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Obama terror drones: CIA targeting rescuers and funerals

By chance, US interests coincides evil interest.

"Good" and "Evil" are moral concepts that do not apply to national interests of any nation.

1st question:"What national interest did US serve by attacking afghanistan(plz try to avoid the obl THINGY)iraq(plz avoid the wmd THINGY)libya(plz avoid the true democracy THINGY).2 question:"what national interest will US serve if (what US is dieing to do)US attacks iran (for the love of god do avoid the nuclear weapon THINGY).....THX

I would love to answer, but aren't these all off-topic questions?
Who is letting them get away with it?

USA will do whatever serves its national interests, pure and simple. Pakistan needs to do the same, wherever and however possible.

apparently to you and usa killing rescue workers and funerals is "national interest" wow if all of usa thinks like you then no wonder all of the president speeches include more wars
^^^ oh cmon vcheng its not like that u'll be banned for answering a few easy questions? :enjoy: anyhow i can ask u in some other relevant thread :cheers:
"Good" and "Evil" are moral concepts that do not apply to national interests of any nation.

ok then killing civilians is national interest of usa.... so much for the drones dont cause civilian casualties. after all of this how could the people of pakistan even begin to like usa. anti us sentiment has hit its high marker bcz of crap like this.

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

^^^ oh cmon vcheng its not like that u'll be banned for answering a few easy questions? anyhow i can ask u in some other relevant thread

mr vcheng cant answer them bcz it shows the dark side of usa:enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:
apparently to you and usa killing rescue workers and funerals is "national interest" wow if all of usa thinks like you then no wonder all of the president speeches include more wars

USA has a diversity of opinions, just like any other country. My points of views are more logical and impartial than most, I admit.

^^^ oh cmon vcheng its not like that u'll be banned for answering a few easy questions? :enjoy: anyhow i can ask u in some other relevant thread :cheers:

No, I need to be careful to avoid bans and infractions for many reasons, for I know I am judged unfairly harshly by most here. ;)

ok then killing civilians is national interest of usa.... so much for the drones dont cause civilian casualties. after all of this how could the people of pakistan even begin to like usa. anti us sentiment has hit its high marker bcz of crap like this.

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 PM ----------

mr vcheng cant answer them bcz it shows the dark side of usa:enjoy::enjoy::enjoy:

Drone attacks offer the best possible, but far from ideal, solution to a very tricky problem.

I can answer most questions easily, but not many here have the capacity or willingness to understand my answers.

USA, just like any other country, is not perfect, and has good and bad points about it.
IF the illegality of drone strikes is such a given that they arise to the level of war crimes as you allege, then WHY has Pakistan not pursued its case for justice? Either the case is not as you allege, or Pakistan itself is a party in agreement.

Can you please answer that. Thanks.
I already have, on other threads - no case has been filed because of a government willing to sell out Pakistan's interests and not wanting to confront the US beyond a certain extent.

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 AM ----------

Legality??? What did you guys expect after harboring OBL near a military camp...hahah......one word Karma....
No State institution harbored OBL in Abbottabad - your own government has stated on the record that have absolutely no evidence that any State institution or individual from those institutions was involved in sheltering OBL or aware of his location.

So unless you have anything credible to substantiate your absurd and inflammatory claims, I suggest you shut-up.
If the truth ever comes out, we will find out how Pakistan outsmarted the reigning superpower at its own great game in Afghanistan. The burgeoning super tantrum by the superpower is going to get a lot worse, I'm afraid. BLA, TTP, drone strikes -- all retaliatory options are on the table now.
Notice how the spike in terrorist violence by the BLA/BRA is now leading to an increased amount of rhetoric about 'Independent Balochistan' in the US by US officials, legislators and analysts.

