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Obama is an anti-Semite

You listen to the uncompromising views expressed by radical Jews such as The Yahoo's brother, views shared by a significant number of Israelis, and one wonders how peace can be arrived at in the presence of such extremism.

And to top it all off, extremist views such as these are in essence legitimized in the US when analysts and commentators explain the Israeli inability to compromise and continue escalation by referring to 'domestic political pressure in Israel'.

What nonsense - 'domestic political pressure' was not an excuse for tolerating apartheid nor would it be an excuse for any other nation engaging in illegal and inhuman behavior, so why should Israel get a pass on this?

If Israelis are indeed supportive of continued escalation against the Palestinians and increased land grabs, then Israelis, common Israeli citizens, and the Israeli government should be made to realize the costs of their actions through incremental international sanctions.
GehooN key saath ghun bhi pista hey; what is the justification of discriminating every Muslim man and woman while only handful are involved in the so-called terrorist activities and that too in retaliation? When reaction erupts against a group of people, good and bad all are treated largely similarly (please review the French and Bolshevik revolutions, East Pakistan fiasko etc). When Tatars destroyed Baghdad, they had not separated the pious Muslims from the rest, or did they?
Why should past policies and events that were criminal justify continued crimes?

If we can analyze those events and come to the conclusion that they were immoral and crimes against humanity, then why should we knowingly continue to advocate similar policies?
one wonders how peace can be arrived at in the presence of such extremism.
Why in Quran Allah has put 'laanat' on them as a nation? there must be a reason, and that is the reason. They were rebellious, they were uncompromising, and they were arrogant (they still are), I am not saying this, Allah is saying this.
Why should past policies and events that were criminal justify continued crimes?
Because those 'past' policies (occupation of Palestine) are continued in the same spirit and intensity, hence remains the justification of what you are calling 'crimes', I call them 'right of self determination'.

If we can analyze those events and come to the conclusion that they were immoral and crimes against humanity, then why should we knowingly continue to advocate similar policies?
Which policies we are advocating? Protesting and resisting against naked aggressions, occupations are criminal policies?
Because those 'past' policies (occupation of Palestine) are continued in the same spirit and intensity, hence remains the justification of what you are calling 'crimes', I call them 'right of self determination'.
The massacring of innocent Jews is in no way 'a right of self determination', and is not justifiable by the massacring of innocent Palestinians.
Which policies we are advocating? Protesting and resisting against naked aggressions, occupations are criminal policies?
My posts are still in the context of the 'holocaust' of Jews (whether they support Israeli policies or not) that you mentioned was inevitable, which is IMO an unjustifiable action.
The massacring of innocent Jews is in no way 'a right of self determination', and is not justifiable by the massacring of innocent Palestinians.
Massacring of innocent Jews? When this happened? Who is innocent Jew? That Jew who receives compulsory two years military training? Who actively serves in military? By the way, how you view the Pakistan movement? What are your views on 1857 liberation movement? The colonial British who got killed were also 'innocent'?

My posts are still in the context of the 'holocaust' of Jews (whether they support Israeli policies or not) that you mentioned was inevitable, which is IMO an unjustifiable action.
And I am telling you that when people react, good or bad, all receive similar treatment.

Agno, by any chance, your account is not hacked? right? It is really you?
Sooner or later, any American politician who pushes back on Israel will be called an anti-Semite. It is a difficult charge to rebut. It tends to stick with or without justification. That is one of the primary ways
Americans (and Europeans) are kept "in-line".

You sound wise and unbiased old man.

Massacring of innocent Jews? When this happened? Who is innocent Jew? That Jew who receives compulsory two years military training? Who actively serves in military? By the way, how you view the Pakistan movement? What are your views on 1857 liberation movement? The colonial British who got killed were also 'innocent'?

And I am telling you that when people react, good or bad, all receive similar treatment.

A child or perhaps some one that when forced to enlist,enlists in the medical core to help people rather than fight them?

From you posts Qsaark i asume you are inteligent and well educated but also a little emotional about this issue.

Seriously if Fata and Hamas can put down the Anti-Zionist flag for a moment and think, policically this is a gold mine for palestine.

