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May 17, 2015
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Let us work together to create an even brighter future for China and Pakistan


President of China

Official Message

Friendship between China and Pakistan is based on trust and mutual support, and we have been devoted friends through both good and hard times. Our friendship is a pacesetter for amicable relations between countries.

President Hussain, Prime Minister Sharif and I have agreed to elevate China-Pakistan relations to an all-weather strategic cooperative partnership. This description of China-Pakistan partnership is a most appropriate one, as it aptly defines the all-weather friendship and all-round cooperation between China and Pakistan.

First, we should strengthen mutual assistance and deepen strategic cooperation. We should keep the good tradition of frequent high-level visits and meetings, work together on major strategic issues, and support each other on issues involving our respective core interests and major concerns.

Second, we should advance our shared interests and achieve common development. We should use China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to drive our practical cooperation with focus on Gwadar Port, energy, infrastructure development and industrial cooperation so that the fruits of its development will reach both all the people in Pakistan and the people of other countries in our region.

Third, we should enhance close exchanges to build lasting friendship. This year is the Year of China-Pakistan Friendly Exchanges. We should conduct diverse and colorful events of celebration and encourage more contacts and exchanges between young Chinese and Pakistanis. In the next five years, China will provide 2,000 training opportunities for Pakistan and train 1,000 Chinese language teachers for Pakistan.

Fourth, we should stick together in face of difficulty and jointly meet security challenges. China will work with Pakistan to tackle non-traditional security threats so as to provide a reliable security guarantee for bilateral economic cooperation and common development. The Chinese nation loves peace. China will continue to pursue win-win cooperation and enhance friendship and cooperation with other countries. It will stay committed to the policy of affinity, sincerity, mutual-benefit and inclusiveness. It will deepen win-win cooperation with its neighbors so as to deliver more benefits to them through its own development. China will continue to pursue a win-win strategy for opening-up to build an open economy. This will create new development opportunities and space to both Asia and the world. We will strengthen cooperation with countries along the land and maritime Silk Roads, so as to jointly build an open platform for cooperation and create new impetus to achieve sustainable development in the related regions.

To build a China-Pakistan community of shared destiny is a strategic decision made by our two governments and peoples. Let us work together to create an even brighter future for China and Pakistan

Source: http://www.radio.gov.pk/06-Dec-2016/official-message-of-president-of-china-on-cpec
Brothers in suffering, brothers in resistance, brothers in ideals and conviction. It is now our duty to further strengthen this bond in order to secure better future for our next generations.:pakistan::china:
Any Attempt by Indian to Sabotage CPEC will meet heavy Repercussions from Pakistan and China too .. I wish both Pakistan and China all the best :pakistan::china:

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