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Olive and olive oil production in KSA


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
Al-Jouf olive fest opens today
Last updated: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:13 PM

Abdul Aziz Abdul Wahid Saudi Gazette

— Under the support of Al-Jouf Emir Prince Fahd bin Badr, the province’s sixth annual olive festival will open on Tuesday evening at the Civilization Center in the town of Sakaka and continue for two weeks.

Al-Jouf Municipality is organizing the event.

Chairman of the municipality Ajab Bin Abdullah Al-Qahtani said a number of activities would be held during the festival, including an exhibition for productive families and a photo gallery.

“There will be a number of cultural and entertainment nights in which various sectors of the society, especially the youth, will participate.”

Al-Qahtani described the festival to be the biggest of its kind in the Arab Gulf region and said 40 exhibitors will display their olive products.

He said the region has about 14 million olive trees and expected the number to go up to 20 million trees in the next few years.

“The Al-Jouf olive oil has become an internationally recognized trademark.”

He said the region currently produces about 50,000 tons of olive oil and 80,000 tons of olives.

Al-Qahtani said folklore troupes will present shows during the festival and a number of famous people from the Kingdom and the GCC were invited to attend them.

“Saudi and Arab poets will read poems in the poetry nights to be held during the festival.”

He said 80 productive families will display their products and compete to win the special award dedicated by Princess Sarah bint Abdullah for the most outstanding exhibitors.

Al-Qahtani said a number of government departments and non-government organizations will participate in the festival with various exhibitions.

Here is also an article about the 13 million olive trees in the beautiful Al-Jawf province. Northern Saudi Arabia has in total agricultural areas that are larger than some countries.

أخبار 24 | 13 مليون شجرة زيتون تضخ 65 ألف طن من الزيت كل عام في الجوف






Olives and olive oil were recommended by Prophet Muhammad (saws) in his time and they are proven to be extremely healthy. Personally I could eat olives every day in great quantities.

For more information about the olive production in the beautiful Al-Jawf province - one of the agricultural heartlands of KSA below:

مرحباً بكم في موقع شركة الجوف للتنمية الزراعية

I can recommend everybody to eat olives regularly and use olive oil instead of lesser healthy oils or butter for example.

Olive trees are also beautiful trees.
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Here is also an article about the 13 million olive trees in the beautiful Al-Jawf province. Northern Saudi Arabia has in total agricultural areas that are larger than some countries.

أخبار 24 | 13 مليون شجرة زيتون تضخ 65 ألف طن من الزيت كل عام في الجوف






Olives and olive oil were recommended by Prophet Muhammad (saws) in his time and they are proven to be extremely healthy. Personally I could eat olives every day in great quantities.

For more information about the olive production in the beautiful Al-Jawf province - one of the agricultural heartlands of KSA below:

مرحباً بكم في موقع شركة الجوف للتنمية الزراعية

I can recommend everybody to eat olives regularly and use olive oil instead of lesser healthy oils or butter for example.

Olive trees are also beautiful trees.

Apply it on one's hair as well :D oops sorry by the way i do use Olive oil its very healthy indeed.
Apply it on one's hair as well :D oops sorry by the way i do use Olive oil its very healthy indeed.

Yes, olive oil is healthy for the skin also. I use a shampoo that contains olive oil among other things and also use soaps with olive oil.

Do you have olive trees in Pakistan as well? If not then you should try to import them and see if they can grow in Pakistan. If the climate and conditions are right. They don't only grow in the Mediterranean regions and the regions close to it such as Northern Saudi Arabia. Parts of which are actually part of the Levant region traditionally which is famous for olive trees. They have also successfully been imported to other countries.

Look at all those benefits.

What are the health benefits of olive oil? - Medical News Today

Olive Oil Health Benefits and Nutrition

Can you believe i actually Drink it;
and i am not talking about sips btw

I do that too. Not every day but once in a week I take a small glass and drink it. Obviously together with food. My sisters used to make traditional Arab flat bread and other breads and we use tomatoes, garlic, salt, pepper and olive oil on it. I can recommend it very much. Similar dishes can be found in Italy and Spain. It is just a little side dish. They eat it in Northern Saudi Arabia.

It must be virgin olive oil though. The best one. There is also olive oil with citrus. Takes good when used on some dishes. Citrus fruits are also found in abundance in those regions of KSA as most other fruits are.

Like this basically. Catalan dish:


One has to remember to brush ones teeth afterwards though.:omghaha:
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Can you believe i actually Drink it;
and i am not talking about sips btw

There is nothing wrong with drinking it. It is very healthy. If you like the taste then you can easily drink it without problem when eating a dish. You have to use virgin olive oil because that is the best quality olive oil.

People who live long always state that they use a lot of olive oil. At least many times.
Harvesting olive oil is also a great joy because you move around the beautiful olive fields in the nature and you handpick the olives. So it is a job where great patience is needed and care. It is similar to collecting coffee. It is also handpicked in the mountains of KSA and Yemen. I made a thread about coffee production in Yemen a few months ago.

3 years ago I did a bit of traveling in the Northern regions of KSA around Tabuk mainly (Northern Hijaz) and we visited some of the families that produce olives and were part of collecting them. In that region there are HUGE agricultural areas. In the Mediterranean areas of Europe where olive production is very well known they usually start collecting the olives in October but in Saudi Arabia it is first done in November and December.



The Saudi Arabian government should continue to focus more on the agriculture since most fruits and vegetables can grow in KSA without problem, be it tropical or non-tropical and there is plenty of space to say the least. But being a farmer is not seen as prestigous and most of the youth have forgotten the land they live on and many neglect it.

When Prophet Muhammad (saws) established a market in Madinah where the people would be free from taxation, one of Prophet Muhammad's (saws) motives was the desire to benefit two different classes of Prophet Muhammad (saws) followers from two different regions of Arabia. One group were the Muhajirun, who where from Makkah and they were primarily merchants and traders. The other group, the Ansar were from Madinah and they were farmers.

So Prophet Muhammad (saws) knew the importance of agriculture and farmers.
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yes there are some areas in Balochistan which posess the mediteranean climate;
Excellent for olive production
FATA lies on the ''cusp'' of two major climatic systems, the monsoon to the east and the Mediterranean towards the west.
four million olive saplings were planted in KPK this year

Then i am shifting to KPK the sad part is even olive oil won't be able to ensure me a long life then :D By the way thanks for confirming i had heard about it but wasn't sure. Well i usually apply it on my hair quite regularly.
There is nothing wrong with drinking it. It is very healthy. If you like the taste then you can easily drink it without problem when eating a dish. You have to use virgin olive oil because that is the best quality olive oil.

People who live long always state that they use a lot of olive oil. At least many times.
What are the temperature ranges of this region ?
I have plan to try olive trees in my fields. Its extreme hot region of Pakistan with almost upto 48° - 49°C in summer but then 5° to 10°C in January
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