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Nuclear Power Plants in Pakistan

K-2 nuclear power plant connected to grid

The Newspaper'
March 19, 2021

This photo shows construction work taking place on the K-2 and K-3 nuclear power plants. — Photo courtesy PAEC website

This photo shows construction work taking place on the K-2 and K-3 nuclear power plants. — Photo courtesy PAEC website

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) on Thursday announced that it had connected the much-awaited 1,100MW Karachi Nuclear Power Plant Unit-2 (K-2) to the national grid.

In a statement, the PAEC termed it a ‘Pakistan Day’ gift to the nation. It said the nuclear power plant (NPP) had achieved criticality at the end of February and was undergoing certain safety tests and procedures before it could finally be connected to the national grid.

The loading of nuclear fuel onto the plant was started on December 1, 2020 after getting clearance from the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority.

The PAEC pointed out that K-2 is the first nuclear power plant in Pakistan with a generation capacity of 1,100MW and its addition to the national grid will “surely help improve the economy of the country”.

K-2 is one of the two similar under-construction nuclear power plants located near Karachi and will be inaugurated for commercial operation by the end of May this year.

The other one, K-3, is also in completion phase and is expected to be operational by the end of this year.

The PAEC is now running six NPPs in the country — two located in Karachi and four at Chashma in Mianwali district. Earlier, the collective generation capacity of all PAEC-operated nuclear power plants was around 1,400MW.

The coming online of the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant Unit-2 will nearly double the generation capacity of nuclear power plants in the country, substantially improving the overall share of nuclear power in the energy mix.

Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Muhammad Naeem congratulated Member Power Saeedur Rehman and his team on this great achievement.

Published in Dawn, March 19th, 2021
Nuclear Power in Pakistan
(Updated March 2021)

  • Pakistan has a small nuclear power programme, with 1355 MWe capacity operating and 2300 MWe under construction, with Chinese help.
  • Pakistan's nuclear weapons capabilities have arisen independently of its civil nuclear fuel cycle, using indigenous uranium.
  • Because Pakistan is outside the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, due to its weapons programme, it is largely excluded from trade in nuclear plant or materials, which hinders its development of civil nuclear energy. However, China is positive about nuclear cooperation with Pakistan, and a 2018 International Atomic Energy Agency programme further supports civil nuclear power.
Operable Reactors

1,318 MWe
Reactors Under Construction

2,028 MWe
Reactors Shutdown

0 MWe
Operable nuclear power capacity

Electricity sector
Total generation (in 2018): 149.2 TWh

Total consumption: 121.5 TWh

Generation mix: natural gas 53.5 TWh (36%), hydro 37.4 TWh (25%), oil 31.2 TWh (21%), coal 11.5 TWh (8%), nuclear 10.5 TWh (7%), wind 3.2 TWh (2%), biofuels 1.0 TWh, solar 0.9 TWh.

Import/export balance: 0.6 TWh import (no export)

Per capita consumption: circa 600 kWh/yr

Source: International Energy Agency and The World Bank. Data for year 2018.

Nuclear Power Industry
Reactors operating in Pakistan

Reactor NameAlternative NameModelReactor TypeNet Capacity (MWe)Construction StartFirst Grid Connection
CHASNUPP-1Chashma Nuclear Power Plant 1CNP-300PWR3001993-082000-06
CHASNUPP-2Chashma Nuclear Power Plant 2CNP-300PWR3002005-122011-03
Chashma Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3Chashma Nuclear Power Plant 3CNP-300PWR3152011-052016-10
Chashma Nuclear Power Plant Unit 4Chashma Nuclear Power Plant 4CNP-300PWR3132011-122017-06
Karachi Nuclear Power PlantKarachi 1CANDU-137 MWPHWR901966-081971-10
Location of nuclear power plants in Pakistan

Karachi is also known as KANUPP; Chashma as CHASNUPP.

Enriched fuel for the PWRs is imported from China.

