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Officially Italy has given the go-ahead for the sale of the two Fremm frigates to Egypt

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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June 8 2020

Italy has given the go-ahead for the sale of the two Fremm frigates to Egypt in these hours. ANSA learns this from qualified sources close to the dossier. The agreement between Rome and Cairo would have arrived just yesterday following the phone call between the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the Egyptian leader at Sisi. The same sources report that the decision would have already been shared with the top management of Fincantieri.

This contract is a prelude to a long-term strategic military cooperation between Egypt and Italy that may include moving forward in signing the following armament contracts during the coming period:

- 4 FREMM frigates to be built specifically for Egypt (the contract may include the transfer of construction technology locally ).

- 20 PPA launch / multi-mission ship (type has not been determined yet) + transfer of technology to build locally in the Egyptian marine arsenal.

- 24 Eurofighter Typhoon fighter.

- 24 Aermacchi M-346 light combat and advanced training aircraft (OCU / Light Combat Aircraft LCA).

- 1 SAR satellite (Radar Imaging Satellite).

These contracts will be the responsibility of Fincantieri Shipbuilding, Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security Industries and MBDA for the missile and ammunition industries.

Bergamini class (FREMM) frigates of the Italian Navy

Italian Navy Bergamini class FREMM variants in formation
Bergamini class is the Italian variant of the Frigate European Multi-Mission (FREMM) class, a class of frigates designed by the French DCNS and the Italian Ficantieri in a joint program to replace the existing destroyers and frigates within the French and Italian navies. As we mentioned in the article about the French variant, the Aquitaine class, the frigates between the two navies share some general characteristics, weapons and systems but also have several differences in the equipment related to propulsion system, electronic equipment and weapons following the different requirements of both navies. The Italian Navy (Marina Militare Italiana) is building two variants/versions of Bergamini class frigates, one for ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare) role and one for General Purpose (GP) role; in this article both variants will be described. Italian Navy aims to replace the eight (8) frigates of Maestrale class and the four (4) frigates of the Lupo class with ten (10) Bergamini class which are devided in three variants including the AAW for the last pair of ships. Bergamini class is a class of stealth frigates with advanced Anti-Aircraft Warfare (AAW) capabilities featuring a common sensor and weapons package based on MBDA’s SAAM-ESD (Extended Self-Defence) area defence system, including Selex ES MFRA EMPAR-derived C-band multifunction radar with active phased array antenna and Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles in A50silos. EMPAR MFRA is an evolved version of the EMPAR radar (embarked on Orizzonte class destroyers and the Cavour aircraft carrier). In addition to that, each variant is specialized in a specific role, GP or ASW, with increased equipment to perform this particular role.

The first and second Bergamini FREMM during sea tests. Photo: orizzontesn.it​

The general characteristics of the class is a displacement of 6,900tons, length of 144.6m, beam of about 20m, maximum speed of 30knots and range of 6,700n.m. with a cruising speed of 15knots. The ship has a crew of 145 persons (GP variant) or 147 persons (ASW variant) while 9 more persons are added to the crew for a second helicopter on board. The vessels can accomodate up to 200 people in total. Each vessel can accommodate one or two NH90 ASW helicopters or one NH90 and one EH101 helicopters, and/or UAVs Moreover, each ship carries two Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boats (RHIB)s for commando operations (one of 7m at the right side, starboard, and one of 11m at the left side, port) while the GP variant carries one more RHIB of 11m in the stern launching ramp instead of a Variable Depth Sonar (VDS) in ASW variant.

Modified photo of a Bergamini class frigate GP variant of the Italian Navy. High resolution image here.​

STRALES in front of VLS

STRALES system, notice the frame
that covers the RFG system
The frigates have one main gun on the bow deck which is either the OTO Melara (now Leonardo) Super Rapido 76mm/62cal gun on the ASW variant or the OTO Melara 127mm/64cal Lightweight (LW) on the GP variant. Each vessel has a secondary OTO Melara Super Rapido 76mm/62cal gun installed on the starboard roof of the helicopter hangar. The 76mm guns are part of the STRALES system which consists of the naval gun, a Radio Frequency Guidance System with the electronic control unit and the DART ammunition. STRALES is an all-weather system that was designed to engage and to destroy multiple manoeuvring targets with the use of guidance ammunition for increased accuracy and therefore lethality. STRALES includes a Radio Frequency Guidance System provided with a mechanical frame to be connected to the gun-mount structure. A gun shield is provided with a watertight cover which can be automatically removed to deploy the guidance antenna; once actual target position and stabilisation data are available, STRALES operates as a stand alone system.

