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Number of U.S. coronavirus cases of UNKNOWN ORIGIN climbs to four

This is have 2 meanings

  • 1. That's information from japan media, the virus is originated from U.S is true

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • 2. There is already undetected outbreak inside U.S (This is Fatal)

    Votes: 6 40.0%

  • Total voters
My assessment is the US worked well to alert people of China's slow response ,mistakes and coverups to coronvirus
LOl, Trump said virus was a hype which democrats used against him, and US government has been saying US risk of this virus is very low, doyou agree?
LOl, Trump said virus was a hype which democrats used against him, and US government has been saying US risk of this virus is very low, doyou agree?

It's about the same as Beijing and Shanghai.

You tell me if that is very high or very low...
haha gotcha! I knew you wouldn't answer it.
4 new cases outside Hubei province in China yesterday, 3 of which are from Beijing, so Beijing is not doing as well as the rest of China, we admit that. You guys seem to be very active when the virus first hit China accusing China of mishandling the situation, do you believe US handles an outbreak better than China?
4 new cases outside Hubei province in China yesterday, 3 of them are from Beijing, so Beijing is not doing as well as the rest of China, we admit that. You guys seem to be very active when the virus first hit China accusing China of mishandling the situation, do you believe US handles an outbreak better than China?

Well so far no doctors have been warned to shutup. Outside events cancelled in Washington instead of proceeding with a banquet for 40,000 families, etc.
Well so far no doctors have been warned to shutup. Outside events cancelled in Washington instead of proceeding with a banquet for 40,000 families, etc.
It's already a known virus, no longer needs speculations like it first hit China and Yes, US is all talk, no actions. China might be the opposite.
It's already a known virus, no longer needs speculations like it first hit China and Yes, US is all talk, no actions. China might be the opposite.

LOL! Telling doctors to shutup and allowing an outdoor banquet for 40,000 families in Wuhan is action to you eh?
LOL! Telling doctors to shutup and allowing an outdoor banquet for 40,000 families in Wuhan is action to you eh?
That' a local government action, and that's not totally wrong, cause the doctors said SARS was back, that proved to be not the case, and no one knows what to do because no one knows this virus and how contagious and virulent it can be. but in US case, this virus had been recognoized for months and people know a great deal of how it behaves, yet US government still tries to cover up, downplay it, still extremely slow in containing it. that push government non functioning to a new level.
Um...there's only 9 deaths total in the US. Is this Chinese new math or something??
Plus 4 of those deaths were in the same building.

China locked down city of 11 million when 15 death were reported. Now US will reach that soon enough to see if any such action will be taken by the CDC.
Coronavirus testing is free, but the hospital trip may set you back thousands. One graphic breaks down potential costs.
Hillary Hoffower, Business Insider US
Even though COVID-19 testing is free, Americans could still be stuck with pricey hospital bills.

Stefano Guidi/Getty Images

Free coronavirus testing isn’t all it appears to be.

A report published Thursday by America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) stated that the The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is currently the only facility equipped to test for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus that broke out in China, or designate other laboratories to do so. The CDC is not billing for testing.

This means if you go to the ER or urgent care for coronavirus treatment, you won’t be charged for COVID-19 lab testing. But there are other charges you might have to pay, depending on your insurance plan, or lack thereof. A hospital stay in itself could be costly and you would likely have to pay for tests for other viruses or conditions.

Consider Miami resident Osmel Martinez Azcue, as reported by The Miami Herald’s Ben Conarck. He checked himself into the hospital for flu-like symptoms after arriving back in the US from a work trip to China, concerned he had been exposed to the novel coronavirus.

He asked to be first tested for the flu before getting a CT scan to screen for coronavirus because of his limited insurance plan, Conarck wrote. He did have the flu, which meant no further testing for coronavirus, but he told Conarck that the whole hospital visit cost $3,270, according to a notice from his insurance company.

A trip to the ER can set you back thousands
To find out just how much coronavirus-related medical costs could set a patient back financially, Business Insider obtained estimates for average medical costs from healthcare cost database FAIR Health.

In the chart below, FAIR Health provided the average costs for common ER visits, office outpatient visits, and global urgent care visits, to cover possible types of visits one could make to get checked for coronavirus. It also includes average costs for flu and blood tests, which could be run to rule out other conditions or illnesses.


