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Obama's dirty laundry


Jan 22, 2009
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Barack Obama being first week in the White House, some of his senior staff members have been served with subpoenas by Patrick Fitzgerald. On the top is no other than Obama’s Jewish political advisor, David Axelrod (b. 1955). But you would not mention of such news in the Zionist-controlled western mass media. Obama’s other advisor on the list is the Senate candidate, Valerie Bowman Jarrett (b. 1956), who was born into an Iranian Jewish family. And let us not forget to mention, Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Israel Emanual (b. 1959), whose father was member of Jewish terrorist group Irgun - headed by Memachem Begin, later chosen as prime minister of Zionist entity.

There are 43 people, who have been served with subpoenas as result of the arrest of two-term Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich for trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat.

Jews (2%) are the second largest minority in the US after Muslims (3%), However, Obama’s administration is the most Jewish-dominated since Bill Clinton. Obama, as he was seen licking Jewish Lobby’s feet during his campain - had not the courage to appoint a single Muslim in his administration. But as a con-man, he did try to fool Muslims with his Muslim African background during his interview with Dubai-based Al-Arabiya. While Obama talked about his administration’s role to “resolve” Palestinian problem and having fruitful dialogue with Islamic Iran - his special Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, is on 8-day tour which will include Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, France, Britain, West Bank - but NOT Gaza Strip and Islamic Iran!!

Obama's interview video
We All know these dirty politician tricks so they can win the election or win the heart of their people
Actually, based on the US Census website (I'd post a link but I'm new), in 2007 Muslims only amount for about 0.6% of the US population. The only 'global' religion that amounts to less of a % is Hinduism (0.4%). While Mormons and Jews are about 1.7%

As for George Mitchell's tour, I'm not sure Iran-US relations have improved enough in the 8 days since Obama took office to make either side willing to have serious talks. The Gaza Strip is still controlled by Hamas and while Israel might have taken a big public relations hit in the recent offensives that doesn't mean we'll make a complete 180 on Hamas.
The Gaza Strip is still controlled by Hamas
Ya right! Absolutely right.
Even with the targting of SCHOOLS, HOSPITALS, UNIVERSITIES and CIVILIANS who were 'harbouring' Hamas, still Gaza is controlled by Hamas.
and while Israel might have taken a big public relations hit in the recent offensives
Okay, what a sober approach you have, here!
So you just call it a 'BIG public relations hit', how romantic!
that doesn't mean we'll make a complete 180 on Hamas.
Ya, getting children, women, innocents, oldies, civilian and non-combatants slaughtered will of course never get the US to make even a slight policy change-thinking a 180 degree detour is far fetched!

P.S Guud start at PDF..keep it up!
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Ya, getting children, women, innocents, oldies, civilian and non-combatants slaughtered will of course never get the US to make even a slight policy change-thinking a 180 degree detour is far fetched!

Considering a policy change is one thing, sending a high ranking official there is something different.
Actually, based on the US Census website (I'd post a link but I'm new), in 2007 Muslims only amount for about 0.6% of the US population. The only 'global' religion that amounts to less of a % is Hinduism (0.4%). While Mormons and Jews are about 1.7%
According to 2003 official statistic - Muslims population is more than SIX MILLION - but according to independent Muslim sources - Muslim population is between 8-11 million. Zionist leaders like Hillary Clinton is on record of mentioning that "Islam is the most spreading religion in the US." Many sources quote the conversion figures to be close to 10,000 per year. I know ADL website doesn't agree with these figures.

As for George Mitchell's tour, I'm not sure Iran-US relations have improved enough in the 8 days since Obama took office to make either side willing to have serious talks. The Gaza Strip is still controlled by Hamas and while Israel might have taken a big public relations hit in the recent offensives that doesn't mean we'll make a complete 180 on Hamas.
Now why the relations between Iran and US cannot improve now when it were never good since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 - when its leaders expelled both Israeli and American diplomates for spying on Iranian interests. They could improve if Tehran roll-back its relation with Zionist enity before 1979 Revolution - which I doubt very much looking at Pakistan's 60 year friendship with the US less recognition of Israel.

Now HAMAS has a peculiar problem - because it's giving Zionists taste of their medicine - which is TERRORISM. Let a Jewish historian explain that in few words - When you read the history of Israel from objective sources, you discover that it is an outlaw state, created by the powers that be by stealing the land from its original inhabitants, and systematically exterminating them ever since. —John Kaminski
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