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Obama aide says US threatened Kayani, but he still refused to help

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom

WASHINGTON: The US intends to keep between 10,000 to 15,000 counter-terrorism troops in Afghanistan, much beyond its troops drawdown in 2014, which could cross over into Pakistan in case of crisis, a top Obama aide had warned Pakistan Army Chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani.

A top Obama aide conveyed this to the Pakistan Army Chief at a secret meeting in Abu Dhabi last October in a bid to spur Pakistan to take strong action against the Haqqani network, a book has claimed.

But the threat didn't appear to have made the desired impact, according to the book 'Confront and Conceal' by the New York Times journalist David Sanger which hit the stands on Tuesday.

The book depicts President Barack Obama's crisis moments soon after taking over the mantle from George Bush.

Kayani refused to give any guarantee of taking action against Haqqani network, as demanded by the Obama Administration.

The details of a meeting between a three-member presidential delegation led by the National Security Advisor, Tom Donilon, and Kayani at a secret location in Abu Dhabi have been made public for the first time.

Donilon was accompanied by Mark Grossman, the Special US Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Douglas Lute, Obama's top adviser on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Donilon had sent ahead a document laying out the long-term American strategy, including a plan to keep somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 American counterterrorism troops in Afghanistan, mostly at Bagram Airfield, a large base just outside Kabul, to protect the interests of the US in the region."

"His meaning was clear: the United States would remain, and its troops would be ready to go over the Pakistani border if they needed to," Sanger writes in his book.

The three Americans told Kayani they had incriminating evidence about the latest two bold attacks against Americans in Afghanistan, the journalist wrote, but noted that even this did not have any impact on Kayani.

Kayani sought assurance from the US that there would be no repeat of raid like the one that killed Osama bin Laden, which according to him violated the sovereignty of Pakistan.

"We will undertake whatever steps we need to protect our forces," Donilon said.

"We would prefer to act jointly. But if you refuse.... we will come in and do what we have to do."

"He did not need to add that the American model of success in this regard was Abbottabad, where seventy commandos infiltrated Pakistani airspace, landed forty miles from the Pakistani capital, killed bin Laden and his few protectors, and swept up his computers all without setting off Pakistan's defences," the book said.

The unspoken message was, 'We can do it again'.

"Kayani took another drag on the cigarette and blew a little more smoke."

Donilon, Lute, and Grossman knew what that meant.

"The Pakistanis had no intention of turning over or taking on the Haqqani network it was their insurance policy for the moment when the Americans would inevitably leave," the book said.

"And when Donilon, Lute, and Grossman got home a seventeen-hour flight aboard a military jet? they knew their first stop: the dry cleaners. Getting the fumes out of their suits would be easy enough".

"Detoxifying the American relationship with Pakistan would be much more difficult," it said reflecting the relationship between the two countries.
Is that why attack on Salala incident to kill 24 Pakistani Soldiers on November?

LOL, turning away a US guy with a puff of a smoke!

Classy guy if true!!


"Kayani took another drag on the cigarette and blew a little more smoke."

lol its just Pakistan army who is not bending agnst us else dont even say a word but the strnge thing is every day our boys are killed but in media they are just trying to look paf worse men on earth thats some thing which is not good and i hate that
Pakistan and USA interests are colliding in the region big time and with USA tilting towards India we can expect damage of collateral nature in the future.No matter how much arm twisting US does Pakistan will never give up it's interest.
It must have been funny I would love to have been a fly on the wall. The Americans are really losing the plot. They cannot believe that Pakistan is saying get lost to them lol
It must have been funny I would love to have been a fly on the wall. The Americans are really losing the plot. They cannot believe that Pakistan is saying get lost to them lol
I hope we send some drone strikes on them; give them a taste of their own medicine.

There could be terrorists plotting attacks on Pakistan there; after all if US has right to suspect things in our country, we do too :azn:
I hope we send some drone strikes on them; give them a taste of their own medicine.

There could be terrorists plotting attacks on Pakistan there; after all if US has right to suspect things in our country, we do too :azn:

wishful thinking that

the best way is we show the still and video footage of the BLA terrorist training camps and the involvement of their foreign handlers and then follow it up with a statement that just Like America, Pakistan also reserves the right to destroy them if the Afghan govt or the occupation forces are unwilling to do something about them.

this way we build up the case like Americans did that since we have lack of control in tribal areas so drones are necessary
wishful thinking that

the best way is we show the still and video footage of the BLA terrorist training camps and the involvement of their foreign handlers and then follow it up with a statement that just Like America, Pakistan also reserves the right to destroy them if the Afghan govt or the occupation forces are unwilling to do something about them.

this way we build up the case like Americans did that since we have lack of control in tribal areas so drones are necessary

Irfan bhai PR suicide tou koi aaap se seeekhe ! :woot: Do you even remotely think that Pakistan has the nuisance value to pull something like that off without an already hostile (or at least unsympathetic) world turning on us !
Irfan bhai PR suicide tou koi aaap se seeekhe ! :woot: Do you even remotely think that Pakistan has the nuisance value to pull something like that off without an already hostile (or at least unsympathetic) world turning on us !


(I am not saying we go ahead with drone strike, because we cant do that)

but most plausible action will be a quiet team going (by road/ not flying) and assassinating the terrorist leaders. the biggest issue BLA handlers have is lack of leadership

the young boys are too volatile, up their own arses. and they hate each other too, taking out one will mean that others will be blamed. and can result in the infighting like in TTP. that will be a lot of drain on the taxpayers of the countries that are supporting BLA
It is obvious that Pakistan has not been bending to American wishes for some time now, Why else would western press carry such vitriolic negative propaganda against a supposed ally

May be because its not really propaganda :)

duplicate thread btw...
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