PAEC is responsible for all nuclear energy and research applications in the country. It has two divisions which are responsible for nuclear power programs: Nuclear Power Generation (NUPG) and Nuclear Power Projects (NUPP). The NUPG directorate oversees the operational units, and the NUPP directorate is concerned with the design and construction of planned units, and is closely aligned with the PNRA.

Karachi 1

PAEC's first nuclear power reactor is a small 100 MWe (90 MWe net) Canadian pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) which started up in 1971 and which is under international safeguards – Karachi 1 (K1/KANUPP 1) at Paradise Point in Sindh province, about 25 km west of Karachi. It is operated at reduced power, and is under review by PAEC because of its age.

At Karachi (KANUPP) a 4800 m3/day MED desalination plant was commissioned in 2012, though in 2014 it was reported as 1600 m3/day.

Chashma 1-4

The second unit is Chashma 1 (CHASNUPP 1) in Punjab province in the north, a 325 MWe (300 MWe net) two-loop pressurised water reactor (PWR) supplied by CNNC under safeguards. The main part of the plant was designed by Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute (SNERDI), based on Qinshan 1. It started up in May 2000. Design lifetime is 40 years. It, and the following three units at the same site, were built using international design codes and standards.

Construction of its twin, Chashma 2 (CHASNUPP 2), started in December 2005. It was reported to cost PKR 51.46 billion ($ 490 million, with $20 million of this financed by China). A safeguards agreement with the IAEA was signed in 2006 and grid connection was in March 2011, with commercial operation in May. Upgrades have added 5 MWe since (to 330 MWe gross).

In June 2008 the government announced plans to build units 3&4 at Chashma, each 320 MWe gross and largely financed by China. A further agreement for China's help with the project was signed in October 2008, and given prominence as a counter to the US-India agreement shortly preceding it.

In March 2009 China's SNERDI announced that it was proceeding with design of Chashma 3&4, with China Zhongyuan Engineering Co. Ltd (CZEC) as the general contractor and China Nuclear Industry No.5 Construction Company as installer. In April 2009, a design contract with SNERDI was signed, and the government said that it had approved the project at a cost of $2.37 billion, with $1.75 billion of this involving "a foreign exchange component". In March 2010 Pakistan announced that it had agreed the terms for Chashma 3&4, whereby China would provide 82% of the total $1.912 billion financing as three 20-year low-interest loans. It would also provide fuel for the reactors’ lifetime nominally of 40 years.

The main construction contract was signed in June 2010, detailing that the two 340 MWe CNP-300 (315 MWe net) units were to be completed in eight years. They will have a design lifetime of 40 years and be under IAEA safeguards. Construction of unit 3 officially started at the end of May 2011, and unit 4 in December 2011. Early in 2014 PAEC said they were several months ahead of schedule. In 2015 CZEC said completion of unit 3 would be in 2016, and in fact it was grid-connected in October, with full power and commercial operation in December. Unit 4 started up in March 2017 and was grid-connected late in June 2017.

The Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) has raised some questions about China's supply of Chasma 3&4. Contracts for units 1&2 were signed in 1990 and 2000 respectively, before 2004 when China joined the NSG, which maintains an embargo on sales of nuclear equipment to Pakistan. China argued that units 3&4 are similarly 'grandfathered', and arrangements are consistent with those for units 1&2.

In inaugurating the Chashma 4 unit, the prime minister said the government "is committed to achieve [its] goal of adding 8800 MWe of nuclear energy to the national grid by 2030." This includes 2322 MWe under construction at Karachi 2&3.

Reactors under construction and planned in Pakistan

ReactorProvinceTypeMWe grossConstruction startPlanned commercial operation
Karachi 2SindhHualong One/ACP10001161Aug 2015Late 2021
Karachi 3SindhHualong One/ACP10001161May 2016Late 2022
Total (2) 2322
Chashma 5PunjabHualong One/ACP10001161??
Karachi is also known as KANUPP.

