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Indians need to be respected by the international community.

When the International community never raised the issue of respecting India, why are you concenred

Right now, Indians are looked down upon as an inferior people because of India's defecation problem, IQ issues, corruption, rape, etc.

So how come International community still maintains relationship with India despite that.

I don't know why Indians hated British rule so much. If one group of people that greatly benefitted from British rule, it is India. They gave you a country, they semi-civilized you, they fed you, they nurtured you, they gave you everything you have today.

Just look at how China hosted a global event like the Olympics successfully and compare it to the horrible job India did in hosting a mediocre Commonwealth games.

Well, call it human nature, to prefer one's own Govt over an alien power.

Indians want to be like us but you will need to work a lot harder to in order for that to happen.
Why would Indians want to be like you?
China's whole economy is based on manufacturing and India ' s whole economy is based on domestic consumption, and China is known as a sleeping giant for innovation while India is known as the software capital of the world and has a stock market that has shown to be the most steady stock market compared to any other country since the 2009 recession, and property value in India is skyrocketing, China is living in a bubble just like Japan did in the 1990s, and America is fueling it, and the Chinese government has to hack U.S military security files just to have the same military technology as America, while the Indian army has just released the INS Vikram, which means it beat China in becoming the 5th country on the planet to domestically build its own warship.

So much ignorance I don't no where to start. I guess that's part and parcel of debating with low IQ species.

India's problems are because India has no manufacturing to export and close the current account deficits. It's service oriented debt-based Ponzi scheme is falling apart as we can see in the Rupee. The mention of Fed tapering is enough to collapse the Rupee. Shows what a flawed currency it is.

India software capital? What software has India invented?
Sorry but call centres done count.

Indian stock market is going up because your currency is collapsing :lol:

India has to run massive deficits in order to function, who's in a bubble? India has a bubble of delusion.

Sorry but India has yet to build anything by itself. Every weapon in the Indian military is imported or built with foreign components assembled together. Anyone can do that.
The problem with Indians is they boast too much but deliver very little.

Indian mind is structured this way. I'm not sure if the IQ of Indians has anything to do with this but it's pretty disturbing.

If India is to become respected, then it must solve all the problems I've listed.

Can it? Yes.

Will it? Not likely.

Why? Indian culture and religion.

The caste system and cow worshipping are still ingrained in the mind of the Hindu people. Winston Churchill referred to Indians as beastly people following a beastly religion for a reason. He understood Indians and knew all along that Indians are not ready for self-rule.

If the British still ran India, I guarantee you that many of the social problems in India would have been solved by now. No one contributed more to civilizing the Indian people than the British.

Whether you like to admit it or not, Indians being able to self-rule was a disaster for the progress of India.

Some people are just better off being ruled by foreigners, Indians and Africans come to mind as examples.
India used to have the largest economy during the Mauryan Empire, Indians are the richest ethnic groups in every country or at least the second richest, for example America, Britain, Canada, and Australia, Indian kids own the Ivy Leagues, India has more Nobel Prizes than China in Physics and Chemistry, despite having outdated equipment, here is proof

Indians and Jews own the diamond exchange In Antwerp, they're more billionaires on the Forbes list that are Indian than Chinese, and guess what, that so called caste system is the reason for all this, 10,000 years of certain people breeding within their own clan has caused IQ variation levels throughout India, the average Indian is lower China's but Indians easily take over on the extreme ends, a low iq group wouldn't have nuclear weapons and a world renowned space program, the Chinese are just assembly line workers that can't think for themselves, even in the past, inventions went from India to China, not the other way around, like cataract surgery for example, India will definitely be back by 2052.
When the International community never raised the issue of respecting India, why are you concenred

So how come International community still maintains relationship with India despite that.

Well, call it human nature, to prefer one's own Govt over an alien power.

Why would Indians want to be like you?

Why does Indians like to compare themselves to us? :lol:

You tell me mate.
Indians need to be respected by the international community.

Right now, Indians are looked down upon as an inferior people because of India's defecation problem, IQ issues, corruption, rape, etc.

I don't know why Indians hated British rule so much. If one group of people that greatly benefitted from British rule, it is India. They gave you a country, they semi-civilized you, they fed you, they nurtured you, they gave you everything you have today.

