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NY judge rules Iran, Taliban, al-Qaida were liable in Sept. 11 attacks;

This goes to show that Americans are either trying to be smart or that they are really stupid beyond belief. Al-Qaeda is a sworn enemy of Iran and whenever they have had the chance they have attacked Iran, even before they went to war with US. In fact they were targeting Iranians when Al-Qaeda was still an ally of United States. Iran even had thought to go to war with Taliban and their allies Al-Qaeda in 1998 when Taliban was negotiating deals with United States. So this notion that Iran supported Al-Qaeda is certainly a propaganda to pave the way to go to war with Iran. In fact there are solid ties between Al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia but of course Saudi Arabia can not be mentioned in this case since we all know for what reason.

Though there is no relations between Iran and Al-Qaeda but we have also to be fair and impartial. To say that Iran has no connection with Sunni revolutionary movement is a folly. Iranian revolution has actually its roots in Sunni revolutionary movements. Khomeini as the founder of Iranian revolution was an avid reader of Sayyid Qutb's books and even today Khamenei has personally translated Qutb's books into Persian and published them. Iran and the revolution there has had old, deep and solid links with Muslim Brotherhood which probably continues today. Iran's revolution was inspired by Muslim Brotherhood and Banna's ideas, though in a modified version to accommodate with Shia Islam which was apolitical till that time. The difference here is that Muslim Brotherhood never was an American ally but Al-Qaeda was created by Americans and was an American ally for a long time before the rift between them. Though Al-Qaeda later on completely moved away from ideology of Qutb and made their own versions of everything based on Wahabi ideology, but in the start they had borrowed from Muslim brotherhood. So there is an Iranian connections with the ideology but not with Al-Qaeda which is a western creation.
sorry i just cant wrap my head around this news. i get them trying to blame AL QAIDA , to a certain extent even the taliban . but Iran ? come on :rolleyes:

looks like they are cooking up another (WMD) reason to get into a new war.:sick:
The amount of money set as damages to be paid by Iran to victims of 9/11 is rumored to be above 100 billion dollars. Since Iran does not have any relations with US, this amount is to be paid by all the frozen assets of Iran in United States since the time of revolution which in a "coincidental" fashion is also about the same amount just above 100 billion dollars. Since Iran had paid for a large amounts of weapons to US before revolution and also had some 12 billion dollars in US banks in 1979, all this with interests of all these years turn out to be above 100 billion dollars plus a few other things like Iranian historical artifacts in US. Basically this court order is to transfer this Iranian wealth to American economy with gimmickry.

One wonders whether these courts are acting freely on behalf of justice. Why they have not yet made ruling to compensate for tens of trillions of dollars worth of oil stolen by Anglo-Iranian oil company, for the occupation of Iran during WWII, for Operation Ajax, For US support of Saddam against Iran, for giving Saddam WMD's to be used against Iranians, for shooting down Iranian civilian air liner Iran Air flight 655, for all the economic damage they have done to Iran by embargoes and sanctions, for supporting terrorism in Iran, for killing Iranian scientists etc, etc? It is better Iranian courts also open cases against United States and UK, claiming hundreds of trillions of dollars for all these damages. Whether Iran will ever be able to get reparations from US and UK is another matter but as has been mentioned in Islamic Hadith, no one can claim a debt on the day of judgement if that person has not demanded return of his debt in this world. Iran at least should keep the records straight by making its claims official.
When Iran said 9/11 was an inside job, Al-Qaeda 'scolded' them, & told them that they were responsible

---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:16 PM ----------

This goes to show that Americans are either trying to be smart or that they are really stupid beyond belief. Al-Qaeda is a sworn enemy of Iran and whenever they have had the chance they have attacked Iran, even before they went to war with US. In fact they were targeting Iranians when Al-Qaeda was still an ally of United States. Iran even had thought to go to war with Taliban and their allies Al-Qaeda in 1998 when Taliban was negotiating deals with United States. So this notion that Iran supported Al-Qaeda is certainly a propaganda to pave the way to go to war with Iran. In fact there are solid ties between Al-Qaeda and Saudi Arabia but of course Saudi Arabia can not be mentioned in this case since we all know for what reason.

Though there is no relations between Iran and Al-Qaeda but we have also to be fair and impartial. To say that Iran has no connection with Sunni revolutionary movement is a folly. Iranian revolution has actually its roots in Sunni revolutionary movements. Khomeini as the founder of Iranian revolution was an avid reader of Sayyid Qutb's books and even today Khamenei has personally translated Qutb's books into Persian and published them. Iran and the revolution there has had old, deep and solid links with Muslim Brotherhood which probably continues today. Iran's revolution was inspired by Muslim Brotherhood and Banna's ideas, though in a modified version to accommodate with Shia Islam which was apolitical till that time. The difference here is that Muslim Brotherhood never was an American ally but Al-Qaeda was created by Americans and was an American ally for a long time before the rift between them. Though Al-Qaeda later on completely moved away from ideology of Qutb and made their own versions of everything based on Wahabi ideology, but in the start they had borrowed from Muslim brotherhood. So there is an Iranian connections with the ideology but not with Al-Qaeda which is a western creation.

Perfectly stated.
When Iran said 9/11 was an inside job, Al-Qaeda 'scolded' them, & told them that they were responsible

That is because Al-Qaeda was/is a front for CIA. It is an open secret that no one in US wants to talk about. Iran knew that it was an inside job and have publicly calling for an international investigation of 9/11. Infact Ahmadinejad is the only world leader who had the guts to call it an inside job and demanded a UN investigation into it when he addressed the UN assembly. So it is not strange that US might want to get revenge on Iran for speaking the truth.
Its normal for US, now they'll try to use it (same as fake ambassador assassination plot) to increase sanctions on Iran.

Lets remember 9/11 accusations timeline:

1. US claimed Bin Laden is guilty, and they have the proof. Taliban asked for this proof, US declined. Taliban offered Bin Laden for neutral trial, US declined and attacked country instead, hundreds of thousands died and country is a mess, narcotics production is breaking all-time records under NATO.

Important moment - CIA many years later confirmed they have no proof of Bin Laden involvement in 9/11. When US found Bin Laden, they killed him, without trial.

2. US claimed Iraq had Al Qaeda connections. After they started the war, many years later they admitted it was a fake as well, along with non-existing WMD.

3. Now they claim in a court Iran is responsible... a decade later, with zero actual evidence. See the pattern?

And now probably the biggest irony - Al Qaeda was essentially created by US, and when it turned against previous masters, it became the "worst terrorist organization in the World". Guess what - US is again openly extending its friendship and funding to Al Qaeda, using it against Libya, Syria and Iran.

Very well said. 9/11 has been successfully turned into a new holocaust which will justify all the wars and looting of 21st century by United States.
There is no such thing has wahabi..nobody calls themselves wahabi...and if you think Al Quaida is inspired by Sheikh Abdul Wahab, you are in for a big mistake as the foundations for millitant Islam were laid out by Ahmed al Banna which later inspired many millitant ideologies of Muslim Brotherhood, Ikhwan, Jamat e Islami, Al Quaida, etc etc

Do u no what the meaning of Sunni is do you ? so please do not for the love of God call them Sunnis they do not follow sunnah in any possible way.
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