Impressive view of frigate Carlo Margottini

Carlo Begamini's aft gun turret and FCS

Carlo Begamini's aft gun turret
The DART projectile is equipped with the new DART microwave programmable multifunction fuse. The effective operating range is greater than 8km while the maneuverability is higher than.. 40g! A new Multiple-Feeding (MF) ammunition loading system for the 76/62 mm is also available as a separate kit which is able to select any ammunition contained in the branches regardless of its position (typically, DART and standard ammo). The gun can intercept air and surface targets at a distance of 16 km (6km the effective range against anti-ship missiles) unleashing 120 rounds per minute weighting greater than 6kg each. The gun has excellent performance in any kind of role, such as air defence, anti surface, anti-missile and shore bombardment role. It is claimed by OTO Melara that these guns can engage 4 missiles before they reach the ship.

The 5in gun of the GP variant.
Photo: Marina Militare Italiana

Carlo Begamini's (GP) main naval gun​

The OTO Melara 127mm/64cal Lightweight (LW) on the GP variant is part of the VULCANO system which consists of four key sub-systems: the medium caliber 127/64 LW Gun assembly, the Automated Ammunition Handling System, the Naval Fire Control Support and the VULCANO family of ammunition. The system is intended for surface fire and naval gunfire support as main role and anti-aircraft fire as secondary role. The 127/64 LW - VULCANO is equipped with a modular feeding magazine, composed by 4 drums with 14 ready to fire ammunition each (56 in total), reloadable during firing, and highly flexible in terms of selection of ammunition, independently from their position in the drums. Ammunition flow is reversible as rounds can be downloaded automatically. The 127mm VULCANO ammunition family, is composed by Ballistic Extended Range (BER) and Guided Long Range (GLR) ammunition with different multifunctional fuses, sensor and final guidance that extend the range of the gun up to 100km. The rate of fire is 32rds per minute. General Purpose FREMMs are getting the highly Automated Ammunition Handling System for the 127/64 mm gun, which holds 350 127mm shells in addition to the 56 in the four reload drums of the gun turret.

VULCANO system​

OTO Melara 25mm gun

25mm gun. Photo: OTO Melara
The frigates have also two OTO Melara Oerlikon KBA 25mm/80cal guns which are installed one to port and one to starboard. The guns are stabilized, electric servo-drive assisted, while a weapon control is featured in order to allow the gunner to remain steady at any barrel elevation, laying the gun with the maximum accuracy even against targets at maximum elevation. A conventional aiming system is fitted to the mount, but also an IR sight with integrated ballistic reticule is available. The rate of fire is about 650 rounds per minute and the effective range for aerial targets is about 2,000m. The gun has two 126-round boxes on each side of it.

Modified photo of a Bergamini class frigate ASW variant of the Italian Navy. High resolution image here.​

5in gun and VLS behind, notice a hatch to
the side of VLS that contains a crane for
ammunition loading.

The vLS behind the 5in gun​

Behind the front gun and forward of the bridge, it is installed a DCNS Sylver A50 VLS with 16 cells (two VLS modules) for MBDA Aster 15 anti-aircraft missiles for local and area defence (medium range) and Aster 30 missiles that provide long range interception capability for area defence (see the video for Sylver VLS). Similarly with the French FREMM frigates, the space located backwards of the current silos allows for 16 more missiles, and specifically two A70 silos for land-attack/cruise missiles in the future. But as of today the Italian Navy is using that space for the crew accommodation. Both Aster 15 and 30 missiles featuring the same terminal dart. The Aster missiles are autonomously guided with a maximum range of greater than 30km for Aster 15 and a speed of higher than Mach 3 and a range of 100-120km and Mach 4.5 for Aster 30 that has two-stage propulsion system . The missile provides protection to the vessel against a full spectrum of air threats such as anti-shipping missile including sea-skimming and high diver missiles, supersonic and subsonic missiles, anti-radiation missiles UAV and aircrafts (see video) with a very high single shot probability. ASTER’s terminal dart is a lightweight, highly manoeuvring and agile missile equipped with a high-performance active RF seeker with capability against stealthy targets. Thanks to the unique combination of aerodynamic control and direct thrust vector control called “PIF-PAF, the missile is capable of high g manoeuvres. Together, these features give ASTER an unmatched hit-to-kill capability. The system has an extremely quick reaction time with high rate of fire and it provides full coverage under any kind of weather.