Karachi 2&3

In June 2013 the Planning Commission said that two CNNC 1000 MWe class reactors would be used for Karachi 2 and 3 (KANUPP 2&3) near Karachi unit 1. Two coastal sites had been under consideration for the twin 1100 MWe units. CNNC in April 2013 announced an export agreement for the ACP1000, nominally 1100 MWe, apparently for Pakistan. This was confirmed in June by the PAEC which said that the next nuclear project would be 1100 MWe class units at the Karachi Coastal power station.

In July 2013 ECNEC approved two units of the Karachi Costal power project with net generation capacity of 2117 MWe. The total cost of this was estimated at PKR 959 billion ($9.116 billion), with $6.5 billion (68%) being vendor finance. PAEC also said that 82% of the total cost would be financed by China. At the end of August 2013 contracts were signed in Shanghai with CNNC, CZEC, China Nuclear Power Engineering Co. Ltd. (CNPE), Nuclear Power Institute of China (NPIC), and East China Electric Power Designing Institute (ECEPDI). Groundbreaking at the site near Paradise Point, 25 km west of Karachi, took place in November 2013, but in October 2014 the Sindh high court ruling stopped site work following a challenge on environmental grounds, and the restraining order was extended to early December. The project was re-launched in August 2015, and construction of the first unit started then.

The Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority received the safety analysis of China’s ACP1000 reactor from CNNC and after completing the review granted a construction licence, for the CNNC version of Hualong One, 1161 MWe gross.

In April 2015 China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Group Co (CNEC) won the tender for civil engineering construction and installation work for the conventional island of the plant, which it said would use Hualong One reactors. Construction of the first unit started in August 2015 and is expected to take 72 months (52 months for the conventional island). Construction of the second unit started at the end of May 2016, according to the IAEA, but without any announcement or notification on the PAEC website. In July 2017 the reactor vessel for unit 2 completed pressure tests at China First Heavy Machinery Group's factory in China, and in September it was installed.

A press report in January 2017 said that work on both units was intensifying to meet the operational target, and that it was a CPEC project. In March 2017 the IAEA approved Pakistan’s request to apply international safeguards to both units.

In November 2019, CNNC reported that cold testing had begun for Karachi 2. Hot testing was completed in September 2020, and fuel loading commenced in December 2020. The unit achieved first criticality in March 2021.

In light of its inability to buy uranium on the open market, PAEC says that Pakistan has agreed with CNNC to provide lifetime fuel supply for the reactors, specified as 60 years.

Chashma 5

In November 2010 the PAEC signed a construction agreement with CNNC for a fifth unit at Chashma. In February 2013 a further agreement was signed by PAEC with CNNC for a 1000 MWe unit at Chashma. It was reported that China expected that this deal would be controversial under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and guidelines of the NSG. Early in 2013 CNNC confirmed that the reactor would be an ACP1000 unit, though not necessarily at Chashma. In November 2017 CNNC signed a cooperation agreement with PAEC on the construction of Chashma 5 as a Hualong One unit. In 2020 environmental assessment was under way.
Energy policy

In July 2013 the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) approved about 3.5 GWe of new power projects totaling PKR 1303 billion ($12.4 billion), comprising 2200 MWe nuclear, 425 MWe gas combined cycle, and 969 MWe hydro. These are designed to reduce the high reliance on oil and to reduce power costs. All depend on Chinese support.

Electricity infrastructure is a significant part of the $51 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects from 2016 which will link Kashgar in China’s Xinjiang region to Pakistan’s deep-water port of Gwadar on the Arabian Sea.

The CPEC includes roads and railways running much of the length of Pakistan and funded by three Chinese banks, and a 4000 MW HVDC grid development costing $1.5 billion over 2017-18. Some $33 billion of the CPEC total is for energy infrastructure, notably 10 GWe of generating capacity by 2020, mostly coal-fired, which is expected to provide 24% of the country’s power by 2020. Lignite is the main fuel envisaged, from the Thar Desert region of Sindh.

