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Obama wins historic US election

If the heroic fall of Ohio sounds too bloody to the Republicans, the loss of Virginia servers as the last nail to the coffin.

People don't hate McCain, but they don't like Bush.

And Palin, Its good to have a ***** (not meant in a bad way) to guard your house but to run it never.

All can dream of better world after Obama win
Wednesday, 05 Nov, 2008

South Africa's iconic first black leader Nelson Mandela

JOHANNESBURG: South Africa's iconic first black leader Nelson Mandela said on Wednesday that Barack Obama's election as US president showed that anybody could dream to change the world.

“Your victory has demonstrated that no person anywhere in the world should not dare to dream of wanting to change the world for a better place,” Mandela wrote in a letter to Obama, America's first black president-elect.

The 90-year-old Mandela applauded Obama's commitment to support global peace and security and trusted that combatting poverty and disease would become the mission of his presidency.

“We wish you strength and fortitude in the challenging days and years that lie ahead,” said Mandela.

“We are sure you will ultimately achieve your dream (of) making the United States of America a full partner in a community of nations committed to peace and prosperity for all.”Mandela led South Africa's first democratic government from 1994 to 1999 after being imprisoned by apartheid's white minority rule for 27 years.

In July, Obama paid tribute to Mandela's belief that “we do not have to accept the world as it is” in a video message marking the elder statesman's 90th birthday.

“When I visited South Africa a few years ago, I had a chance to go to Robben Island and stand in your cell, and I reflected on your courage, your foresight and conviction, and on your fundamental belief that we do not have to accept the world as it is; that we can remake the world as it should be,” Obama said.
This is one of the things that many admire America.
In the past few years, the opinion of USA has waned all over the world. I think the moment Obama was declared President-elect, opinion of USA soared the world over. In that one moment, everything that was good about America was highlighted, whereas all its evils and shortcomings seemed a shadow of the past. As a person, i don't think i've ever felt so warm towards America. As Obama said, last night was the answer for all those who doubted in US democracy.

Obama's victory is so symbolic in that it made people realize that anyone can be anything if they try hard enough. Now every kid in USA, regardless of race, religion or any other factor, can have the audacity to hope. The racial barriers in USA may not have shattered, but yesterday proved that they are crumbling, and that most americans are willing to destroy that barrier.

I hope Europe follows suit. Obama has huge support in Europe. If the Europeans can support an African-American to be the most powerful man on this planet, then I think they will be able to support minorities to achieve more in European society.

Obama's charisma and promises of change and the fact that the world see him as a cure to the detested Bush administration has garnered him support internationally. Now his actions as president will determine whether that support will strengthen or wane in the coming years.

Wishing all the best for Obama. Hope he lives up to, or exceeds, expectations.
And Palin, Its good to have a ***** (not meant in a bad way) to guard your house but to run it never.


That is sexiest remark AN. Beside Palin has fought corruption and won against the odds. I dare to say that she has done more good for the country then Obama has or she has a better record then Obama.
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