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Obama drops plan to reduce american forces

Good, they should remain.. Afghan forces are not yet capable of tackling Taliban threat, I wish they are/will capable of doing so.
Good for afghanistan.
Will give them more time to plant their feet firmly in the afghan soil.
You didnt won with 150.000 soldiers you will win with 10.000?

Win what ? We don't care for the number it can be 10 soliders for all we care, what we care for is the international commitment that comes with it. This means that the Afghanistan matters and it wont be forgotten.

As for the Talis only ANSF will suffice, the common man in Afghanistan consider the ANSF as defenders of the country who have a sacred duty while the Talis as puppet thugs who take dictates from others and kill civilians. See the difference ?

Your flags shows your Greek, Greece is part of the NATO that is helping Afghanistan but I wonder Which side are you on ?
A very good decision !

This would help with the transition a bit longer !
Bad move now Afghan Government can say goodbye to Talks for good now. No talks will j
happen and war may get massive.
You didnt won with 150.000 soldiers you will win with 10.000?

Hope my friend hope. You took hefty loan still you were not able to stand on your feet. Greece still hope that a fine day will come same with Afghanistan.

Bad move now Afghan Government can say goodbye to Talks for good now. No talks will j
happen and war may get massive.

Say it from a loudspeaker mullah standing on top of a mosque.
Hope my friend hope. You took hefty loan still you were not able to stand on your feet. Greece still hope that a fine day will come same with Afghanistan.

Say it from a loudspeaker mullah standing on top of a mosque.

Ok i had a lol moment for the last bit about the mullah standing on top of the mosque. Touche :)
Bad move now Afghan Government can say goodbye to Talks for good now. No talks will j
happen and war may get massive.

I am not sure if I followed your logic ! How are those 2 connected ?
Good thing, it means talis have no other option but to talk or run. Its also a message to pakistan that america still has say in what happens in afghanistan.
Good thing, it means talis have no other option but to talk or run. Its also a message to pakistan that america still has say in what happens in afghanistan.

Yes the message we got , was that Pakistan's Op ZEA has put pressure on Al Qaeda and will discuss the issue of taliban peace talks with pakistan. They have acknowledged our stance and rejected India/Afghanistan's rhetoric of pakistan playing a double game. The message is very clear. Pakistan in , India out.
WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama on Thursday said that he will host Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif next week and will urge all parties in the region to press Taliban to return to peace talks.


Announcing US troop extension in Afghanistan, Obama said, “Pressure from Pakistan has resulted in more Al Qaeda coming into Afghanistan.”

The US president further said thousands of US troops will remain in Afghanistan past 2016, retreating from a major campaign pledge and acknowledging Afghan forces are not ready to stand alone.

"Afghan forces are still not as strong as they need to be," Obama said, adding that US forces "can make a real difference" by remaining in the war-wracked country for much of next year.

Flanked by US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Joe Dunford, Obama said the United States will maintain its current force of 9,800 in the country through 2016.

"As commander in chief, I will not allow Afghanistan to be used as a safe haven for terrorists to attack our nation again," he said.

Then, rather than go down to a normal embassy presence as had been planned, the United States will leave a force of 5,500 troops in place to train Afghan forces and conduct counter-terrorism missions.

He said that while Afghan forces were improving and fighting to defend their country, the security situation remains "very fragile" and "in some places there is risk of deterioration."

"If they were to fail, they would endanger the security of us all. And we´ve made enormous investment in a stable Afghanistan," he said.

"Afghans are making difficult but genuine progress. This modest but meaningful extension of our presence, while sticking to our current, narrow missions can make a real difference," he said.

Coming to office in 2009, Obama had pledged to end the war that has now has cost over 2,000 US lives and injured and maimed tens of thousands of other people.

America´s "longest war" -- one prompted by the Taliban refusal to surrender Al Qaeda leaders including Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 terror attacks -- will continue.

Under previous plans, the United States would have drawn down its troop numbers by the end of 2016 from about 10,000 currently to about 1,000.

Recent intense fighting has underscored the continued role of American troops in training the still fledgling Afghan forces and in vital counterterror operations.

Two weeks ago the Taliban scored their biggest military victory since the 2001 US-led invasion, capturing the city of Kunduz.

Only a swift response by US-trained Afghan security forces led to an eventual Taliban retreat.

Extensive review

A senior administration official said Obama was making his announcement "as a result of an extensive, months-long review, and in consultation with his full national security team and our Afghan partners."

The 5,500 troops that will remain late next year or in early 2017 will stay at a small number of bases, including at Bagram Airfield -- the largest US military base in the country -- Jalalabad in the east, and Kandahar in the south.

But the official stressed that the troops would not have a combat role.

"This announcement in no way changes the fact that our combat mission in Afghanistan has ended, and we will continue to undertake only two narrow missions: counterterrorism and training, advising and assisting our Afghan partners," the official said.

The NATO coalition said Tuesday that US and Afghan forces carried out one of their largest joint operations in southern Kandahar province, dismantling a major Al-Qaeda sanctuary in the Taliban´s historic heartland.