Just look at how China hosted a global event like the Olympics successfully and compare it to the horrible job India did in hosting a mediocre Commonwealth games.

Indians want to be like us but you will need to work a lot harder to in order for that to happen.

That is a bit harsh!

True, without the British India is unlikely to have become the united state that it is today.

Indian GDP/capita growth was around 0% in the 200 years of British rule.

Since independence in 1947, GDP capita growth has risen to nearly 6% a year during the last decade. Currently it is around 3% but this should increase to over 5% during the next few years.

It is not really fair for a unitary state like China to compare it's better economic performance to a multi-ethnic one like India. The process of governing India is so much more difficult and cumbersome.

Even at the new expected 6-7% a year GDP/growth over the next 2/3 decades will mean that India becomes a "middle-income" country by 2040. That would not a bad achievement after less than 100 years of independence for a country with around 1.5 billion population.

What remains to be seen is whether India is able to then make the transition from "middle-income" to "high income" like China is almost certain to do.
So much ignorance I don't no where to start. I guess that's part and parcel of debating with low IQ species.

India's problems are because India has no manufacturing to export and close the current account deficits. It's service oriented debt-based Ponzi scheme is falling apart as we can see in the Rupee. The mention of Fed tapering is enough to collapse the Rupee. Shows what a flawed currency it is.

India software capital? What software has India invented?
Sorry but call centres done count.

Indian stock market is going up because your currency is collapsing :lol:

India has to run massive deficits in order to function, who's in a bubble? India has a bubble of delusion.

Sorry but India has yet to build anything by itself. Every weapon in the Indian military is imported or built with foreign components assembled together. Anyone can do that.
The Indian rupee wasn't collapsing post 2009 recession, it's doing that now because of quantitative easing done by the federal government and sending inflation rates all around the world, and India has more Nobel prizes in Physics and Chemistry than China, here is proof you little factory worker, despite having outdated technology in the past,
Just as I thought, no solutions to solve India's problems but want to deny it and cover it up. Typical Indian. This is why India can never beat China except in day dreaming.

Indians by nature are dirty people. Just look at the way your people defecate all over the streets of India. You eat with your hands.

Indians are similar to Africans in that both still need a century to evolve in modernity.

Laughing at war crimes just proves my point. Winston Churchill was so correct, beastly they are indeed.
You dumb tard, have you seen what the streets of New York used to look like before post World War 2 development, people were crapping on the streets too, until the Federal Reserve and America started the petrodollar system that helped America bring in so much excess revenue and using false credit in the 1950s and 1960s to fund sanitation projects and road development, plus go look up what a Hoverwille was.
You dumb tard, have you seen what the streets of New York used to look like before post World War 2 development, people were crapping on the streets too, until the Federal Reserve and America started the petrodollar system that helped America bring in so much excess revenue and using false credit in the 1950s and 1960s to fund sanitation projects and road development, plus go look up what a Hoverwille was.

Indians need more sanitation, education, another spanking by China, and a much needed IQ boost
There was no such thing as 'India' before the British came and colonised you and glued it together.

How can 'India' be the largest economy if there wasn't even a thing called 'India'? :lol:

If Indians are so sophisticated, why do Indians behave like animals doing rape, defecation, boasting, have caste systems, low IQ and every bad thing?

Nobel Prizes are political tools.

The Indian economy is shrinking right now because it's in a massive debt-based consumption bubble. It's being propped up artificially by QE but when it ends, the Indian growth miracle will come to and end.

Indian economy is a massive debt and deficit fueled ponzi scheme.

India has MASSIVE debt, deficits, high inflation, collapsing currency.

Get back to the call centre and answer the phone bum boy.
Why do Chinese people throw their female babies into rivers and eat dogs, cats, crickets, and everything else those disgusting tards call a delicacy and statistically America and England have more r@pes than India, your living in a communist regime with no freedom and any saying is challenged by secret government agents interrogating you and sending you into a labor camp, go to YouTube and type in the Laogai.
Chinese net brigade needs something new to write about... these toilet... poverty.. rape stories are getting boring. :sleep:
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