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There is no pakistan or india wrt Afghanistan they run their country on their own. It is pakistan which is trying to impose on afghanistan using taliban aka neo-colonisation. If india wanted to worsen the situation they would have assisted the afghans with military equipment.
Pakistan has been only accusing India of proxy war but have provided no proof whatsoever. Pakistan instead of supporting talis why not assist afghans in civilian reconstruction activities ?

Who are you ,to talk about spreading neo-conolisation. Indian interference in this part of the region was the worst thing that could happed to Afghanistan. Every positive peaceful step taken by Pakistan towards Afghanistan, has always been followed by a plan by india to sabotage that very step.

Frankly, you guys see afghans as a proxy, a second front against us. This strategy of obstruction is nothing new. In fact , the peshawar accords of 1992 ( in which pakistan had to make huge compensations for peace in afghanistan) was followed by your plan in buying and aligning Tajik warlords and using them against us. What you managed to accomplish was a revival of ethnic conflict which had taken years to die down and a subsequent Pashtun nationalist movement , we now know today as the Taliban.

We took 6 million Afghan refugees ,which were more than two third of their population at that time. Provided them with food and shelter. We became the largest refugee hosting state in the world. What did india do , all your designs are and have always been against Pakistan. When Ghani was traveling to Islamabad, a move that would bring about a framework to Taliban peace talks. Karzai started to lament and whine from New Dehli.

Your consulates in Kandahar have been propping up baloch separatist. Evidence was provided to the UN last month. We will also share it with the American and bring a resolution against you in the UN.

The truth is that the US does not care what India has to say about Afghanistan anymore. US doesnt have any faith in your Tajik warlord puppies anymore , Kunduz was enough to convince them. Pakistan's role is now primal to the reconciliation and the ending of violence in the region. US wanted us to clear the safe havens in North Waziristan and disrupt the Haqqanis. We have achieved that and this was also acknowledged by the ISAF commander recently. US has been there for more than 14 years now and believes that only rapprochement with taliban is the way out of this conflict .Now we will revive the peace talks once again.
Who are you ,to talk about spreading neo-conolisation. Indian interference in this part of the region was the worst thing that could happed to Afghanistan. Every positive peaceful step taken by Pakistan towards Afghanistan, has always been followed by a plan by india to sabotage that very step.
Its your opinion.

Frankly, you guys see afghans as a proxy, a second front against us. This strategy of obstruction is nothing new. In fact , the peshawar accords of 1992 ( in which pakistan had to make huge compensations for peace in afghanistan) was followed by your plan in buying and aligning Tajik warlords and using them against us. What you managed to accomplish was a revival of ethnic conflict which had taken years to die down and a subsequent Pashtun nationalist movement , we now know today as the Taliban.
Remember kandhar hijack, taliban is paks proxy.

We took 6 million Afghan refugees ,which were more than two third of their population at that time. Provided them with food and shelter. We became the largest refugee hosting state in the world. What did india do , all your designs are and have always been against Pakistan.
Theres nothing as called charity. It was done with idea to destabilize afghans and use them as terrorists in afghan.
Every one knows where taliban leader ship is present , the infamous quetta shura. Where did mullah omar die ?

Your consulates in Kandahar have been propping up baloch separatist. Evidence was provided to the UN last month. We will also share it with the American and bring a resolution against you in the UN.
Waiting to see the evidence. Please remember that world sees pakistan as epicenter of terrorism not india and pakistans opinion counts for nothing. Who would trust a double crossing country?

he truth is that the US does not care what India has to say about Afghanistan anymore. US doesnt have any faith in your Tajik warlord puppies anymore , Kunduz was enough to convince them.
Kunduz was enough to convince them to stay back to avoid afghan falling into taliban hands aka paks proxy.

US has been there for more than 14 years now and believes that only rapprochement with taliban is the way out of this conflict .
Keep dreaming of bringing your proxy to power in Afghanistan. If there is a change of power in afghanistan it will only happen through ballot not bullet.
Remember kandhar hijack, taliban is paks proxy.

Get your facts straight. It was not Taliban but Al Qaeda who hijacked the plane. When that plane landed in Kabul, India its self talked to Taliban authorities to negotiate a deal with the Hijackers. Taliban negotiated and got your men freed. This goes to show your ignorance.