CPEC projects are a significant element in China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and are unprecedented in scale in Pakistan.

In 2005 the Energy Security Plan was adopted by the government, which called for a huge increase in generating capacity to more than 160 GWe by 2030. Significant power shortages are reported, and load shedding is common.

Nuclear policy

An expansion of nuclear power capacity has long been a central element of Pakistan's energy policy.

The 2005 Energy Security Plan included the intention of lifting nuclear capacity to 8800 MWe in the long term, 900 MWe of this by 2015 and a further 1500 MWe by 2020. Projections included four further Chinese reactors of 300 MWe each and seven of 1000 MWe, all PWR.

There were tentative plans for China to build two 1000 MWe PWR units at Karachi as KANUPP 2&3, but China then in 2007 deferred development of its CNP-1000 type which would have been the only one of that size able to be exported. Pakistan then turned its attention to building smaller units with higher local content. However, in 2013 China revived its 1000 MWe designs with export intent, and made overtures to Pakistan for the ACP1000 design, which became Hualong One – see below.

In August 2011 it was reported that Pakistan aimed for 8000 MWe nuclear at ten sites by 2030. PAEC has apparently selected six new sites on the basis of Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) advice. These are: the Qadirabad-Bulloki (QB) link canal near Qadirabad Headworks; Dera Ghazi Khan canal near Taunsa Barrage; Taunsa-Panjnad canal near Multan; Nara canal near Sukkur; Pat Feeder canal near Guddu; and Kabul River near Nowshera. Early in 2012 Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) said that four reactors were planned for the Taunsa-Panjnad canal near Multan in Punjab.

In January 2014 PAEC announced its intention to build five further 1100 MWe nuclear reactors to meet anticipated electricity demand, and have 8.9 GWe of nuclear capacity online by 2030. "With more than 55 reactor-years of successful operating experience to its credit, the PAEC can confidently move from technology acquisition status to actually starting contributing sizeable electrical energy to the system."

PAEC was then quoted as saying that eight sites would be chosen for a further 32 units, four 1100 MWe units at each, so that nuclear power supplied one-quarter of the country’s electricity from 40 GWe of capacity. This evidently assumes a more than tenfold increase in electricity demand by a future date well beyond 2030.

PAEC said an initial 1100 MWe plant would be built at Muzaffargarh, on the Taunsa-Panjnad canal near Multan in southwest Punjab. It was also reported that discussions with China were under way to supply three nuclear power units for about $13 billion.

Despite being outside the UN's Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), a four-year technical cooperation project – "Strengthening and Enhancing Capabilities of Pakistan's National Institutions to Support a Safe, Reliable and Sustainable Nuclear Power Programme," referred to as PAK2007 – was launched in 2018.

The IAEA amalgamated four of its pre-existing national technical cooperation projects, which supported regulators, operators, waste managers and non-destructive testers to bring together all the relevant nuclear power stakeholders. This considerably boosted international cooperation with Pakistan's nuclear power programme.
Front cycle

Front end

The government set a target of producing 300 tons of uranium per year from 2015 to meet one-third of anticipated requirements, but this has not been realised. Low-grade ore is known in central Punjab at Bannu Basin and Suleman Range. In 2015 production was 45 tU.

In July 2017 CNNC signed a framework agreement with PAEC for technical cooperation in the exploration and development of uranium resources.

A small (15,000 SWU/yr) uranium centrifuge enrichment plant at the Khan Research Laboratories (KRL) in Kahuta has been operated since 1984 and does not have any apparent civil use.

It was expanded threefold in about 1991, and further since then. A newer plant not under safeguards is reported to be at KRL. It is not clear whether PAEC has any involvement with these plants.

Enriched fuel for the PWRs is imported from China.

