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Okinawans still haunted by horror of war 70 years on

I had posted the same link as you posted.

And please learn to be a bit more polite inj your conversation. I don't know you much so I don't really like it if you joke around. Thank you.
I beg your pardon?

1. Where was I impolite according to you?
2. I wasn't joking: the story speaks for itself, needs no comment (given how shocking it is).'

I've had conversations with an uncle of mine who fought all the way from Normandy through the Ardennes, and have heard a thing or two about from him about a) what happened out in the field e.g. re. taking (no more) prisoners, and b) how unsocialized the vets had become once they finally returned home. Reading that wiki much reminded me of that.
Yes, and that is the tragedy of war. People turn to barbarians who care for nothing but blood lust.

1940-45 was a relatively modern period where people at least knew about what is right and wrong. Yet they did not take long to descend into medieval barbarism. Women of Germany and Japan were captured as war booty and distributed among allied troops just like medieval barbarians used to do and ISIS is doing today.

Innocent people were killed without the least concern for collateral damage. Atrocities committed by both sides with the victorious walking away without the fear of punishment because well, they were the victorious after all. There are too many disturbing acts that were committed in world war two.

Unfortunately that is the truth, humans can be the most hideous creatures and the irony is all sides believe they are the righteous ones. Atrocities were committed by all sides, but the difference is history is always written by victors.

I beg your pardon?

1. Where was I impolite according to you?
2. I wasn't joking: the story speaks for itself, needs no comment (given how shocking it is).'

I've had conversations with an uncle of mine who fought all the way from Normandy through the Ardennes, and have heard a thing or two about from him about a) what happened out in the field e.g. re. taking (no more) prisoners, and b) how unsocialized the vets had become once they finally returned home. Reading that wiki much reminded me of that.

War is terrible and I believe for those who haven't lost their humanity, their guilt catches unto them eventually.

I don't know if you have played game by the name of "Valiant Hearts", when I was done playing that game, my heart was heavy.
I beg your pardon?

My apologies. I was in a very bad mood yesterday. I misunderstood your words.

Unfortunately that is the truth, humans can be the most hideous creatures and the irony is all sides believe they are the righteous ones. Atrocities were committed by all sides, but the difference is history is always written by victors.

Rightly said.
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