Theres nothing as called charity. It was done with idea to destabilize afghans and use them as terrorists in afghan.
Every one knows where taliban leader ship is present , the infamous quetta shura. Where did mullah omar die ?

Charity , So according to your "Vedic logic " Pakistan took 6 million refugees to destabilize Afghanistan. LMAO , If we truly wanted to destabilize their land, we would have found easier ways. Dude what are you smoking ? .

There is no proof of Mullah Omar dieing in pakistan. Infact , his own son and family disclosed that he had died in Afghanistan and never once entered Pakistan. Quetta shura theory has been debunked before. Why would their leadership stay in Quetta when most of southern afghanistan is under their control.

Waiting to see the evidence. Please remember that world sees pakistan as epicenter of terrorism not india and pakistans opinion counts for nothing. Who would trust a double crossing country?

Really , does the world see us an epicenter of terrorism ?

lets see

US considering nuclear deal with Pakistan: report - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Pakistan, Russia sign gas pipeline agreement - The Express Tribune

Iran agrees to consider being part of CPEC - The Express Tribune

EU grants GSP Plus status to Pakistan - PakTribune

Keep dreaming of bringing your proxy to power in Afghanistan. If there is a change of power in afghanistan it will only happen through ballot not bullet

Are you freaking blind ? :cuckoo:did you read the above article at all Or has seeing to much of Arnab Goswami fogged your brain , from differentiating between fact and fantasy.

US itself wants peace talks with Taliban. Obama :
"Next week, I’ll host Prime Minister Sharif of Pakistan, and I will continue to urge all parties in the region to press the Taliban to return to peace talks and to do their part in pursuit of the peace that Afghans deserve "

Stop living in denial mate .
lol as if they have a choice. Because if they wont Russia will.
Good, Kunduz has proven that the ANA is not ready to protect Afghanistan.
Its your opinion.

Russell Bertrand articulated a famous proverb which can describe your character in reference to this topic:"Some people are born ignorant and not stupid, however education has made them become stupid". His opinion on this issue holds weight, because his knowledge on the Taliban and Afghanistan in general is fantastic. You should concern yourself with bullying Nepal, since the preaching lessons on morality looks pathetic coming from a Indian.

Remember kandhar hijack, taliban is paks proxy.

At least learn to spell the word Kandahar correctly before reminiscing about an incident which clearly you have no clue on. The Taliban pressured the hijackers to release the hostages, therefore you should demonstrate gratitude towards them. The Taliban and especially the Haqqani network is controlled by the Pakistani Intelligence Services and they are winning in Afghanistan, while you helpless watch in despair with your Northern Alliance backed hashish comrades whose fate will become similar to that of Najibullah. Indian consulates will be eradicated from Afghanistan:)

Theres nothing as called charity. It was done with idea to destabilize afghans and use them as terrorists in afghan.
Every one knows where taliban leader ship is present , the infamous quetta shura. Where did mullah omar die ?

Again instead of advocating gibberish nonsense learn to read more on the subject, because you sound amateurish making you look pathetic. The Taliban were created in 1994, while Pakistan has sheltered millions of Afghan refugees since the Soviet invasion of 1979. This hospitable act has put a strain on our resources when the Government of Pakistan should be concerned with its own citizens. In fact the Afghan Government is currently begging us on there knees in not returning these refugees back to there country. When Southern regions of Afghanistan have fallen to the Taliban and during the night most of the country is policed by its militants, then the leadership hardly needs to reside in Quetta.

Waiting to see the evidence. Please remember that world sees pakistan as epicenter of terrorism not india and pakistans opinion counts for nothing. Who would trust a double crossing country?

The world does not recognize Pakistan as an epicenter of terrorism, because everything does not revolve around India. The Russians are investing in Pakistan and are now considering to supplying us military equipment. The Chinese have now invested $55 billion on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. The Americans are offering us a nuclear power deal and a number of countries are interested to invest in Pakistan. When American Generals are appreciating our efforts your opinion means squat.
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Russell Bertrand articulated a famous proverb which can describe your character in reference to this topic:"Some people are born ignorant and not stupid, however education has made them become stupid". His opinion on this issue holds weight, because his knowledge on the Taliban and Afghanistan in general is fantastic. You should concern yourself with bullying Nepal, since the preaching lessons on morality looks pathetic coming from a Indian.