While Palestinians were lobbing rockets and setting off bombs and Israel was bombing and shooting back, neither side could claim the high ground. Now we have a relative peace from Hamas and a total one from Fata yet the Israeli's are seen on TV burning Palestinian farms to set up illegal setlements, buldosing Palestinian houses to build Israeli appartments. Winning a free Palestine was never going to be a military victory but a political one.

Now is the time for reasond talk and peacefull protest, it is a time for headlines to be of IDF confonting passive resistance by Palestinians not more rock throwing shooting and screams of driving the jews into the sea.

The Palestinians have the chance to grab the moral high ground and demand western goverments apply pressure to Israel for peace talks and a fair resolution. Damn if they had AM on their side for the negotiations they would probably get back the suez and half of Jordan as well ;)
The Palestinians have the chance to grab the moral high ground and demand western goverments apply pressure to Israel for peace talks and a fair resolution. Damn if they had AM on their side for the negotiations they would probably get back the suez and half of Jordan as well ;)

Hear hear. Seconded!
Damn if they had AM on their side for the negotiations they would probably get back the suez and half of Jordan as well
Even AM would not be able to offer them more than what Yasser Arafat did on the negotiating table, and what happened to Yasser Arafat? He lost everything including his self-respect, yet, he got nothing in return and had to spent the last days of his life under great humiliation and disgrace. Which anti-zionist flag Al-Fatah is holding? How about miserable Mahmood Abbas? what stone did he leave un-turn to please the zionist regime of occupied Palestine, and in return what did he get?

You are right, I am emotional, but I am not foolish. Negotiations are only successful when both the parties have some bargaining power; What bargaining power the Palestinians have?

As Allama Iqbal said:

Taqdeer key Qazi ka yeh fatwa hai azal sey
hai jurm-e-zaifi ki sazaa marg-e-mafajaat

The judge of the fate has given the declaration that the stronger in the world always destroy the weaker.
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My feeling is, the next holocaust will happen in the United States and for rightful reasons.

You talk as if the holocaust was a good thing. Sorry to get personal but I thought your types thought that the holocaust never happened.:oops:
Massacring of innocent Jews? When this happened? Who is innocent Jew? That Jew who receives compulsory two years military training? Who actively serves in military? By the way, how you view the Pakistan movement? What are your views on 1857 liberation movement? The colonial British who got killed were also 'innocent'?
I was referring to your comment of a holocaust of Jewish Americans - not all of them, by far, are evil, occupation supporting land grabbing Zionists.
And I am telling you that when people react, good or bad, all receive similar treatment.
I don't see why, when we know better, we should support evil, criminal and immoral policies such as a 'holocaust' of guilty and innocent alike, as 'revenge' for perhaps equally horrific crimes.
Agno, by any chance, your account is not hacked? right? It is really you?
Still me at your service.

If S-2 was around I'd get into another one of our slanging matches to prove it:D
Qsaark the meaning of holocaust = mass murder..(not gonna take place) economically chocking Muslims and others yes many christians and Muslims and others affected by that by the hands of us govt+jews running the show. There was no holocaust in Germany there weren't 6 million jews in first place in Germany!
qsaark..economic holocaust with mass harassment is slowly taking place in us by the hands of us govt on behalf of jewish state coming down hard on everyone reagardless of their religion..this economic collapse in us is only and due to jewish state..not only muslims but christians families and hindus and people of other religions are affected..jews owns no one..who will be affected in the end people of the united states of american..
I'm not specialist in Quran/Hadith but i wouldn't take your assumptions of what Quran said was according to you holocaust..to me it was a punishment..there is hell lot to difference between God's punishment and man's holocaust on humankind..

come out of that dream vassnti 42 Years passed nothing has happened so many times these parties came discussed issues and all went to trash and never resolved..what was with Palestine between 1967-1980? absolutely nothing..Yet Palestinians begged to resolve this problem and everytime israelis would collapse the discussions..the matter is pending lets wait for the end of times..

vassnti use common sense Palestinians have given so many chances to jewsish state does it mean if talks failed you bulldoze innocent people's home bomb them, throw them out of their own land and make settlements for those jews as a threat to hamas and fatah..you need research standing at a point siding one and ignoring other's history..go do some research about the creation of hamas and fatah and most importantly before them..you need research from page 1 your clueless with this initial conflict and you jumping at page 100th selling your research papers unheard of..
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