Given the fact that the US sheltered a terrorist leader, Bugti, and his henchmen in Kabul and then helped him flee to Switzerland for 'asylum', this is certainly not a coincidence.
Yet again this shows how low the USA will stoop. The loss of innocent life due to their actions is clear for all to absorb. Panetta has behave in a barbaric manner and should be trialled in a court of law for crimes against humanity. There is nothing that can be justified for their actions.
I already have, on other threads - no case has been filed because of a government willing to sell out Pakistan's interests and not wanting to confront the US beyond a certain extent........................

So what you are saying in effect is that Pakistan itself is a party in agreement with the drone strikes.
So what you are saying in effect is that Pakistan itself is a party in agreement with the drone strikes.

But in that case, how are these strikes different than Pakistani Army's operation in the SWAT and NWFP.. Those also had collateral damage associated to them..
1st question:"What national interest did US serve by attacking afghanistan(plz try to avoid the obl THINGY)iraq(plz avoid the wmd THINGY)libya(plz avoid the true democracy THINGY).2 question:"what national interest will US serve if (what US is dieing to do)US attacks iran (for the love of god do avoid the nuclear weapon THINGY).....THX


You are right---there were no national interests invovled in iraq or in afg---it was a matter of ego---they came and killed 3000 of our people---we need to go there and kill a million of theirs. He sent an assasin to try to kill my father---I am in return going to kill a million and a half muslims----.

A lot of it had to do with the born again christians----the evangalical christians --- in the millitary it came down to a war between the muslims and the the 'christians'----. All these killing are done in the name of the evangalical christian god---they do the killings and then they go see their priests to clear their conscience of killing the human beings and the evangalical priest absolves them of their sins and tells them that it the god's work that they are doing.

Don't you people get it by now---why the u s army keeps on killing even after 10 years of murder----. Any sane human being will tire after so much murder----and a continuous war----it is the christian church that is making them hold their belifef and telling them to hold fast to their jobs and keep on killing the heathens because they are doing the ' god's work '.

After 9/11 america coined the terminology BAD GUYS---and then it was okay to kill the bad guys---because bad guys are bad people and everywhere you see----like in the movie or the video games, the bad people are being killed---the wars are being fought on the badlands in the video games---guess what---whe illusion becomes reality---the conscience is least bothered about the results---because the mind is already tuned into killing the bad guys.

Some of you people are so clueless as as to why this war is continuing----it's a god's war people---it is a god's war---the born again evangalical 'christian' god.
So what you are saying in effect is that Pakistan itself is a party in agreement with the drone strikes.
The GoP has been pretty clear that it is not a party in agreement, by choice (whether there is covert agreement between the two is a matter for history to decide, and speculation at this point).

Given a US refusal to accept GoP demands to halt drone strikes, its power of veto in the UN, and the fact that it is not a signatory to the ICJ, the GoP may have played a role in the GoP not escalating the situation - but that does not indicate 'agreement'.

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ----------

But in that case, how are these strikes different than Pakistani Army's operation in the SWAT and NWFP.. Those also had collateral damage associated to them..
The drone strikes are carried out by a foreign entity inside Pakistani territory with no Pakistani authorization, oversight over the targets, actual attacks, damage etc. and therefore are unacceptable and illegal, and incomparable with the Pakistani military operations.
The GoP has been pretty clear that it is not a party in agreement, by choice (whether there is covert agreement between the two is a matter for history to decide, and speculation at this point)...............

Wasn't the PNSC review supposed to formalize any possible secret agreements so that speculation is not needed? I hope that is still done.
Yet again this shows how low the USA will stoop. The loss of innocent life due to their actions is clear for all to absorb. Panetta has behave in a barbaric manner and should be trialled in a court of law for crimes against humanity. There is nothing that can be justified for their actions.

Hi superkaif,

From what i have heard is that Panetta being of Italian blood, their first priority is always revenge. Pasha showed met him eye-to-eye in DC and elsewhere, drawing up the red lines that US cannot and must not cross in dealing with Afghan-Pakistan. This was some time before the May 2nd raid......and many people in the circles around me say that this is all nothing but Panetta taking his revenge....i don't know how accurate that theory is though.
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