At least learn to spell the word Kandahar correctly before reminiscing about an incident which clearly you have no clue on. The Taliban pressured the hijackers to release the hostages, therefore you should demonstrate gratitude towards them. The Taliban and especially the Haqqani network is controlled by the Pakistani Intelligence Services and they are winning in Afghanistan, while you helpless watch in despair with your Northern Alliance backed hashish comrades whose fate will become similar to that of Najibullah. Indian consulates will be eradicated from Afghanistan:)

Again instead of advocating gibberish nonsense learn to read more on the subject, because you sound amateurish making you look pathetic. The Taliban were created in 1994, while Pakistan has sheltered millions of Afghan refugees since the Soviet invasion of 1979. This hospitable act has put a strain on our resources when the Government of Pakistan should be concerned with its own citizens. In fact the Afghan Government is currently begging us on there knees in not returning these refugees back to there country. When Southern regions of Afghanistan have fallen to the Taliban and during the night most of the country is policed by its militants, then the leadership hardly needs to reside in Quetta.

The world does not recognize Pakistan as an epicenter of terrorism, because everything does not revolve around India. The Russians are investing in Pakistan and are now considering to supplying us military equipment. The Chinese have now invested $55 billion on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. The Americans are offering us a nuclear power deal and a number of countries are interested to invest in Pakistan. When American Generals are appreciating our efforts

Reference to the bolded part in your response: This is the kind of thinking and approach that will win no friends for Pakistan in Afghanistan.

Talis and Haqqanis are no friends of Pakistan they are just friends of convenience , the day the win in Afghanistan, their next stop will be Pakistan, as matter of for the global jihadis, Afghanistan is just stepping stone towards the ultimate prize which is a nuclear Pakistan.

So stop being a cheerleader for scum and murders or the fate of colonel Imam will await you too.

Reference to the bolded part in your response: This is the kind of thinking and approach that will win no friends for Pakistan in Afghanistan.

Talis and Haqqanis are no friends of Pakistan they are just friends of convenience , the day the win in Afghanistan, their next stop will be Pakistan, as matter of for the global jihadis, Afghanistan is just stepping stone towards the ultimate prize which is a nuclear Pakistan.

So stop being a cheerleader for scum and murders or the fate of colonel Imam will await you too.


Brother A-Team you never answered my question in the other thread:) When a group of individuals in Kabul are interested to annex territory from Pakistan and have supported militant organizations who have attacked our civilians, then quite frankly their opinions means nothing to me because they will perish in time. When you have boycotted Pakistani goods in Afghanistan and have tried to dictate trade terms with us by bringing India into the equation, then we are not interested to win friends in Kabul. If the current Government changes its attitude towards Pakistan, then our relationship will become better and things will not turn sour like the fall of Kunduz.

In the realms of international politics there is no such thing as friendship, thus the Taliban are a mere convenience to achieve our strategic goals. You should complain to the Americans and the Chinese who are calling for peace talks, since they have politically recognized the significance of the Taliban. Nice attempt in painting a Frankenstein monster for Pakistan, however the outcome of the Haqqani network in attacking Pakistan is extremely unlikely. Stop being a cheer leader for those who deal in the business of opium and have blood on there hands:) However for the time being the Government of Pakistan should return all Afghan refugees, because now you can shelter, clothe, feed and educate them as your country has become such a utopia land.
Bad move now Afghan Government can say goodbye to Talks for good now. No talks will j
happen and war may get massive.
And what 'good' outcome will be from talks with Taliban?. Taliban wont surrender and disarm. They view democracy as Kufr so wont be part of it. They dont cease their attacks during talks. So the only one benefiting from peace talks, would be Taliban, as many view peace talks as indication of power of Taliban and weakness of Kabul government.