The news on the troop deployment came after a series of setbacks, including a US air strike on October 3 on a hospital in Kunduz run by Doctors Without Borders that killed at least 14 staff and 10 patients, with nine others still unaccounted for.

US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter on Wednesday foreshadowed the announcement, saying it was important for the United States "to formulate options for 2016 and beyond and make adjustments to the planned US presence based on current circumstances."

"It´s important to say these things because the narrative that we´re leaving Afghanistan is self-defeating," Carter told an Army conference in Washington.

"We´re not, we can´t, and to do so would not be to take advantage of the success we´ve had to date," Carter said.

NATO forces have been in Afghanistan since 2001.

Though the United States represents by far the largest contingent, Carter last week said several NATO defense ministers told him they were open to modifications to current plans.

Troop extension in Afghanistan: Obama appreciates Paks role against Al Qaeda - thenews.com.pk
Yes the message we got , was that Pakistan's Op ZEA has put pressure on Al Qaeda and will discuss the issue of taliban peace talks with pakistan. They have acknowledged our stance and rejected India/Afghanistan's rhetoric of pakistan playing a double game. The message is very clear. Pakistan in , India out.
WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama on Thursday said that he will host Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif next week and will urge all parties in the region to press Taliban to return to peace talks.


Announcing US troop extension in Afghanistan, Obama said, “Pressure from Pakistan has resulted in more Al Qaeda coming into Afghanistan.”

The US president further said thousands of US troops will remain in Afghanistan past 2016, retreating from a major campaign pledge and acknowledging Afghan forces are not ready to stand alone.

"Afghan forces are still not as strong as they need to be," Obama said, adding that US forces "can make a real difference" by remaining in the war-wracked country for much of next year.

Flanked by US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Joe Dunford, Obama said the United States will maintain its current force of 9,800 in the country through 2016.

"As commander in chief, I will not allow Afghanistan to be used as a safe haven for terrorists to attack our nation again," he said.

Then, rather than go down to a normal embassy presence as had been planned, the United States will leave a force of 5,500 troops in place to train Afghan forces and conduct counter-terrorism missions.

He said that while Afghan forces were improving and fighting to defend their country, the security situation remains "very fragile" and "in some places there is risk of deterioration."

"If they were to fail, they would endanger the security of us all. And we´ve made enormous investment in a stable Afghanistan," he said.

"Afghans are making difficult but genuine progress. This modest but meaningful extension of our presence, while sticking to our current, narrow missions can make a real difference," he said.

Coming to office in 2009, Obama had pledged to end the war that has now has cost over 2,000 US lives and injured and maimed tens of thousands of other people.

America´s "longest war" -- one prompted by the Taliban refusal to surrender Al Qaeda leaders including Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 terror attacks -- will continue.

Under previous plans, the United States would have drawn down its troop numbers by the end of 2016 from about 10,000 currently to about 1,000.

Recent intense fighting has underscored the continued role of American troops in training the still fledgling Afghan forces and in vital counterterror operations.

Two weeks ago the Taliban scored their biggest military victory since the 2001 US-led invasion, capturing the city of Kunduz.

Only a swift response by US-trained Afghan security forces led to an eventual Taliban retreat.

Extensive review

A senior administration official said Obama was making his announcement "as a result of an extensive, months-long review, and in consultation with his full national security team and our Afghan partners."

The 5,500 troops that will remain late next year or in early 2017 will stay at a small number of bases, including at Bagram Airfield -- the largest US military base in the country -- Jalalabad in the east, and Kandahar in the south.

But the official stressed that the troops would not have a combat role.

"This announcement in no way changes the fact that our combat mission in Afghanistan has ended, and we will continue to undertake only two narrow missions: counterterrorism and training, advising and assisting our Afghan partners," the official said.

The NATO coalition said Tuesday that US and Afghan forces carried out one of their largest joint operations in southern Kandahar province, dismantling a major Al-Qaeda sanctuary in the Taliban´s historic heartland.

The news on the troop deployment came after a series of setbacks, including a US air strike on October 3 on a hospital in Kunduz run by Doctors Without Borders that killed at least 14 staff and 10 patients, with nine others still unaccounted for.

US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter on Wednesday foreshadowed the announcement, saying it was important for the United States "to formulate options for 2016 and beyond and make adjustments to the planned US presence based on current circumstances."

"It´s important to say these things because the narrative that we´re leaving Afghanistan is self-defeating," Carter told an Army conference in Washington.

"We´re not, we can´t, and to do so would not be to take advantage of the success we´ve had to date," Carter said.

NATO forces have been in Afghanistan since 2001.

Though the United States represents by far the largest contingent, Carter last week said several NATO defense ministers told him they were open to modifications to current plans.

Troop extension in Afghanistan: Obama appreciates Paks role against Al Qaeda - thenews.com.pk

The bigger issue here is peace in this region,looking beyond petty differences and thriving as a region. The bottom line is that with all the bravado, our region is still considered as backward barbarians who are bent on killing eachother for decades now.

H.E Ashraf Ghani has been saying all along, a thriving Pakistan, a thriving India is detrimental to a thriving Afghanistan and vice versa.