Aster 15 and Aster 30 AA missiles​

Otomat launchers on Carlo Bergamini. Photo: the all seeing lens

The frigates carry the MBDA Otomat/Teseo Mk2A block IV guided anti-ship missile in four single launchers amidships while there is provision for four more (packed in quads). The missile has a range of up to 180km, a high subsonic speed Mach 0.9 and carries a warhead of 210kg capable piercing up to 80mm of steel. The warhead is designed to explode inside the ship with the force of the explosion directed to the bottom of the target ship. Capable of ranges from 6-180km in all directions, the system relies on powerful mission planning (3D way-points, terminal sea skimming profile, simultaneous attack from different directions). Target data is derived from the ship's Command System or taken directly from the ship's surface search radar. Mission Planning allows the selection of different firing modes (such as Fire and Forget or midcourse guided) and of specific trajectories and evasive manoeuvres. Cruise and approach phases may be either fully inertial or partially guided from the launch ship through a radio-link. Mid course re-vectoring from a co-operating ship or helicopter is also possible. The excellent capabilities of the missile (short reaction time, Fire and Forget, INS/GPS navigation, high target selection, ECCM and anti-CIWS manoeuvres, warhead lethality with no collateral damage) allow the system to operate effectively in littoral warfare environments, as well as in blue waters. The terminal attack phase is based upon an autonomous terminal guidance using an active homing head with improved target selection capabilities in complex scenarios. It should be mentioned that Otomat is one of the most powerful of all modern western anti-ship missiles having a mid course data-link and land attack capability.

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Launcher of MU90 torpedo​

Triple torpedo launcher.
Photo: Gabriele Molinelli​
For anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations the vessels have two triple Eurotorp B515 324mm torpedo launchers for MU90/Impact torpedoes. MU90 is a lightweight torpedo with a warhead of 32.7kg, a speed from 29 to maximum 50 knots (!), around 10km with maximum speed and 23km with minimum speed. The maximum depth is 1,000m. The torpedo, is of fire-and-forget type and it has been designed to counter any type of nuclear or conventional submarine, acoustically coated, deep and fast-evasive, deploying active or passive anti-torpedo effectors while it has an extreme agility and maneuverability. In the main counter-counter measures are included stationary target detection capability, decoy classification and anti-jammer tactics. The torpedo equips also the NH90 and AW101 Merlin helicopters for ASW operations.

Frigate Carabiniere (ASW) in a great photo​

Overview of Carlo Bergamini. Photo: Marina Militare Italiana​

MILAS missile. Photo: MBDA​

Components of MILAS​
The ASW variant of the Bergamini class is also armed with four MILAS anti-submarine missile system. MILAS is the European counterpart to the ASROC. Derived from the OTOMAT MK2 missile system, MILAS is an all weather, anti-submarine warfare weapon system designed to operate in conjunction with modern detection systems such as very low frequency active and passive sonar which provide long range detection combined with very high precision. MILAS is designed to carry and release an MU-90, or similar lightweight torpedo, close to the designated submarine position, as indicated by the ship sonar or by a co-operating ASW helicopter or MPA. MILAS is capable of ranges from 5 to in excess of 35 km in all directions. The firing system is highly automated and requires only a single operator. Once the ship’s sonar has detected an enemy submarine, the sonar contact is analysed and classified before a target designation is sent to a dedicated MILAS console. The system effectiveness relies on the capability to update the trajectory and the torpedo release point continuously during the missile flight, with the added advantage of modifying the torpedo settings in respect of target manoeuvres. The MILAS missile, featuring 360° gyro-deviation and in-flight re-vectoring to counter any avoidance measures carried out by the target, then delivers the torpedo in the immediate vicinity of the enemy submarine. On entering the water, the torpedo activates its own sonar detection and propulsion systems. Then, after a rapid searching phase, it proceeds to attack and destroy the target. With its fast reaction time, operational range and availability, the system provides the launching ship and the escorted naval formation permanent and effective defence against the submarine, be it conventional or nuclear. MILAS missiles can also be used together with OTOMAT MK 2 missiles in a common system/ launcher for combined ASW and ASuW. It is bigger than Otomat, 6m long and 800 kg. Developed in co-operation by France and Italy, MILAS is in operational service only with the Italian Navy until today.