These are possible costs for various suspected coronavirus treatment. The list is not exhaustive.

Shayanne Gal/Business Insider

Now, this chart doesn’t mean that you’ll undergo all indicated procedures if you check into a hospital or visit urgent care with flu-like symptoms – it’s just identifying possible procedures that might occur for coronavirus treatment. It’s currently unknown what exact procedures would be given to a patient with suspected COVID-19. And, depending on your symptoms, you could have a quick 15-minute visit to urgent care or an urgent visit to the ER – not necessarily both. That is all to say, this list is hypothetical and not exhaustive.

Costs labeled as uninsured or out-of-network are the billed charges you would have to pay if you’re one of the 27 million Americans without insurance. That’s also the cost you’d pay if you go to a hospital or doctor outside of your insurance network, and if your insurance plan has no out-of-network coverage. Either way, that means you’d have to pay 100% of the price.

Costs labeled as insured are the full fee due to the provider under the insurance plan. If you’ve met your deductible, you’d need to pay your co-pay or co-insurance, while the insurance plan pays the remaining balance. How much you’d actually pay depends on your insurance plan.

In a hypothetical example, let’s say you visit the ER under high severity and threat. You’re tested for the flu for both the A virus and B virus, and the doctors also run a CMP blood test.

If you’re uninsured, this could collectively cost you $1,295, out-of-pocket. If you have insurance, the full fee could cost $491, and you would only pay a portion if you’ve met your deductible. If your co-pay was 20% of the fee, it would cost $98.

Again, none of these tests may be run, but many more could also be run. It all comes down to what treatment and what medical coverage you have.


hahaha what you expect from greedy capitalist system like U.S :lol:

meanwhile in China

Mark my word, in this world only China can do massive Mobilization like that :coffee:

@Hamartia Antidote
LOL! Telling doctors to shutup and allowing an outdoor banquet for 40,000 families in Wuhan is action to you eh?
lol Trump just told the head of CDC to shut up and all information release go thru Pence.

The top doctor from nowyork hospital is calling this

What a shame!

Well so far no doctors have been warned to shutup. Outside events cancelled in Washington instead of proceeding with a banquet for 40,000 families, etc.
10 death in Seattle! they still have school open! Children life means nothing for US!

It's about the same as Beijing and Shanghai.

You tell me if that is very high or very low...
Beijnig and Shanghai is 100 time safer than phony US!
You cant even handle one patient!
10 death in Seattle! they still have school open! Children life means nothing for US!

You should leave Canada while you can. Canada doesn’t even want to close ANY schools. You are going to die next week.

Public health agency recommends vigilance and hygiene, not school closings, to control COVID-19

The Public Health Agency of Canada is not recommending closing schools for the prevention of novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

But, in a document offering health authorities guidance for schools and child-care programs, PHAC does recommend everything from increased hand sanitizing stations and additional tissues at schools, to ending awards for perfect attendance, to ensure students stay home when they are sick.
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You should leave Canada while you can. Canada doesn’t even want to close ANY schools. You are going to die next week.

Public health agency recommends vigilance and hygiene, not school closings, to control COVID-19

The Public Health Agency of Canada is not recommending closing schools for the prevention of novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

But, in a document offering health authorities guidance for schools and child-care programs, PHAC does recommend everything from increased hand sanitizing stations and additional tissues at schools, to ending awards for perfect attendance, to ensure students stay home when they are sick.
LOL CANADA as lapdog of USA, it equality fuked! Everyone know that because the shitty job they done in US. The only difference is that my hospital bill is free and I belong to 0.2% death rate group. Over all Canadian health and weight are good. Not so sure about FAT yank.
LOL CANADA as lapdog of USA, it equality fuked! Everyone know that because the shitty job they done in US. The only difference is that my hospital bill is free and I belong to 0.2% death rate group. Over all Canadian health and weight are good. Not so sure about FAT yank.

It's a lot colder in Canada than the US. Perfect place for the Coronavirus to thrive. You guys have been hiding Coronavirus deaths for at least a year behind Influenza. I figure another few months and you'll all be dead. You are a brave soul to stay there. PDF salutes you.
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