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Oil, Iran, U.S., Israel, and the upcoming conflict


I disagree. While myself and most Americans have zero appetite for war with the Persian nation (I'd rather enjoy some good Koobideh and smoke shisha), what Israelis have now that they didn't in 2010 are important to note.

The multi-layered missle defense has them feeling much more confident. But the big one is their new found Arab friends. Speculation that KSA would allow use of their airfields, which would be a substantial gain over a decade ago.

Before flaming me, realize I am not saying that their calculations would be correct or successful. Or that Iran wouldn't already have contingencies in place to neutralize any percieved or actual advantages gained.


The American people had no appetite for the Iraq war, or world wars 1 and 2. It's the government and the lobby groups.

And who controls the media calls the shots.
They Israelis practically own the House Foreign Affairs committee, but recently we've seen some progress with some politicians openly questions U.S. relations with Israel. These guys are no ally of the U.S. but their PAC money and influence yields so much power that most politicians here are too afraid not to follow their orders. You should have watched the news here last week about Rep. Omar calling out some lawmakers allegiance to Israel, it was a 7 day shitshow on the news channels. All of their attack dogs came out on TV, they stifled the debate by using the good ol Anti-Semitic label. Heck, Trumps son in law is best damn Mossad asset they have in the White House. So the Americans are stupid but some of them are not, they just don't have any choice but to go along. The justice dept, FBI and the rest of them have been watching this kind of crap for decades and don't have the balls to bust up this Mafia that's controlling their government from the middle east....talk about the tail wagging the dog. Freaking shame.
I think US should do what Canada does, i.e. limit the amount of donation the candidates can accept from a single person or company for their campaign. That may reduce the influence of certain group and bring back the control of the country back to its people .
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