RHIB of 7m (right side)

Stern door for RHIB 11m​

The aft mast. The small
antenna is the PRT
401 Data Link for the
anti-ship missiles

Stern door for RHIB open​

Aft view, notice the aft jammer​

NH90 on flight deck​

AW101 carrying Marte missile​
As it was mentioned earlier, the vessels carry NH90 NFH or AW101 helicopters (two NH-90s or one NH-90 and one AW101). Both types can carry either MU-90 torpedoes (see previous paragraph about MU90) or MBDA Marte Mk2 anti-shipping missiles and/or machine guns. Marte Mk2/S is a helicopter-launched horizon-range anti-ship weapon. This fire-and-forget, all-weather high subsonic sea-skimming missile uses inertial mid-course navigation through way-points and active-radar terminal homing in carrying out its attack. The fire control system comprises a MMCU (MARTE Missile Control Unit) and a MIU (Missile Interface Unit). It carries a 70kg semi-piercing warhead detonated by impact or proximity. The range of the missile is up to 30km. The frigates are equipped with a Curtiss-Wright TC-ASIST helicopter handling system for both helicopters.

Virginio Fasan's helicopter hangars opened. Photo: chesi

Carlo Margottini. Photo: Mercello Risolo​

Front view of SLAT system​

SLAT system. Photo: Emmanuel L.​
The ASW variant includes the DCNS CONTRALTO-V Torpedo Countermeasures system (or else known as SLAT system) for surface vessels. The GP variants are fitted for, but not with the systems. CONTRALTO®-V is composed of several subsystems for an optimized defense against torpedoes: the reaction system, which calculates and suggests optimized evasive manoeuvres and sets off the countermeasures, the deployment system (launcher) fitted to several types of launchers (mortar, pneumatic, rocket) and the CANTO®-V countermeasure. CANTO®-V is a broadband active acoustic countermeasure. It is designed to saturate the torpedo data processing system by emitting specific and smart acoustic signals covering the whole torpedo frequency band in both active and passive mode. Its mission consists in exhausting the threat by creating and constantly renewing hundreds of false targets on a 360-degree coverage area (5 sec deployment). This concept, called dilution/confusion, is the only one capable of defeating advanced torpedoes while consuming less munitions and it is efficient whatever the number of torpedoes or their types and doesn’t need to be deployed far from the threatened ship. The system offers a 95% escape probability against torpedoes detected at 3,000 meters. Watch the video to realize how the system works.

SCLAR-H system. Photo: Enrico Veneruso​

The forward mast and the EMPAR radar atop

OTO Melara SCLAR-H system

OTO Melara SCLAR-H system in action​

EMPAR radar and ESM/ECM antennas

The forward mast of Carlo Bergamini

At the top of the forward mast in a large round radome it is mounted the multi-function phased array radar, Selex EMPAR (European Multi-function Phased Array Radar) Multi-Function Radar Active (MFRA) / SPY-790 MFRA, which provides simultaneous surveillance, tracking and weapons control. The EMPAR MFRA is an active radar (Active Electronically Scanned Array - AESA) and not passive (Passive Electronically Scanned Array - PESA) as it is the EMPAR radar of the Orizzonte class destroyers. EMPAR is the primary sensor in the FSAF/SAAM-IT and PAAMS missile systems. It operates at C-band, performing concurrently 3D detection, multiple target tracking and missile guidance. Specifically, the multi-function capabilities include full volumetric search coverage, low altitude and surface search, multiple target tracking (up to 300 tracks) and up-link transmission when needed for missile guidance. It counters different threats such as high diving and sea skimming missiles, aircraft and helicopters and any kind of vessels. The system provides an almost continuous 360 degree view while the maximum range is about 120-150km for aircrafts and 25km for missiles.

