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NYT: India warned Sri Lanka of terror attack several times

Just a question so because India had prior knowledge of the attack that is why most hotels got hit in srilanka but Indian owned Taj Samundra escaped any harm?
Yes, probably have insider information and communication. That's how intelligence agencies work.

Anyway, these were warnings issued in India over revenge attack of Christ church. Nobody thought it would be Lanka.

A small country like Sri Lanka may not have such tight security to prevent such attack. So the cowards attacked a soft target. India must go behind them , find them out and eliminate them. Peace in subcontinent is very important.
A small country like Sri Lanka may not have such tight security to prevent such attack. So the cowards attacked a soft target. India must go behind them , find them out and eliminate them. Peace in subcontinent is very important.
Yeah for sure just like you helped them by creating LTTE and then again went into help them without their concern and ended up having very dead prime minister.

Go ahead and help them again....

India is like that " Lataan deengiyaan te ilaaqa badmaash" means knocked knees thinking he is goon of the village despite he even can't walk properly.
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — The confidential security memo laid it all out: names, addresses, phone numbers, even the times in the middle of the night that one suspect would visit his wife.

In the days leading up to the devastating suicide bombings that killed at least 310 people in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, the country’s security agencies had been closely watching a secretive cell of the National Thowheeth Jama’ath, a little-known radical Islamist organization that security officials in Sri Lanka now say carried out the attacks and may have received help from abroad.

They knew the group was dangerous. They had collected intelligence on the whereabouts of its leaders in the April 11 security memo, which warned of Catholic church bombings. They had been warned even earlier by India that the group, also known by the spelling National Thowheed Jama’ath, was plotting church attacks. They knew as far back as January that radical Islamists possibly tied to the group had stockpiled weapons and detonators.

And within hours of when three churches and three hotels were bombed, Sri Lankan security services swooped down on at least 24 suspects, suggesting that they also knew exactly where the group had been operating.

history of bitter infighting between Sri Lanka’s leaders appears to have contributed to a spectacular security breakdown that led to one of the world’s deadliest terrorist attacks.

One of the suicide bombers had even been arrested just a few months ago, Sri Lankan officials disclosed on Monday, on suspicion of having vandalized a statue of Buddha, an inflammatory act in a Buddhist-majority nation where strident religiosity, on all sides, seems to be increasing.

On Monday, several ministers lashed out at President Maithripala Sirisena, who controls the security services, for not acting on the detailed warnings before the attacks.

“We are ashamed of what has happened,” said Rauff Hakeem, the minister of city planning. “If the names of the persons involved were already known, why were they not arrested?”

He called the attacks a “colossal failure on the part of the intelligence services.”

Several ministers are now calling for the national police chief to resign. Others questioned how such a homegrown group could have acted alone.

“There was an international network without which these attacks could not have succeeded,” said Rajitha Senaratne, the health minister.

Sri Lanka’s president has not provided any satisfying answers about why the security services did not do more to thwart the bombers. Shiral Lakthilaka, a senior adviser, denied that there had been any security lapses. “Everyone has done their job,” he said. “These kinds of alerts are coming time to time. Even U.S. or anyone will not try to panic people.”

But he said that the president had appointed a special committee, led by a Supreme Court judge, to investigate the matter. And he acknowledged that the warnings about National Thowheeth Jama’ath — disclosed in the April 11 memo from a top police official to division heads — had been circulated only among police officials in charge of “VIP security.”

“That is why the president has appointed the committee to understand and ascertain what went wrong,” Mr. Lakthilaka said.

The warnings appear to have gone back even further.

India, a close ally of Sri Lanka’s, has been watching the entire South Asia region for any sign of activity by Al Qaeda or the Islamic State. And Indian security agencies had been scrutinizing the movements of National Thowheeth Jama’ath’s leader, Mohammed Zaharan, a known extremist who has spent time in both India and Sri Lanka, and who in recent years has preached hateful messages online.

As early as April 4, the Indians provided the Sri Lankans with cellphone numbers and information about Mr. Zaharan and his lieutenants who they said were planning suicide attacks on Catholic churches and the Indian Embassy in Sri Lanka, several Sri Lankan and Indian officials said.