Taliban would cut the genitals of Ashraf Ghani, beat him to death and hang him upside down if they get their hands on him. They would never give up on their claim on Kabul government. So its in the best interest of Afghan government to prolong the American forces stay till ANSF is in the position to eliminate Taliban. Judging from the statement of Talibans, they seem disappointed at this news .....they do fear and respect the American air power and its effectiveness against them.
And what 'good' outcome will be from talks with Taliban?. Taliban wont surrender and disarm. They view democracy as Kufr so wont be part of it. They dont cease their attacks during talks. So the only one benefiting from peace talks, would be Taliban, as many view peace talks as indication of power of Taliban and weakness of Kabul government.

Taliban would cut the genitals of Ashraf Ghani, beat him to death and hang him upside down if they get their hands on him. They would never give up on their claim on Kabul government. So its in the best interest of Afghan government to prolong the American forces stay till ANSF is in the position to eliminate Taliban. Judging from the statement of Talibans, they seem disappointed at this news .....they do fear and respect the American air power and its effectiveness against them.
Well so you want to tell me the thing which 100000 USA troops and 40000 NATO troops and ANA combined failed to do would be done by 9500 USA troops which would be mostly sitting in their bases
Well so you want to tell me the thing which 100000 USA troops and 40000 NATO troops and ANA combined failed to do would be done by 9500 USA troops which would be mostly sitting in their bases

The difference now!

Because they are not facing the American anymore, they are fighting local Afghans and it takes the strategic advantage away from the Talis which was that they are defending Afghanistan against infidals.
They are fighting afghans and killing afghans means more enemity from the local population. You have no clue how much hate is being accumulated from the afghan populus against them.

Therefore I always say now that Talis and their backers have the watches while the NUG has the time. Talis and their backers cant continue this for long, because the ANSF is getting better, they are being assisted by International community and most importantly the local population sees them as the defenders of the Afghan soil. Does this make it any clear for u ???

And what 'good' outcome will be from talks with Taliban?. Taliban wont surrender and disarm. They view democracy as Kufr so wont be part of it. They dont cease their attacks during talks. So the only one benefiting from peace talks, would be Taliban, as many view peace talks as indication of power of Taliban and weakness of Kabul government.

Taliban would cut the genitals of Ashraf Ghani, beat him to death and hang him upside down if they get their hands on him. They would never give up on their claim on Kabul government. So its in the best interest of Afghan government to prolong the American forces stay till ANSF is in the position to eliminate Taliban. Judging from the statement of Talibans, they seem disappointed at this news .....they do fear and respect the American air power and its effectiveness against them.

As I said earlier the situation has changed, the Talis are not fighting the Americans they are fighting local Afghans, when you kill an afghan soldier you make his entire family as your enemy, ANSF is being portrayed as defenders of the motherland while the Talis are proxy forces who kill civilians, rape women and blow up bridges, so guess where the loyalty of the population lies. I believe this is a strategic shift from the times when Americans were fighting and now when the ANSF fights and if I were the Tali strategist I would be very worried.
The difference now!

Because they are not facing the American anymore, they are fighting local Afghans and it takes the strategic advantage away from the Talis which was that they are defending Afghanistan against infidals.
They are fighting afghans and killing afghans means more enemity from the local population. You have no clue how much hate is being accumulated from the afghan populus against them..

The Taliban are fighting an enemy whose desertion rate falls into the category of 4000 solders each month and where prominent Generals have been caught red handed in transporting a significant quantity of opium. The level of corruption and unemployment in your country has forced the people of Afghanistan to migrate to Europe. Until America holds a divisional force in Kabul and looks to interfere in the internal politics of Afghanistan, the ideological cause of the Taliban will continue. The fall of Kunduz was significant because a number of Taliban fighters were actually speaking in Dari, which means there recruitment strategy has evolved. Your hypothesis is erroneous in nature in regards to enmity increasing from the local population against the Taliban, because when you kill their fighters then a whole generation in vice versa will pursue the policy of revenge. Again Brother A-Team you should answer my previous question, or has courage simply left your body to respond. In the long term your government will collapse unless you change your doctrine fast. Kunduz was just the appetizer and you can see the panic in Kabul. If the Taliban have survived for 14 years and the worlds only superpower could not cripple them, then they can fight for another 100 years.

Therefore I always say now that Talis and their backers have the watches while the NUG has the time. Talis and their backers cant continue this for long, because the ANSF is getting better, they are being assisted by International community and most importantly the local population sees them as the defenders of the Afghan soil. Does this make it any clear for u ???.