Frigate Alpino in rough seas​

Selex RAN-30X. Photo:Selex

Carlo Bergamini lead-ship of GP variants​

The ships are equipped with an X-band multi-mode surveillance radar Selex RAN-30X (SPS-791). RAN-30 X/I features up to four operational roles: Surface and Air Surveillance mode (detection and tracking of small air/surface targets; max. range 102km); Navigation and Helicopter control (high antenna rotation speed for navigation close to the coastline; max. range 41km); Over-the-Horizon (OTH) detection (low antenna rotation speed and long range detection capability; max. range 200km); Anti-seaskimmer missile detection (max. rage 25km). This mode has an high antenna rotation rate to ensure the detection and tracking of very small targets manoeuvring in clutter environment and featuring very low Radar Cross Section (R.C.S.). It is an automatic detection/tracker radar that can carry up to 255 system tracks (air and surface).

From left to right: a Horizon class destroyer, in the middle a Bergamini class frigate
of ASW variant and a Bergamini class frigate of GP variant. Photo: Attilio Giacchè​

Selex NA-25X. Photo: Selex

Overview of the front sensors​

Part of the electronic equipment are two Selex NA-25X Radar and Optronic Fire Control Systems (FCS). NA-25X which is a modern fire control system based on the ORION RTN-25X tracking naval radar, a J-band fully coherent equipment which is characterized by anti-nodding, extensive ECCM and anti-clutter features together with high tracking accuracy. There is one sensor forward and one aft, each responsible for guiding gun's fire. A set of two EO sensors (TV camera, IR camera) can be mounted on the radar director, to enable firing assessment and to provide an alternative line-of-sight on the same target. A third sensor (Laser Range Finder) can be mounted to provide a complete EO tracker facility. NA-25X can be provided with a dedicated multifunctional console or controlled by any console of the Combat Management System (CMS). The FCS can be easily integrated in every CMS and completely remote accessible. A couple of Targets Designation Sight (TDS) enhance the FCS configuration. Through an internal additional function, NA-25X system can be integrated inside an Artillery System (including at least two FCSs), to optimize the use of all onboard guns against multiple concurrent targets (missiles, air and surface targets). The system perfomrs the following tasks: radar and optronic autonomous search with automatic/manual self-designation, surveillance and self designation on ship's search radar video, automatic engagement of evaluated priority target up to firing action, automatic air/missile/shore and surface targets tracking, automatic detection of launched missile, control of up to three guns with different calibres in the anti-air/anti-surface warfare and CIWS roles, line-of-sight/line-of-fire stabilization and Track While Scan (TWS) on external naval data.

NH90 aboard frigate Carlo Margottini. Photo: Marina Militare​

SASS IRST. Photo: Selex

Front view of a GP frigate​

Each vessel of the class is equipped with a Selex Silent Acquisition and Surveillance System (SASS) ES unit that uses a panoramic head developed for the passive IRST mission. SASS is a long range, passive IRST for naval applications, operating simultaneously in MWIR (3-5 μm) and LWIR (8-12 μm) spectral bands. It is able to detect and track air and surface targets (about a 100) with full 360° horizontal coverage and to provide InfraRed (IR) maps of the scene around the ship. It supports threat evaluation providing a statistical classification of tracks. SASS has a modular architecture based on a stabilised panoramic head equipped with IR sensors and an electronic cabinet hosting the processing and control units.

The third GP frigate, Federico Martinengo, which will be delivered in 2018

Nettuno 4100 electronic jammer. Photo: Electtronica

Thales Altesse ECM​

The ECM equipment of the class is very advanced offering a range of high fidelity jamming techniques designed to counter long range search radars, target acquisition radars and missile radars operating in both their search and locked-on modes. It includes a Thales VIGILE ESM/ELINT system, a Thales TSB 3520 ATC & IFF Combined Interrogator Transponder two Electtronica ESM/ECM Sigen MM/SMQ-765 EW systems combining Thales ESM sensors and Electtronica NETTUNO 4100 electronic jammers (JASS - Jamming Antenna Sub Systems) for active electronic defence. The NETTUNO-4100 can exploit a wide range of ECM techniques against surface search and tracking radars in support of anti- surface engagements. Some of the characteristics of these jammers (according to the company) include a very high performance, smart ECM modes, both noise and deception, exploiting DRFM-generated jamming signals, multi-threat jamming capability, electronic beam steering (electronically stabilized against ship movements), high level of readiness (no warm-up), full solid-state design ensuring high ERP and graceful degradation in case of failure and high reliability and maintainability. Thales ALTESSE is a high performance wideband for Communication ESM providing early warning and tactical situation awareness capabilities based on interception and direction finding of the radio communication signals in HF and V/UHF band, that can be easily integrated with Combat Management System.