The Sri Lankan security services then ran down addresses and put several members of the group under close surveillance.

The April 11 memo included precise information, such as the observation that Mr. Zaharan’s brother, an avid recruiter for the group, “visits his wife and children in the nights (2300hrs -0400hrs)” and it listed an exact address, down to a house number and cross street.

No warning seemed to have been communicated to any target. Managers and employees of some of the fanciest hotels in Colombo said they had not received any alert. That included the waterfront Galle Face Hotel, which is next door to the Indian High Commission and is frequently visited by senior officials and foreign dignitaries.

“No one told us anything,” said Shafraz Nawaz, who works at the Galle Face. “It was normal operation. But security has increased after the attack now.’’

Sri Lankan officials said they did not know Mr. Zaharan’s whereabouts on Monday. Indian intelligence officials suggested that he might be hiding in eastern Sri Lanka.

Read more at: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/22/world/asia/ntj-warning-sri-lanka-government.html
Thowheed Jama’ath was already involved in suspicious activities. Why srilanka allowed this organization in the first place? Maybe srilanka gave them benefit of doubt.
After receiving due intelligence and warning, such a lapse, from the security agencies, is unbelievable and unimaginable.
There is only one country that is known to have successfully used people of a country against their own country for suicide bombings. Their security adviser has boasted this capability that they can buy terrorists (so shouldn't be a problem for them to provide addresses and phone numbers), and its a fact known to Pakistan that this country has been supporter, financier of AQ and ISIS in our part of region. And O yes this country doesn't like the two nations playing cricket together .....
There is only one country that is known to have successfully used people of a country against their own country for suicide bombings. Their security adviser has boasted this capability that they can buy terrorists (so shouldn't be a problem for them to provide addresses and phone numbers), and its a fact known to Pakistan that this country has been supporter, financier of AQ and ISIS in our part of region. And O yes this country doesn't like the two nations playing cricket together .....

Was n`t AQ boss laden found in Pakistan ?
security agency send warning 360 days out of 365

As early as April 4, the Indians provided the Sri Lankans with cellphone numbers and information about Mr. Zaharan and his lieutenants who they said were planning suicide attacks on Catholic churches and the Indian Embassy in Sri Lanka, several Sri Lankan and Indian officials said.
Was n`t AQ boss laden found in Pakistan ?

Is this a question to try to know the facts and reality of modern geopolitics and its main players or is it some try at feeling defensive? By the way I haven't named any country .... so if there is any need to feel triggered, that is not understandable.
Was n`t AQ boss laden found in Pakistan ?
We found kulbhusion jhadev in pakistan as well but later he claimed he was here for terrorists activities.osama bin laden story is a joke and no doubt the agencies who knows the truth about osama bin laden would laugh at indians.
Is this a question to try to know the facts and reality of modern geopolitics and its main players or is it some try at feeling defensive? By the way I haven't named any country .... so if there is any need to feel triggered, that is not understandable.

I m not defensive, i m being offensive here.
I m talking about Pakistan, only country you have mentioned in your post. I don`t know the other "X" country.
You mentioned AQ, but bin laden was found in Pakistan. so you mean X = pakistan ? :lol:

We found kulbhusion jhadev in pakistan as well but later he claimed he was here for terrorists activities.osama bin laden story is a joke and no doubt the agencies who knows the truth about osama bin laden would laugh at indians.

You mean you kidnapped him from Iranian border.
Which agencies by the way ???
I m not defensive, i m being offensive here.
I m talking about Pakistan, only country you have mentioned in your post. I don`t know the other "X" country.
You mentioned AQ, but bin laden was found in Pakistan. so you mean X = pakistan ? :lol:

You mean you kidnapped him from Iranian border.
Which agencies by the way ???
do you think kidnapping someone from iranian border is joke? Kuch bhi bol do ge? Osama bin laden was dead long time ago so stop this osama bullshit and stop impressing white peoples everywhere stop forcing your self being a slave to your masters.
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