In 2006 PAEC announced that it was preparing to set up separate and purely civil conversion, enrichment and fuel fabrication plants as a new $1.2 billion Pakistan Nuclear Power Fuel Complex (PNPFC) for PWR-type reactors which would be under IAEA safeguards and managed separately from existing facilities.

However, constraints imposed on Pakistan by the Nuclear Suppliers Group may mean that all civil nuclear development is tied to China, and there may be no point in proceeding with this project.

Waste management

The PAEC has responsibility for radioactive waste management. A Central Radioactive Waste Management Fund is proposed in a new policy. Waste management centers are proposed for Karachi and Chashma.

Used fuel is currently stored at each reactor in pools. Longer-term dry storage at each site is proposed. The question of future reprocessing remains open.

Research and development

The Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology (PINSTECH) at Rawalpindi near Islamabad is managed by the PAEC and is one of the largest science and technology research establishments in the country. It has conducted research into reprocessing used nuclear fuel, though today it claims to be focused on research in medicine, biology, materials and physics, including production of medical radioisotopes.

Pakistan has a 10 MW pool-type research reactor, PARR-1, of 1965 vintage, supplied by the USA under the Atoms for Peace program. It was converted to use low-enriched uranium fuel in 1991, and upgraded from 5 to 10 MW. PARR-2 is an indigenous 30 kW miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR) based on Chinese design and using high-enriched fuel operating since 1974. Both are located at the PINSTECH Laboratory, Nilore, near Islamabad.

They are under IAEA safeguards. One of them produces some Mo-99 from HEU targets.

New Labs at PINSTECH in Rawalpindi is reported to be a reprocessing plant for weapons-grade plutonium production, and not under safeguards. It is run by PAEC and operational since 1981. This was apparently the culmination of a plutonium weapons program predating the Kahuta HEU weapons program, and replaced an unfinished much larger reprocessing plant (100 t/yr) being built at Chashma by France, but cancelled in 1978.

At Khushab, 200 km south of Islamabad, there are four heavy water reactors dedicated to production of weapons-grade plutonium, plus a heavy water plant. The first of these, a 'multipurpose' PHWR estimated at 30-40 MWt, started operating in 1998. Then a larger (40-50 MWt) heavy water reactor was built there from about 2002, and appeared to be operational at the end of 2009.

In 2006, construction started on a third reactor, similar to and adjacent to the second, and this appeared to be operational by the end of 2013. A similar but larger (90 MWt) fourth reactor was built from 2011 a few hundred metres away, and appeared to be operational in January 2015.

These seem to add up to a substantial plutonium production capacity. Khushab is reported to be making demands upon the country's limited uranium resources. A small heavy water plant is nearby.

Reprocessing of military material is reported to take place at Chashma, 80 km west, and the original French reprocessing plant is apparently under renewed construction there, a couple of kilometers southwest of Chashma 1-4 power reactors.

The Khan Research Laboratories (KRL) at Kahuta in Punjab is described as a weapons engineering R&D institute and research laboratory, focused on producing high-enriched uranium using centrifuge technology originally stolen from Urenco by Dr Abdul Q Khan. Set up about 1976 as the Engineering Research Laboratories it was a key part of Pakistan's weapons program, supported by the Army Corps of Engineers in competition with the plutonium program being pursued by PAEC. It was renamed in honour of Dr Khan in 1981.
@ghazi52 Is there any confirmation on new nuclear power plants after Chashma 5?
@ghazi52 Is there any confirmation on new nuclear power plants after Chashma 5?

Not yet.
Karachi 2, Pakistan


Reactor Type

Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR)
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission

Construction Start19 August 2015
First Criticality1 March 2021
First Grid Connection17 February 2021


Capacity Net
1014 MWe
Capacity Gross1100 MWe
Capacity Thermal3060 MWt
Design Net Capacity1014 MWe
Cold functional tests were completed on 20th April at unit 3 of the Karachi nuclear power plant in Pakistan, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has announced.