ASW variant Italian FREMM on high speed. Photo: Fabio Trisorio

CAPTAS VDS. Photo: Thales​

The ships are equipped with a Thales UMS 4110 CL low frequency active and passive Bow Mounted Sonar. The hull mounted sonar covers a very large area providing ASW all-round surveillance as it can detect any kind of threat or object from a long range in any environmental condition. It has an excellent target positioning allowing to prosecute and engage distant submarines with organic weapons or airborne assets. The ASW variant carries a towed sonar array, the low frequency active and passive Variable Depth Sonar (VDS) CAPTAS 4 / UMS 4249. The sonar according to Thales is capable of very large detection (even very quiet submarines in deep and littoral waters) in every environmental condition and it is very accurate and reliable in target positioning allowing to prosecute and engage distant submarines with organic weapons or airborne assets, The sonar is deployed and recovered automatically (manned by a single operator!). The frigates include also a WASS 2000/I, Mines Avoidance Sonar (MAS) and a L-3 ELAC Nautik SeaBeam 3050 multi-beam panoramic echo sounder (only on ASW version).
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FFG Carlo Margottini (F592) and its CAPTAS 4 towed sonar array in action​

Digital Under Water Communication System.
Photo: Thales​

The electronic equipment completes one GEM SPN-753G (V) 10 ARPA navigation radars (auto-tracking up to 50 targets), one GEM SPN-753G (V) 10 for helicopter approach control, a Selex SPN-730 Low Probabily Intercept (LPI) Navigation Radar and Precision Approach Radar (PAR), one Selex ES IFF SIR M5-PA and a Selex Full Integrated Communication System (Satcom UHF/SHF/Ku, Immarsat, GMDSS, LOS LF/MF/HF and V/UHF, Link11, Link16, Link22). Moreover, a Thales TUUM-6 Digital Under Water Communication System that offers Long range Low Probably Intercept (LPI) data transmission, high data rate transmission and communication with divers and two SOF ESUD Quick Pointing Devices (QPD). The combat system is the Selex ES Athena with 21, three displays, MFC (Multi Functional Consolle): 17 into COC, 2 in backup COC, 1 on bridge and 1 into Command Planning Room.

NEW addition!

The Improved Bergamini class FREMM as she was showcased during DIMDEX 2016. High resolution image here.​

Naval Analyses in cooperation with Navy Recognition brings you the details of a new "Improved FREMM" that was showcased by Fincantieri during #DIMDEX16! The original photo was taken by Navy Recognition can be found here. The new variant is equipped with OTO Melara Single Fast forty guns (together with their fire control radars) instead of the SLAT anti-torpedo systems and in addition to that with two more 8-cell modules for more anti-aircraft missiles as well as for cruise missiles. An additional radar can be noticed also on the secondary mast (main mast in this case).

Bergamini class frigates (both ASW and GP variants). Photo: Marina Militare Italiana

- The two frigates that the Egyptian Navy will acquire and that were designated for the Italian navy and represent numbers 9 and 10 in the fleet of the Italian Fremm frigates (Italy's navy currently has 8 frigates) are distinguished by having an improved system for launching misleading decoys for anti-ship missiles, where the launcher has 20 decoys instead of 15, and it is not only used against missiles, but also against torpedoes launched from submarines, to provide integrated protection against all threats from air, surface and depths.

- These two frigates also have a new Damage Control System, and a new technology radar the SPS-732 model instead of the previous RAN30X / I RASS radar, that reduces exposure opportunities, which is effective in air and marine monitoring tasks, especially small-sized targets, which gives it the ability to monitor The missiles that fly on a near-surface track of the sea. And finally a new array of IFF sensors, more powerful than its predecessor.

- Although the general-purpose version is not specialized in submarine control, as it does not have a Towed Variable Depth Sonar VDS, it has a low-frequency front sonar under the front of the ship, a Thales UMS 4110 CL that provides long-range monitoring capability for the surrounding field, As well as dealing with submarines, and guide the 324 mm MU90 fired torpedoes on two sides of the frigate. There is also a dedicated sonar for monitoring marine mines.

