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NY cops and burqa-clad Muslim women scuffle at amusement park on Eid

I understand that, I am not the court that summons all this information, but I wanted to merely point out all the possible contentions & conflicts I could from reading the source. Seeing how the NYPD/CIA denied that such a unit even existed despite substantial evidence stating otherwise, only makes me think that the CIA is heavily involved in this, & that it did not get prior authorization to spy on its citizens, because they are randomly spying at individuals in the community, not based on any reason to believe they were involved in international terrorism or espionage. This is pre-emption on the part of the CIA if true, & this is not allowed when it comes to spying on its citizens.

Fair enough, but IF any laws were broken or IF anybody's civil rights were violated, I am sure there will be a case filed. Has one been filed anywhere yet?
Fair enough, but IF any laws were broken or IF anybody's civil rights were violated, I am sure there will be a case filed. Has one been filed anywhere yet?

Well, this issue has just been brought up, let's see how things proceed. It's not me that are questioning the legality of all this, many other people are.
Well, this issue has just been brought up, let's see how things proceed. It's not me that are questioning the legality of all this, many other people are.

Exactly. I am sure if any lawyers see grounds for a suit, one will be filed surely. Why don't we both wait and see what comes out of the news story, if anything?
Exactly. I am sure if any lawyers see grounds for a suit, one will be filed surely. Why don't we both wait and see what comes out of the news story, if anything?

That's all we can do.
Of course. How about remaining calm until something actually happens? :D

I'm calm, I'm actually done with this thread. I don't have anything new to say, so I'm done posting here.
well as far as i know, you cant have any lose articles on any rides... you either have to take it off or they would not let u go on the ride. i've seen many people getting kicked off the rides as some gangster type people decline to take their hats off.
and if u d ont listen to police then they do "push you against the ground" to handcuff. its a normal procedure..
The restrictions have been in place for a long time before this gathering, and are NOT religion specific.

The restrictions were repeatedly pointed out to the organizers, before the start of the event.

The ladies, when not allowed to flaunt the rules and ride, started a fight to get a refund, which, again, under the rules was not permissible, since only a few rides were subject to the safety restrictions and the rest of the park was open.

The police were called in to keep the public peace.

The male relatives of one of the females involved in the primary incident escalated the matter.

Reinforcements were then called in.


Now you tell me where the problem lies.
The restrictions have been in place for a long time before this gathering, and are NOT religion specific.

The restrictions were repeatedly pointed out to the organizers, before the start of the event.

The ladies, when not allowed to flaunt the rules and ride, started a fight to get a refund, which, again, under the rules was not permissible, since only a few rides were subject to the safety restrictions and the rest of the park was open.

The police were called in to keep the public peace.

The male relatives of one of the females involved in the primary incident escalated the matter.

Reinforcements were then called in.


Now you tell me where the problem lies.

Thats basically what I said a couple pages ago but you guys let Bilal divert the thread's main point...
I'm not claiming anything, I'm only saying what the US constitution says about the CIA spying on its citizens. I'm not the court that gives the verdict. I'm giving out the facts that doesn't mention any authorization being granted, it is not up to me to determine whether authorization is given or not, I'm not the one that gives the verdict. However, in a court, the CIA/NYPD will be asked whether authorization was granted or not, & as stated by the article, the CIA/NYPD admits authorization was not given, because no such program exists. If it is proven that such a program exists, then the CIA/NYPD will be wrong. According to the facts stated in the article, no such authorization was given, & there was no exceptional case such as international terrorism or espionage that granted this kind of authorization for the CIA.

Read the US constitution, the law is that the CIA is not allowed to spy on its citizens.

There is a general & exception rule. The general rule is always mentioned before the exception, everyone knows that. An exception to a rule always have "only" or "if" statements attached to them. Let me quote you your post:

The red has the general rule, green has the exception. See where the general rule & the exception are? ;)

Hence, it is your responsibility to prove that this is an exception/exceptional case; that this was done because there was espionage or international terrorism; & then you have to prove to me that authorization was given for this action or not.

Its a general rule that murdering some one is unlawful, unless self defense (exception). But if someone kills a person in self defence, its still the prosecution that has to prove that it was not self defence and not the other way round. General rule or exception, the burden on proof is always on the accuser...
The restrictions have been in place for a long time before this gathering, and are NOT religion specific.

The restrictions were repeatedly pointed out to the organizers, before the start of the event.

The ladies, when not allowed to flaunt the rules and ride, started a fight to get a refund, which, again, under the rules was not permissible, since only a few rides were subject to the safety restrictions and the rest of the park was open.

The police were called in to keep the public peace.

The male relatives of one of the females involved in the primary incident escalated the matter.

Reinforcements were then called in.


Now you tell me where the problem lies.

Men getting involved in female fights..
Men getting involved in female fights..

That is one element in this saga, but to paint is as discrimination on the basis of religion is incorrect. Law and order events with many other gatherings like this have similar instances too.
From what I gathered that the police was beating a women and then the relatives of that women stepped in to stop the fight and that resulted in more cops coming in and they beat up ppl and applied charges on ppl who punched officers

While clearly they were beating women in frist place
From what I gathered that the police was beating a women and then the relatives of that women stepped in to stop the fight and that resulted in more cops coming in and they beat up ppl and applied charges on ppl who punched officers

While clearly they were beating women in frist place

People asking for refund , for no service , should not constitute to the place calling police to come beat up people who are demanding their money back

If Muslim organization , pays thousands to the park , for rides and entertainment on theme park , the customers expect to get to ride on the theme parks not being told you can't do something due to head scarf

Clearly police are responsible as they grounded the women and then beat her up while putting hand cuff in a theame park while in their on Christmas holiday you won't hear such thing ... so it clearly a case of abuse of power
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