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Ominous war drums being beaten

Nuclear powers do not go to war militarily. They fight economically.
That may be the strategy,there will be military standoff at the LOC/IB,India will spend 10b dollors against reserve of 363b,Pakistan will also spend 8b against 22b reserve,Now you the difference and the economic hardship you have to face.
Also you will relocate your armed foreces from afghan border to Indian side,your Zarb Azam operation will jeopardize.
I like the recommendation, the sixth point, "announce a target and visibly prepare to take it out. DELHI anyone?"

Indians will piss in their pants (if they wear any)!

This was already done during the night between 19th Monday and 20th Tuesday. As intended, the chatter was picked up by counterparts and they have confirmed movements and preparations at our end through their sources as well.

The game is on.

Pakistan media (Ummat daily) should avoid such news items.
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The more you think about it, the more manufactured it looks.

Announcing within 5 minutes of the attack, that it was sponsored by Pakistan ridiculous and absolutely silly.

Already preparing for military action even before the attack, that seems really fishy.

It is looking more and more like a false flag..

Not a false flag.....the CPEC!! Modi has said it multiple times, the CPEC would be stopped at all cost. I guess he is getting ready to pay for it.
I like the recommendation, the sixth point, "announce a target and visibly prepare to take it out. DELHI anyone?"

Indians will piss in their pants (if they wear any)!
No we don't so we might have to piss on your pants.
That may be the strategy,there will be military standoff at the LOC/IB,India will spend 10b dollors against reserve of 363b,Pakistan will also spend 8b against 22b reserve,Now you the difference and the economic hardship you have to face.
Also you will relocate your armed foreces from afghan border to Indian side,your Zarb Azam operation will jeopardize.

Do you really think any of that matters? What's the alternative? Letting India bomb the CPEC freely and do "surgical strikes"? :angel:. At this point, there will be surgery on both ends, one will replace the knee and the other will be surgically fixing the hips. Just the way it would work at this point :enjoy:

I sometimes question the mental aptitude of the Indian war planners. I don't understand how they plan as its never planned well. This will be another crap shoot without results, I tell you.
Gen Tariq Khan was the most decorated Gen of ours , he had a lot of war exp , Remember Battle of Bajur
also he had gulf war exp
so dont take lightly what he is saying
Do you really think any of that matters? What's the alternative? Letting India bomb the CPEC freely and do "surgical strikes"? :angel:. At this point, there will be surgery on both ends, one will replace the knee and the other will be surgically fixing the hips. Just the way it would work at this point :enjoy:

I sometimes question the mental aptitude of the Indian war planners. I don't understand how they plan as its never planned well. This will be another crap shoot without results, I tell you.
Indian war planners are highly appreciated,2examples for you,shortest war in history in 1971 and Siachin in 1984.
Will take the matter to Chinese for building roads in disputed territories.Surgical strikes is imminent and going to happen across LOC.Just wait for the time.Preperation has begun.
Did the previous wars start with visible preperation on both sides ?
Was it a gradual increase in manpower and material or ppl claiming no war is going to happen like now ?
Old ppl on this forum with personal experience can reply.

The thing is Modi sarkar needs to save there *** from false promises offered to people to win election , lot of internal opposition plus a break away of BJP is on cards . To save that humiliation Modi sarkar will go for war .
Operation Gibraltar was launched by Gen ayub same way to keep his dictator ship , but by Grace of god we were able to defend our self , now case is reverse india will attack pakistan , not pakistan attacking India , which will only result in Pakistan victory cause defending always has more edge than full scale attack as Pakistan has counter missiles which can cause India lot of problem , Ur ex generals are lunatics calling for war , Your current Corp generals are advising against war
Do you really think any of that matters? What's the alternative? Letting India bomb the CPEC freely and do "surgical strikes"? :angel:. At this point, there will be surgery on both ends, one will replace the knee and the other will be surgically fixing the hips. Just the way it would work at this point :enjoy:

I sometimes question the mental aptitude of the Indian war planners. I don't understand how they plan as its never planned well. This will be another crap shoot without results, I tell you.
So, it's becoming more like India-China stand-off. Then I need to recall Korea and Vietnam. Also, US-Israel air bridge, and Russia's moving into the ME. Things are getting more and more interesting....
The thing is Modi sarkar needs to save there *** from false promises offered to people to win election , lot of internal opposition plus a break away of BJP is on cards . To save that humiliation Modi sarkar will go for war .
Operation Gibraltar was launched by Gen ayub same way to keep his dictator ship , but by Grace of god we were able to defend our self , now case is reverse india will attack pakistan , not pakistan attacking India , which will only result in Pakistan victory cause defending always has more edge than full scale attack as Pakistan has counter missiles which can cause India lot of problem , Ur ex generals are lunatics calling for war , Your current Corp generals are advising against war

Stop talking shit. :lol:
Does India have 'proof' of Pakistan being behind the recent attack? Itching for a war based on speculations shouldn't do India any good in the eyes of the world.

Besides, a serious war with Pakistan should have a negative impact on India's economy and FDI investments, not sure if Modi is waiting for that (especially since India is set to do pretty good economy wise in the coming years?).

Man, i can't help but to notice that Indian newspapers, at least the ones i have seen after the Uri episode, are full with sensationalist news, even calling for strikes or war on Pakistan. I'm sure Modi is much smarter than that to not let it escalate much.
So, it's becoming more like India-China stand-off. Then I need to recall Korea and Vietnam. Also, US-Israel air bridge, and Russia's moving into the ME. Things are getting more and more interesting....

There is no China here, China didn't help you in previous wars and it won't in the future wars. China can still have access to Arabian sea via India and central asia, if say Pakistan was to lose GB to India.
Did the previous wars start with visible preperation on both sides ?
Was it a gradual increase in manpower and material or ppl claiming no war is going to happen like now ?
Old ppl on this forum with personal experience can reply.

The old ppl on the forum will tell you that there wasn't any monitoring via satellites possible during their days.
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