You should apply and advice the Government in running a PR campaign for the ANSF, because people would almost believe your trashy analysis on the brave defenders of the motherland:) After financing the ANSF with military equipment worth $65 billion and training them for 14 years the only progress shown was the fall of Kunduz:) Nobody believes in the western about the credible capabilities of the ANSF because America was forced to stay in Afghanistan. Only a certain element of the population regard the ANSF as defenders of the motherland:) However please remain optimistic because this is the only positive thing remaining in your country. By the way, when will your government take back the refugees from Pakistan?
The Taliban are fighting an enemy whose desertion rate falls into the category of 4000 solders each month and where prominent Generals have been caught red handed in transporting a significant quantity of opium. The level of corruption and unemployment in your country has forced the people of Afghanistan to migrate to Europe. Until America holds a divisional force in Kabul and looks to interfere in the internal politics of Afghanistan, the ideological cause of the Taliban will continue. The fall of Kunduz was significant because a number of Taliban fighters were actually speaking in Dari, which means there recruitment strategy has evolved. Your hypothesis is erroneous in nature in regards to enmity increasing from the local population against the Taliban, because when you kill their fighters then a whole generation in vice versa will pursue the policy of revenge. Again Brother A-Team you should answer my previous question, or has courage simply left your body to respond. In the long term your government will collapse unless you change your doctrine fast. Kunduz was just the appetizer and you can see the panic in Kabul. If the Taliban have survived for 14 years and the worlds only superpower could not cripple them, then they can fight for another 100 years.

You should apply and advice the Government in running a PR campaign for the ANSF, because people would almost believe your trashy analysis on the brave defenders of the motherland:) After financing the ANSF with military equipment worth $65 billion and training them for 14 years the only progress shown was the fall of Kunduz:) Nobody believes in the western about the credible capabilities of the ANSF because America was forced to stay in Afghanistan. Only a certain element of the population regard the ANSF as defenders of the motherland:) However please remain optimistic because this is the only positive thing remaining in your country. By the way, when will your government take back the refugees from Pakistan?

Reading your arguments makes me think if the Zabiullah Mujahid aka the Tali spox is sitting on the other side :)

That being said I wont get into a Tu Tu Mein Mein match with you, I am defending a defensive force with all its flaws that is defending its motherland while you are defending a terror group that kills civilians, this shows the depth of our character, I believe in a pan region philosophy where by a thriving Pakistan equals a thriving Afghanistan where you believe in promoting ur agenda using terror.

PS : With all our disagreements I don't mind grabbing a drink one day with you and discuss how wrong you were ;) Cheers mate.
Reading your arguments makes me think if the Zabiullah Mujahid aka the Tali spox is sitting on the other side :)

That being said I wont get into a Tu Tu Mein Mein match with you, I am defending a defensive force with all its flaws that is defending its motherland while you are defending a terror group that kills civilians, this shows the depth of our character, I believe in a pan region philosophy where by a thriving Pakistan equals a thriving Afghanistan where you believe in promoting ur agenda using terror.

PS : With all our disagreements I don't mind grabbing a drink one day with you and discuss how wrong you were ;) Cheers mate.

I have no connection with Zabiullah Mujahid who is suspected to be based in Pakistan for becoming the spokesperson on the behalf of the Taliban. You have every obligation to defend the Afghan National Security Forces, because in your opinion they are protecting the motherland and I wholeheartedly agree with this point. However, when the same organization has elements who desire to annex territory from Pakistan and support groups such as the BLA to attack soft targets in our country, then its only natural and logical sense to feel jubilant when the Taliban have been successful. When Afghanistan changes its stance, then you will have my full support and I will cheer along with you on the destruction of the Taliban. A thriving Afghanistan is in the interests of Pakistan and obviously I would love see my fellow Muslim brothers prosperous, however not at the expense of our national security where you allow India to harm us. We can become an economic powerhouse in the region, because we have tremendous resources and our people are resilient. My dislike has never been towards the Afghan people which includes you, however the same can never be attributed towards your public officials.

The person who became wrong must buy the drinks on the house:) Most of my analysis is just based on the national interests of Pakistan and maybe the Afghan Government believes in a different set of interests which often leads to collision with us.
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