Units 2 and 3 at the site are China's first exports of the Hualong One reactor design, promoted on the international market as the HPR1000. Karachi 2 was synchronised with the electricity grid last month.

Completion of the cold testing of Karachi 3 was overseen by the Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority and the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), CNNC said.

The successful completion of the cold testing means that the main work of the nuclear island.

installation project of the unit has been completed and the unit has entered the system commissioning stage, CNNC said. Cold testing will be followed by thermal testing, then first fuel loading and finally grid-connected power generation.
@ghazi52 so 9 in total bro i.e. to be built and will continue producing power for the foreseeable future?
@ghazi52 so 9 in total bro i.e. to be built and will continue producing power for the foreseeable future?

It will be eight, three in Karachi and five in Chashma , Punjab.
It will be eight, three in Karachi and five in Chashma , Punjab.

Thank you bro.
It will be eight, three in Karachi and five in Chashma , Punjab.
But kanup 1 is already closed. R u counting kanup1 as well or 8s there a new plant in pipeline ?
But kanup 1 is already closed. R u counting kanup1 as well or 8s there a new plant in pipeline ?

I counted the K-1.
Per this report K-1 is still operating but very low,......

By Ayaz Gul
March 19, 2021 12:44 PM

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan has connected its new Chinese-built nuclear power plant, with an installed capacity of 1,100 megawatts, to the national grid.
The development marks a major new advancement in nuclear energy cooperation between Islamabad and Beijing.

A spokesman for the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC), Shahid Riaz Khan, confirmed that the newly built plant in the southern port city of Karachi went into operation late Thursday, generating much-needed “reliable and cost-effective” electricity.
The facility, known as the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant Unit-2 (K-2), will help improve the national economy, said a PAEC statement.

“The coming online of K-2 will nearly double the generation capacity of nuclear power plants in the country, substantially improving the overall share of nuclear power in the energy mix,” said an official announcement. It will surely help improve the economy of the country.
Until now, the collective generation capacity of all Pakistan’s five nuclear plants was roughly 1,350 megawatts, five percent of the national electricity generation. Four of the plants, also built with Chinese assistance, are located in Chashma in Mianwali district.

Canada helped Pakistan build its first nuclear power plant in 1972 in Karachi, which is currently producing around 80 megawatts of electricity, according to officials. The facility has almost lived its life and is expected to be abandoned once K-2 and K-3 are fully operational.

China is constructing another similar nuclear plant next to K2, named K-3, with an installed capacity of 1,100 megawatts. Officials said the second unit “is expected to be operational by the end of 2021.”
The construction of the Chinese-supplied third generation Hualong One reactors began in 2015 and 2016 respectively, at a combined estimated cost of roughly $10 billion. The reactors are equipped with “advanced safety and foolproof security features.”
Khan explained the nuclear power plants come with “double containment” to help contain radio activity in case of an accident or subversive acts.

“In the event of a terrorist attack to sabotage the facility from outside, it will not be able to directly hit the plant and damage,” Khan said. “The container dome is designed in such a way that only its external wall would be damaged in case a big passenger plane like Boeing crashed into it.”
The site where K-2 and K-3 are being built is more than 12 meters above sea level, giving them protection against tsunamis.
Both the power plants will have an operational life of 60 years. Under the agreement, China will provide fuel for them, just like it has a been doing for the four plants operating in Chashma, Khan said.

There will be 8 X 1100 = 8800 MW of Hualong One /APC100 type, Two in Karachi is almost ready, 3rd one in Chasma in construction or early stage or will start soon, probably 4th one there as well. For the rest site selections/preparations are going on.
There will be 8 X 1100 = 8800 MW of Hualong One /APC100 type, Two in Karachi is almost ready, 3rd one in Chasma in construction or early stage or will start soon, probably 4th one there as well. For the rest site selections/preparations are going on.
2 were also planned for Muzaffargarh. Also Adampur East.

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