The bigger issue here is peace in this region,looking beyond petty differences and thriving as a region. The bottom line is that with all the bravado, our region is still considered as backward barbarians who are bent on killing eachother for decades now.

H.E Ashraf Ghani has been saying all along, a thriving Pakistan, a thriving India is detrimental to a thriving Afghanistan and vice versa.


You are right, until and unless the India-Pakistan proxy war in Afghanistan doesn't stop, peace will be hard to come by in Afghanistan. But this issue is much more deep rooted, the dispute between India and Pakistan is now irreversible. The two countries cant even agree on talks. We could have had a third party to intervene , but india invokes the simla accord in which any talks would be only bilateral in nature , meaning no other country can become part.

Hopefully, after the US visit pakistan will be able to revive the muree talks. China were already on board as guarantees. Hope they dont get derailed this time
Yes the message we got , was that Pakistan's Op ZEA has put pressure on Al Qaeda and will discuss the issue of taliban peace talks with pakistan. They have acknowledged our stance and rejected India/Afghanistan's rhetoric of pakistan playing a double game. The message is very clear. Pakistan in , India out.
WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama on Thursday said that he will host Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif next week and will urge all parties in the region to press Taliban to return to peace talks.


Announcing US troop extension in Afghanistan, Obama said, “Pressure from Pakistan has resulted in more Al Qaeda coming into Afghanistan.”

The US president further said thousands of US troops will remain in Afghanistan past 2016, retreating from a major campaign pledge and acknowledging Afghan forces are not ready to stand alone.

"Afghan forces are still not as strong as they need to be," Obama said, adding that US forces "can make a real difference" by remaining in the war-wracked country for much of next year.

Flanked by US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Joe Dunford, Obama said the United States will maintain its current force of 9,800 in the country through 2016.

"As commander in chief, I will not allow Afghanistan to be used as a safe haven for terrorists to attack our nation again," he said.

Then, rather than go down to a normal embassy presence as had been planned, the United States will leave a force of 5,500 troops in place to train Afghan forces and conduct counter-terrorism missions.

He said that while Afghan forces were improving and fighting to defend their country, the security situation remains "very fragile" and "in some places there is risk of deterioration."

"If they were to fail, they would endanger the security of us all. And we´ve made enormous investment in a stable Afghanistan," he said.

"Afghans are making difficult but genuine progress. This modest but meaningful extension of our presence, while sticking to our current, narrow missions can make a real difference," he said.

Coming to office in 2009, Obama had pledged to end the war that has now has cost over 2,000 US lives and injured and maimed tens of thousands of other people.

America´s "longest war" -- one prompted by the Taliban refusal to surrender Al Qaeda leaders including Osama bin Laden after the 9/11 terror attacks -- will continue.

Under previous plans, the United States would have drawn down its troop numbers by the end of 2016 from about 10,000 currently to about 1,000.

Recent intense fighting has underscored the continued role of American troops in training the still fledgling Afghan forces and in vital counterterror operations.

Two weeks ago the Taliban scored their biggest military victory since the 2001 US-led invasion, capturing the city of Kunduz.

Only a swift response by US-trained Afghan security forces led to an eventual Taliban retreat.

Extensive review

A senior administration official said Obama was making his announcement "as a result of an extensive, months-long review, and in consultation with his full national security team and our Afghan partners."

The 5,500 troops that will remain late next year or in early 2017 will stay at a small number of bases, including at Bagram Airfield -- the largest US military base in the country -- Jalalabad in the east, and Kandahar in the south.

But the official stressed that the troops would not have a combat role.

"This announcement in no way changes the fact that our combat mission in Afghanistan has ended, and we will continue to undertake only two narrow missions: counterterrorism and training, advising and assisting our Afghan partners," the official said.

The NATO coalition said Tuesday that US and Afghan forces carried out one of their largest joint operations in southern Kandahar province, dismantling a major Al-Qaeda sanctuary in the Taliban´s historic heartland.

The news on the troop deployment came after a series of setbacks, including a US air strike on October 3 on a hospital in Kunduz run by Doctors Without Borders that killed at least 14 staff and 10 patients, with nine others still unaccounted for.

US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter on Wednesday foreshadowed the announcement, saying it was important for the United States "to formulate options for 2016 and beyond and make adjustments to the planned US presence based on current circumstances."

"It´s important to say these things because the narrative that we´re leaving Afghanistan is self-defeating," Carter told an Army conference in Washington.

"We´re not, we can´t, and to do so would not be to take advantage of the success we´ve had to date," Carter said.

NATO forces have been in Afghanistan since 2001.

Though the United States represents by far the largest contingent, Carter last week said several NATO defense ministers told him they were open to modifications to current plans.

Troop extension in Afghanistan: Obama appreciates Paks role against Al Qaeda - thenews.com.pk
There is no pakistan or india wrt Afghanistan they run their country on their own. It is pakistan which is trying to impose on afghanistan using taliban aka neo-colonisation. If india wanted to worsen the situation they would have assisted the afghans with military equipment.
Pakistan has been only accusing India of proxy war but have provided no proof whatsoever. Pakistan instead of supporting talis why not assist afghans in civilian reconstruction activities ?
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