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Off-hand remark by senator causes flap


Feb 12, 2006
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Off-hand remark by senator causes flap

Tuesday, August 15, 2006; Posted: 8:13 a.m. EDT (12:13 GMT)

RICHMOND, Virginia (AP) -- A volunteer of Indian descent working for Democrat Jim Webb's U.S. Senate campaign said Monday he felt insulted when Sen. George Allen called him a name that sounded like "Macaca" during a rally in western Virginia.

S.R. Sidarth, 20, spent last week following Allen's "listening tour" and filming the appearances for the Webb campaign, which distributed a video clip of Friday's appearance to reporters.

"This fellow over here with the yellow shirt -- Macaca or whatever his name is -- he's with my opponent," Allen said. "He's following us around everywhere."

Macaca is a term associated with a species of monkeys.

"This is not something we knew," said Allen campaign spokesman Dick Wadhams.

The name also could be spelled Makaka, which is a city in South Africa.

Wadhams said, however, that the name was a variation of "Mohawk," the nickname he said Allen campaign staffers gave Sidarth because he had a Mohawk haircut.

Whether the University of Virginia senior's haircut -- closely cropped around the temples and above the ears, but otherwise full -- qualifies as a Mohawk is open to interpretation. Sidarth said he does not consider it a Mohawk.

"It's grasping -- it's reaching," Webb spokeswoman Kristian Denny Todd said of Wadhams' explanation. "This was a term meant to demean Sidarth and his presence there at the event."

Asked what he thought Allen meant by using the word Macaca, Sidarth said: "I took it to mean that was the first thing that came to his mind when he saw a person of color. It does have connotations in Hispanic cultures of being associated with a monkey."

Sidarth, who said he had introduced himself to the senator earlier in the week, said he felt Allen "was singling me out as a person of color when the rest of the audience was Caucasian." Wadhams said Sidarth was not the only nonwhite person at the rally in Breaks, Virginia, which is near the Kentucky border.

The video clip shows Allen telling the crowd: "Let's give a welcome to Macaca here. Welcome to America and the real world of Virginia."

Sidarth was born and raised in Fairfax County.

Wadhams said Allen called attention to Sidarth simply to welcome him to "a place in Virginia Webb has never been to and probably never will be to."

University of Virginia political analyst Larry Sabato said Allen's remarks could damage Allen's efforts to position himself for a possible run for president in 2008.

"This is a comment that will be regurgitated a thousand times," Sabato said. "It was a clumsy, stupid gaffe, and it's this kind of thing that destroys presidential candidacies."

The words could be especially damaging when considered in the context of Allen's history of displaying the Confederate flag, Sabato said. Allen used to keep the flag in his living room, and he wore a Confederate lapel pin for his high school yearbook photo.

"People may read into this more than is actually there, but whose fault is that?" Sabato said.

Wadhams, meanwhile, questioned why Webb still has not apologized for what he said was an anti-Semitic flyer during the Democrat's primary campaign. The flyer featured a hook-nosed caricature of Webb's Jewish opponent with money overflowing his pockets.

"If they are so sensitive about stuff, how come they used something as despicable as an anti-Semitic flyer?" Wadhams said.

Denny Todd said Wadhams was rehashing a two-month-old story to try to divert attention from Allen's remarks.

"This fellow over here with the yellow shirt -- Macaca or whatever his name is -- he's with my opponent," Allen said. "He's following us around everywhere."
Here is the pic of the guy in his yellow shirt


anyway, the comment was kind of racist in nature. I think he should apologize if he wants to win election.
KashifAsrar said:
:bunny: ..
The campaign would definitely bring BANANA for the Senator ... :smile:

hope he eats his Banana, he asked for it. :devil:

Is the Indian guy suing him? I mean why not? its easy money + he has proof.
A.Rahman said:
hope he eats his Banana, he asked for it. :devil:

Is the Indian guy suing him? I mean why not? its easy money + he has proof.
You are right. Might sue him and get some cool prize.... ;)
Seems like an honest mistake, i dont think the senator knew what his name was and the boy did have a mohawk and was dark skinned....so it is possible he mistook him for a native american.
Ok, so you are a maccaca?

I actually don't know your name.

Mohawks are also known as maccacas?
The good Senator is innocent. What else would you call a short dark skinned aboriginal appearing guy with a mohawk . He was told by his staff to call him a Macaca as it was the prefered term used by the British to identify the native indian non-martial race people in the British Empire in Mogul hindustan.

So..it wasnt meant as an insult you see.indians have been called far worse names because of their appearance , so i think its wrong to say that the senator is racist.
The good Senator is innocent. What else would you call a short dark skinned aboriginal appearing guy with a mohawk . He was told by his staff to call him a Macaca as it was the prefered term used by the British to identify the native indian non-martial race people in the British Empire in Mogul hindustan.

So..it wasnt meant as an insult you see.indians have been called far worse names because of their appearance , so i think its wrong to say that the senator is racist.

Good for you.

All this show what an illiterate you are and what an interesting story teller you are.

You read minds?

Do you have some problems?

Any links?

Are you aware what Pakistanis are called beyond your borders? Something that is connected with your madrassas?

I am not being explict, but chum, the Moderators should muzzle you soon or else you will ruin this forum.

Which galli do you reside in?
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