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Nude photo-sharing scandal hits US military

From highs to lows US military has set it's mark in everything. :enjoy:
These are new liberal society and many will stand for them.. whats wrong in that.. They have liberty to be nude..:crazy:
A bunch of them on AnonIB (which is a **** site) you can check that out on your own accord. That said, those picture is no more than people/person who are unwittingly or unintentionally got naked in front of the camera. It is along the same line as in Hidden Cam.

The prospect of being in the Military and being a woman have a long and complicated relationships. This incident is no more than how these picture, either willingly taken or taken with authorisation, being taken out of context, it happened everywhere, and in any given level.

In the US military, these type of hazing (or whatever you called revenge **** for) is not uncommon, it was not right, but these tradition tend to continue, but at the end of the day, this is about one or two bad apple coming out of thousands or even millions. And being in the military myself, the level of trust between male and female member of the armed force is at time icy, but in general having a good rapport.

Also noticed that Sexual Harrassment are quite hold to the strict standard within the military.
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