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Obama is an anti-Semite

Why is he anti semite becasue his gov demanded justice from Israelis to follow peace road map ? silly talk ...

Every one shoudl work to get peace
i personally feel palestine belongs oly to palestine

israel came their illegally and stole away their land

jews could have lived in palestine like an community and probably palestine people would have accepted them aswell in tat manner
i personally feel palestine belongs oly to palestine

israel came their illegally and stole away their land

jews could have lived in palestine like an community and probably palestine people would have accepted them aswell in tat manner

Wow, big words - illegal, stole. The important question is when and how the nations of Israel and Palestine came into being. :hitwall:
correction how the state of israel was created..Palestine was there for hundreds of years called with different names with majority population of Muslims..after world war II with british help jews got part of this land and over the period of years like termites kept eating chunks of land from Palestine. jews too were living in that land but in minority as part of Palestine..after WWII mass migrations from germany/uk of jews took place..google for detailed maps of what Palestine was and what its like now.
correction how the state of israel was created..Palestine was there for hundreds of years called with different names with majority population of Muslims..after world war II with british help jews got part of this land and over the period of years like termites kept eating chunks of land from Palestine. jews too were living in that land but in minority as part of Palestine..after WWII mass migrations from germany/uk of jews took place..google for detailed maps of what Palestine was and what its like now.

You are right. Others are right too just that they are looking through a broader timescale.
ya broader timescale of 4000 years.By that Logic Australia,North and South America also belongs to Natives.
Petraeus is out of line, too, I guess:

ADL: Petraeus wrong to link anti-U.S. attitude to Mideast peace

By Natasha Mozgovaya, Haaretz Correspondent, 23:22 18/03/2010

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) criticized as "dangerous and counterproductive" the Senate testimony of General David Petraeus in which he blamed "insufficient progress" in resolving the ongoing Israeli-Arab conflict as a significant impediment to achieving U.S. goals in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Iran, and for encouraging "anti-American sentiment."

Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement in response to the general's March 16 testimony before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee:

"The assumptions Gen. Petraeus presented to the Senate Armed Services Committee wrongly attribute 'insufficient progress' in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and 'a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel' as significantly impeding the U.S. military mission in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and in dealing with the Iranian influences in the region. It is that much more of a concern to hear this coming from such a great American patriot and hero."

The ADL chief added that the "General's assertions lead to the illusory conclusion that if only there was a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the U.S. could successfully complete its mission in the region."

"Gen. Petraeus has simply erred in linking the challenges faced by the U.S. and coalition forces in the region to a solution of the Israeli-Arab conflict, and blaming extremist activities on the absence of peace and the perceived U.S. favoritism for Israel," Foxman wrote, adding that "this linkage is dangerous and counterproductive."

"Whenever the Israeli-Arab conflict is made a focal point, Israel comes to be seen as the problem. If only Israel would stop settlements, if only Israel would talk with Hamas, if only Israel would make concessions on refugees, if only it would share Jerusalem, everything in the region would then fall into line.

ADL: Petraeus wrong to link anti-U.S. attitude to Mideast peace - Haaretz - Israel News

By Jason H. Carls and Mark S. Weinberger
Raoul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club Board Members

As two board members of the Raoul Wallenberg Jewish Democratic Club in San Francisco, we have no doubt that the American-Israeli relationship will remain strong and continue to be forged in friendship. This despite the Obama administration’s recent condemnation of Israel for announcing that it would proceed with construction in the eastern section of Jerusalem.

Israel could have chosen to delay this announcement as it surely knew it would not resonate well with Washington. However, the Obama administration now has gone beyond the pale in in vilifying Israel’s action. President Obama should have accepted Israel’s apology for poor timing, stopped pressing her to take actions to reverse the announcement, and instead just reinforced the message that the two countries will remain bound in friendship and security.

The administration should not be allowed to gain political cover for erroneously attempting to put something on the negotiating table that was never an option. Israel has always considered Jerusalem its eternal and undivided capital after reclaiming and annexing the eastern portion following the 1967 war that was waged against it by the Arabs. This has been the position of all previous governments, no matter their political compositions. Also, this validation can be referenced historically, legally, biblically and one might argue, morally. Israel has continually developed the city as one for all who inhabit it, be they Jew, Muslim, or Christian. President Obama has allowed his administration to spread misinformation about the possibility that continued building in Jerusalem could prevent talks from being successful when in reality any threats to the peace process seem to be nothing more than protester responses to the Obama administration’s condemnation.

Before this incident, development had routinely and peacefully gone on in Jerusalem. Perhaps the problem is that President Obama has never visited Israel as president; perhaps it is that President Obama has never publically addressed this issue since the March 10 incident; this might be because the president has chosen to repeatedly condemn the actions of Israel in the same stroke that he does North Korea and Iran.

If President Obama truly wants to be a mediator in the Middle East then he needs to respond to actions, mistakes and embarrassments committed by both parties in proportional response. Having his administration issue temper-tantrum-type responses by threatening to end negotiations if Israel does not immediately stop building homes in its capital only makes the administration appear one-sided.

If President Obama cannot be neutral then he has no business being involved in the mediation process. We hope, as I am sure most Americans and members of both parties in Congress do, that the president will remain committed to being an honest broker in this centuries-old conflict.

Israel and South Africa were at the forefront of world attention after the collapse of the Berlin wall. The cold war was dead and the world demanded that these issues of apartheid in South Africa and the occupation of Palestine by Israel be resolved. Much energy was spent in coercing Israel and the apartheid government in SA to resolve the issues. As a result, Nelson Mandela was freed and the African National Congress in SA was unbanned. Likewise in the middle east, the PLO was unbanned and Yasser Arafat returned to Palestine.

South Africa had its teething problems. Chris Hani, a leading member of the ANC was assassinated by a white extremist in SA. Many believed that the ANC would return to exile and would continue their violent struggle against the white government. The ANC instead stuck it out and through threats of peaceful protests and worker stayaways, managed to get the white government to agree to a universal one man one vote election system.

In Palestine the situation differed. Whilst Arafat was agreeable to negotiations to remove the Jewish settlers in Palestine and to start the reconstruction of Palestine, extremists in FATAH and the refusal of HAMAS to cease its violent policies, gave Israel the opportunity to declare to the world that it was peace loving but that the occupation of Palestine was necessary to protect Israel and Israelis.

In a nutshell, Palestine like South Africa was given a golden opportunity to free itself but that opportunity required restraint , diplomacy and the will to abstain from violence . South Africa seized the moment. Palestine regretably failed to do so.
I'm sorry for what happened to jews back during WWII but it wasn't the palestinian muslims who killed jews, Hitler did it! i condem such acts of violance and which goes against the human rights and moral principles.

But world must go on, for how many years we have to cry and celebrate 2 diffrent days for jews massacre (nothing against jews) when millions of muslims have been killed brutally in last 60 years, just go and count the figures Bosnia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Palestine and many more......how many holocaust Muslims have faced in these past decades? why the world don't condemn these attrocities towards the Muslims? why didn't they celebrate atleast one single day which remember all those innocent Muslims victims?......But yes they celebrate the victims of 9/11 and call Muslims terrorists...this is what the west, israel and anti-Muslim forces are doing.....enough is enough (please avoid coming up with the same comments abt i'm anti jew etc. bcz i've nothing against jews but i'm only against the israeli gov. zionist policies)
it's a biggest hypocracy towards the Muslims ignoring the real facts...this is the truth...:frown:
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