* The Bergamini Fremm is the best and most capable of providing major air defense and protection missions to the two Mistral LHDs, in conjunction with the Meko frigates and Gowind corvettes.

* The Fremm Bergamini is a command, control, early warning and marine control center capable of directing all operations and linking with various air, sea and land platforms.

* The Bergamini Fremm provides enhanced power in combat missions against surface ships.

* The Bergamini Fremm with enhanced air defense capabilities with the ASW French Aquitaine (the frigate Tahya Misr) and the Gowind corvettes with enhanced anti-submarine capabilities and Meko frigates, all of which represent a striking surface force that is not available but to NATO navies, and if we add to them the air force, especially the Rafale and Falcon (and in the future) Typhoon .. We are talking about an unparalleled attack and deterrence in the Eastern Mediterranean that is also only available to NATO armies.
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Great stuff, SC. Thanks for taking the time and posting all this very cool and very informative posts. It doesn't take a genius who's been following things to see that what the Italians are offering in their FREMMs are much more complete systems. While the French took out some pretty critical EW systems and it's understandable that they needed to do that, but the fact that they didn't offer/replace the items like the Italians have which they didn't even remove any of the EW & jamming systems as well as the SATCOM systems but in fact, also included a satellite so that the SATCOM system has its own space module to work with. That says a lot and is really great. It almost makes the French FREMM a lone actor now. Hopefully -- and I'm sure they will -- hook it up with all the same parts as these Italian frigates so it can essentially become an Italian FREMM!
Great stuff, SC. Thanks for taking the time and posting all this very cool and very informative posts. It doesn't take a genius who's been following things to see that what the Italians are offering in their FREMMs are much more complete systems. While the French took out some pretty critical EW systems and it's understandable that they needed to do that, but the fact that they didn't offer/replace the items like the Italians have which they didn't even remove any of the EW & jamming systems as well as the SATCOM systems but in fact, also included a satellite so that the SATCOM system has its own space module to work with. That says a lot and is really great. It almost makes the French FREMM a lone actor now. Hopefully -- and I'm sure they will -- hook it up with all the same parts as these Italian frigates so it can essentially become an Italian FREMM!
Yes brother..
But you know that the "TahyaMisr" Fremm Aquitaine deal was done in a heist.. the French had only few month to deliver it and train the Egyptian crew for the Suez second line inauguration.. so I guess they did not have the luxury of time to think.. just took off what they thought to be too sensitive at that time.. because they had to respect the very tight delivery time set by Egypt.. Thus it is for sure that the TahyaMisr Fremm Frigate will be upgraded one day or another..soon..
Yes brother..
But you know that the "TahyaMisr" Fremm Aquitaine deal was done in a heist.. the French had only few month to deliver it and train the Egyptian crew for the Suez second line inauguration.. so I guess they did not have the luxury of time to think.. just took off what they thought to be too sensitive at that time.. because they had to respect the very tight delivery time set by Egypt.. Thus it is for sure that the TahyaMisr Fremm Frigate will be upgraded one day or another..soon..
This post is comedy gold....the French were in a hurry to deliver the ship, so they took their time to strip it of sensitive equipment :jester:
This post is comedy gold....the French were in a hurry to deliver the ship, so they took their time to strip it of sensitive equipment :jester:
Nope they had no time to think about it.. just took out what they thought were too sensitive equipment.. Like NATO IFF, Nettuno ECM radar and NATO communication gear.. could you oppose that.. or just trying to be smart where you can't..
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Will all the Frigates Egypt will buy FREMM class ???
Will all the Frigates Egypt will buy FREMM class ???

Yes. All these Italian ships will certainly be FREMM class since they are FREMMs to begin with. We still need to know what the exact fate of the 6 German Meko-200 frigates to Egypt which were approved in April of last year, but then there were some issues. If that deal goes through, the EN will be stacked up pretty nicely in about 5 years from now.

What do you think of this here, Zarvan? Also @Abdelrahman I think you were talking about land-attack capabilities. These two ships and the possible 4 other eventual ones would have this space located behind the Aster 15 & 30 VLS for some type of land attack missile launch system. What are some of the options available to fill them up with viable, weapons? Any ideas? @The SC & @Amun feel free to pitch in any thoughts on that.

