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Nuclear talks with South Korea nearing end


Feb 20, 2008
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Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yıldız said Wednesday that talks with South Korea were nearing an end as plans for a nuclear power plant in Turkey proceed.

“South Korea has different conditions, we are at the end of evaluating them,” said Yıldız, who met with Jean Lemierre and other representatives of the Movement of the French Enterprises, or MEDEF, to talk about the Turkish energy sector.

Yıldız revealed plans to build two additional nuclear plants in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions by 2023.

Regarding the Mediterranean region, Yıldız said Turkey has made a deal with Russia. He said for 15 years half of the electricity produced will have a purchase guarantee in decreasing rates and the remaining will be sold in the open market.

Referring to talks with South Korea regarding a nuclear plant planned for Sinop, Yıldız said the standard for nuclear plant construction is that a company builds it and does not interfere with its operation afterward.

However, “We want them to be somewhat involved with the operation, because we are new to this,” Yıldız said.

Turkey is also working to synchronize its electricity distribution with Europe.

When complete, the new system will allow France and Turkey to receive electricity from each other. The same system will be set up with countries such as Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Algeria.

“Think about it: An electricity market encompassing the north and south of the Mediterranean. This means investors will find the market for the next 20-30 years,” said Yıldız.

“Turkey has important projects and we hope to join them,” said Lemierre, adding that French companies are following Turkey closely.

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