead of analyzing it, Then comes those (I also included), I take every Ayah as some cypher, Try to analyze it first in mind without translation, What it is trying to say, Then the translation, Then the last step to satisfy my thirst for Poetry, I take the de cyphered verse as a Beauty of how The Poet (Allah) has written it. Such is the Beauty.

But let’s come back to the thread, Apologies OP for misleading
. . .
The Will to Power!

The Will to Life!

Power of Will?

Power of Life?

Imprinting a need in the world with Power of Will?

Imprinting a need in the world with Will of Power?
. .
Look for what? His signs?

Obvious. Anyone's acceptance or non acceptance ........ does it matter? It's there for all to see and decide to accept. Every path you Choose has an end a destiny. The destiny is your own choice not something forced on you. The end is your own choosing.
Obvious. Anyone's acceptance or non acceptance ........ does it matter? It's there for all to see and decide to accept. Every path you Choose has an end a destiny. The destiny is your own choice not something forced on you. The end is your own choosing.

All i am saying we have no choice
All i am saying we have no choice

Any creation without being given the freedom of choice is feral, totally obedient, totally under command and subservient, the sun and moon cannot one day decide and set their own course, the lions cannot go on and start munching potatoes.

It's the coding the inbuilt codes (Wahi), Humans were chosen because they were given the freedom of choice, humans will be judged because we have the freedom of choosing. We were given Caliphate of this world because we were given the freedom of choice. It's in Wahi of humans to have this freedom of choosing and deciding and accepting the consequences of our choices.

The choosing of humans to be Caliph is interesting, it was long lengthy process, they were chosen and then given the instructions how to lead and live, but nothing was enforced. So much so they were informed of the law of requital, we humans were told repeatedly no ill befalls you but of your own actions.

Its fairly clear that no intercession in the end would be accepted. That's why I told you I don't wish to be judged, I pray and hope for Mercy. We are given this freedom of choosing within realms of this world, that is our jurisdiction, outside this we are just a very small petty particle.
the words don't match

Feral, the first word I used is for humans. I wanted to let you know how pure and intervention free a human can be. A child left in wild, if he / she survives will be feral.

The rest of the words are for celestial and other creations.

what about the particle dubbed as God particle?

I wish I was a researcher and had the scientific know how to discuss this. Max I can say is at best it's a try to understand and know the Known.
They did the studies and found out that humans are coded in certain things like you just said above.

The data is there. You can look it up.

If I recall correctly it was one of the mughal emperors who did this experiment. I think it was Akbar. He had ordered such a thing to leave a child in wild and see what happens. The basic instincts and requirements for survival are same for anything breathing. The rest is suitable environment to evolve and reach a stage where you have the ability to choose and decide.

but He himself says everywhere you look there are His signs

He also says

"Not even an atom’s (zerre) weight in the heavens
and the earth, or something smaller or greater than
it is hidden from Him, but all are in a clear record."

I already said its very obvious should we choose to look and accept. If we don't our choice, if we do still our choice. The freedom remains.
The Will to Power!

The Will to Life!

Power of Will?

Power of Life?

Imprinting a need in the world with Power of Will?

Imprinting a need in the world with Will of Power?

Hello sir,

I was just wanted to ask if "The will to power" is important?

I was thinking about this post of yours and I know it comes from Nietzsche, but what I disagree with the will to power is that power is often times abused.

If we look at the greatest empires that came about, the Romans, the Mongols, and the British, some marvel at their glory, but I look at the suffering they left in their wake. The Romans committed genocide upon genocide, as did the mongols, and the British although not genocidal made a-lot of people suffer.

Power requires alot of responsibility, only Allah can handle unlimited power, but we his creation cannot, and even with a little bit of power we commit abuse.

I realise that I don't want to be powerful, but simply a good servant of Allah... What is your opinion on this?
Hello sir,

I was just wanted to ask if "The will to power" is important?

I was thinking about this post of yours and I know it comes from Nietzsche, but what I disagree with the will to power is that power is often times abused.

If we look at the greatest empires that came about, the Romans, the Mongols, and the British, some marvel at their glory, but I look at the suffering they left in their wake. The Romans committed genocide upon genocide, as did the mongols, and the British although not genocidal made a-lot of people suffer.

Power requires alot of responsibility, only Allah can handle unlimited power, but we his creation cannot, and even with a little bit of power we commit abuse.

I realise that I don't want to be powerful, but simply a good servant of Allah... What is your opinion on this?

Brother mine,

What differentiate us from animals?

Will to Power is present in every animus material.... from KhooniVirus to HumanVirus....

Be it Lion taking over a Pride or a opponent tribe trying to takeover a territory with violence.... or one type of plant agressive colonising a space inhebited by other plants..... it is the Fundamental Nature of Animus...

What does it take to become Human from Man?

What is Kindness?

What is Compassion?

What is Forgiveness?

What is Love?

We ...well some... choose daily between what is Good and what is just get ahead...i.e. Will to Power!


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