Behind the front gun and forward of the bridge, it is installed a DCNS Sylver A50 VLS with 16 cells (two VLS modules) for MBDA Aster 15 anti-aircraft missiles for local and area defence (medium range) and Aster 30 missiles that provide long range interception capability for area defence (see the video for Sylver VLS). Similarly with the French FREMM frigates, the space located backwards of the current silos allows for 16 more missiles, and specifically two A70 silos for land-attack/cruise missiles in the future. But as of today the Italian Navy is using that space for the crew accommodation. Both Aster 15 and 30 missiles featuring the same terminal dart.

I believe they'll stay empty for a while, but this might be something the EN should really think about using and developing now, even before the ships arrive since they have the Tahyia Misr to work with. What are some options for missiles first of all?
Yes. All these Italian ships will certainly be FREMM class since they are FREMMs to begin with. We still need to know what the exact fate of the 6 German Meko-200 frigates to Egypt which were approved in April of last year, but then there were some issues. If that deal goes through, the EN will be stacked up pretty nicely in about 5 years from now.

What do you think of this here, Zarvan? Also @Abdelrahman I think you were talking about land-attack capabilities. These two ships and the possible 4 other eventual ones would have this space located behind the Aster 15 & 30 VLS for some type of land attack missile launch system. What are some of the options available to fill them up with viable, weapons? Any ideas? @The SC & @Amun feel free to pitch in any thoughts on that.

I believe they'll stay empty for a while, but this might be something the EN should really think about using and developing now, even before the ships arrive since they have the Tahyia Misr to work with. What are some options for missiles first of all?
I would still suggest Egypt should buy or ask Italy to add 16 VLS for land attack Cruise Missiles in those Frigates which Egypt is buying. Like the ones France has. What I read some where is the ships Italy got don't have those VLS but they have kept the space for them and they could be added in future. Italy should work on developing long range Cruise missiles. Also the patrol boats Egypt is buying from Italy should have ability to carry Missiles which are able to hit other ships as well as target on land
Yes. All these Italian ships will certainly be FREMM class since they are FREMMs to begin with. We still need to know what the exact fate of the 6 German Meko-200 frigates to Egypt which were approved in April of last year, but then there were some issues. If that deal goes through, the EN will be stacked up pretty nicely in about 5 years from now.

What do you think of this here, Zarvan? Also @Abdelrahman I think you were talking about land-attack capabilities. These two ships and the possible 4 other eventual ones would have this space located behind the Aster 15 & 30 VLS for some type of land attack missile launch system. What are some of the options available to fill them up with viable, weapons? Any ideas? @The SC & @Amun feel free to pitch in any thoughts on that.

I believe they'll stay empty for a while, but this might be something the EN should really think about using and developing now, even before the ships arrive since they have the Tahyia Misr to work with. What are some options for missiles first of all?
Yes 6 Italian Fremm..

What issues with Meko A-200!?

"According to TKMS, The MEKO A-200 is a fighting vessel capable of full 4-dimensional warfare (AAW, ASW and ASuW, BCW). The frigate is designed for sustained operations across the full spectrum of general missions and tasks: patrol and interdiction, support of special force operations, SAR, and humanitarian operations."

Well..that will be any cruise missile that fit or could be somehow fired by the Silver A70..and are MTCR compliant..unless we make our own cruise missiles..
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What the Italian FREMM heavy frigates will add to the Egyptian Navy:

Heavy frigates from the FREMM category Bergamini will add tremendous capabilities to the Egyptian naval forces that did not exist previously, as they will provide capabilities including early warning on the high seas thanks to the long range AESA radar (the first sea long range AESA radar owned by Egypt) and also the ability to provide an air umbrella in the high seas, which will grant the fleet to cut its independence and move without the need for an air force umbrella or the umbrella of the air defense systems, thanks to the provision of of the Ester 30 surface-to- air missiles with a range of +120 km, which can deal with all air targets from planes, fighters, helicopters, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles launched from a range of 1000: 1500 km..

As in the case now with warships, the Egyptian submarines will witness a huge qualitative shift, in order to achieve complete integration and balance between surface and depth capabilities, within the scheme of transforming the Egyptian navy into a first strike force in the eastern Mediterranean.

The essential difference is that The submarine weapon is always classified due to being strategic in the first place, and therefore contract news about it are not the same as the surface ship news. Therefore, it will not be strange to hear and read surprising news on completing contracts on some submarine models at some point..
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