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NSA Ajit Doval to go on four-day US tour to discuss on terrorism

It is quite clear, Ajit Devil is going there to seek approval from Americans to let India spread more terrorism via Afghanistan and seek assurances that her sponsored terrorist's a$$ is not whipped in Afghanistan.

After coming back he will run straight to Iran for forgiveness and to bad-mouth America (of course off-the-record). Don't we know these Chanakya aka Ajit Devils by now? :lol:

Mr. Mattis would meet him on the sidelines of an international meeting of the anti-ISIS coalition hosted by the State Department later this week.
By: PTI | Washington | Published:March 22, 2017 9:37 pm

The unprecedented move by the US to initiate action to revoke the citizenship of a Pakistani-American involved in terrorism in Kashmir shows the Trump administration’s “strong desire” to go an extra mile to boost counter-terrorism cooperation with India, sources here said. The sources said the process to revoke the US citizenship of Iyman Faris ahead of the US visit of India’s National Security Advisor Ajit Doval is a strong indication that India can play a key role in addressing the challenge of terrorism in South Asia.

Doval arrived in the US on Wednesday on a four-day visit to hold a series of meetings with the top Trump administration officials, including US Defense Secretary James Mattis and National Security Advisor Lt Gen H R McMaster.

In addition to bilateral security issues, officials of the Trump administration are gearing to discuss with Doval on the situation in the region, in particular Afghanistan and Pakistan and the dangerous growth of the Islamic State terror group in South Asia.

By approaching a federal court over the citizenship of Faris, who was naturalised in 1999 and currently serving 20 years sentence for his role in conspiracy to provide material support to al Qaeda in 2003, the Trump Administration is trying to send a clear signal to India that it intends to go an extra mile when it comes to counter-terrorism cooperation with India, sources said.

The new national security establishment here sees in Doval as someone who has firsthand information and experience of dealing with terrorism in South Asia. Officials here feel that India can play a key role in addressing the challenge of terrorism in South Asia – from Afghanistan to Bangladesh.

This is expected to be one of the key issues of discussion during Doval’s latest trip to Washington DC with his meetings being planned at the White House, State Department and Pentagon.

If his citizenship is revoked, Faris might be subject to deportation to Pakistan once he serves his sentence.

Faris, federal prosecutors have said was involved in terrorism-related activities in Kashmir in 1980s.

With President Trump putting his time and energy on defeating the ISIS in the Middle East and Pakistan having been proven to be an unreliable ally, officials here feel that it is time that India can be roped in to play a decisive role in this fight against terrorism, at least in South Asia.

Doval’s visit to the US comes on the heels of a trip by Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar early this month wherein he met Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. He also met Trump’s National Security Advisor in addition to meeting top Congressional leaders at the Capitol.

Through all these meetings, the Trump administration has sent a strong signal of its desire to not only maintain the momentum of the India-US relationship which has seen an upward trajectory for nearly decade and a half, but also to accelerate the process, sources said.

After being elected last November, Trump has spoken with Prime Minister Narendra Modi twice over phone. Trump has invited Modi to the White House for talks this year. A formal date has not been announced yet.

Washington: India and the US have pledged to deepen defence partnership and decided to collaborate on a wide range of regional issues including maritime security and counter-terrorism.

This was decided during National Security Advisor Ajit K Doval's meetings here with US Defence Secretary General (rtd) James Mattis, Secretary of Homeland Security General (rtd) John Kelly and National Security Advisor Lt Gen H R McMaster.

In all these meetings, the common thread was expansion and deepening of India-US co-operation in collectively addressing the challenge posed by terrorism in South Asia.

He also met Senator John McCain, Chairman of the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee and Senator Richard Burr, Chairman of the powerful Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

"Mattis specifically applauded India's efforts to promote stability in the South Asia region. Both leaders reaffirmed building upon the significant defence cooperation progress made in recent years," Pentagon Spokesperson Capt Jeff Davis said in a read out of the meeting, adding that the two leaders discussed their role in cooperating to uphold international laws and principles.

"Secretary Mattis and NSA Doval further discussed collaboration on a wide range of regional security matters including maritime security and counter terrorism. The two pledged to continue the strong defence partnership between both nations," Davis said.

Doval and McMaster during their meeting at the White House on Thursday "committed" to work together as partners to "combat the full spectrum" of terrorist threats, affirming that both great democracies stand together in the fight against terrorism, a senior Trump administration official said.

"All the meetings were very warm, very positive, very constructive. I think there is an open approach to India," Indian sources said as Doval concluded his meetings in Washington DC yesterday.

This was Doval's second trip to the US after Donald Trump won the presidential elections in November.

In December, Doval had met NSA-designate Gen (rtd) Michael Flynn, who resigned a few weeks after he took over the job due to the controversy surrounding Russian diplomats during the transition and election campaign.

Flynn was replaced by McMaster, who according to the officials, has a very positive view about India.

"The discussions (in all these meetings) covered India's economic plans, reforms, growth. They covered our core security concerns, regional concerns, defence and security aspect of the India-US engagement," the senior official said on condition of anonymity.

For instance, the meeting at the Pentagon covered India-US defence relationship, issues like maritime security.

"Naturally the challenge, nature and manifestation of terrorism and co-operation with regard," the official said, adding that the sense from these meetings came out that the Trump administration seeks to take forward the upward trajectory of this bilateral relationship.

With Homeland security, issues of radicalisation, cooperation in border controls, issues of information sharing which can help fight terrorist sides popped up.

The Trump administration officials were interested in hearing from Doval on New Delhi's views in the region, in particular Afghanistan and vice versa, informed sources said.

In some of the conversations, issues like demonetisation and Goods and Services Tax (GST) also popped up, reflecting the close interest that the US has in the economic growth of India.

There was no specific discussion on Pakistan, but it figured in the context of terrorism in the region.

Inside the Trump administration, it is clear how Pakistan is closely associated with terrorism, the official said.

First Published: Saturday, March 25, 2017 - 09:34


U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis (left) welcomes Ajit Doval, National Security Advisor, before their meeting at the Pentagon in Washington on Friday.

This was Mr. Doval’s second trip to the U.S. after Mr. Trump won the presidential elections in November.
The Trump administration is seeking to deepen its counter-terrorism cooperation with India and expand it further, sources here said after National Security Advisor Ajit K Doval’s meetings with top U.S. officials this week.

Mr. Doval met U.S. Defence Secretary General (Retd) James Mattis, Secretary of Homeland Security General (rtd.) John Kelly and National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. H R McMaster.

In all these meetings, the common thread was expansion and deepening of cooperation in collectively addressing the challenge posed by terrorism in South Asia.

Mr. Doval also met Senator John McCain, Chairman of the powerful Senate Armed Services Committee and Senator Richard Burr, Chairman of the powerful Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

“Mattis specifically applauded India’s efforts to promote stability in the South Asia region. Both leaders reaffirmed building upon the significant defence cooperation progress made in recent years,” Pentagon spokesperson Capt. Jeff Davis said in a readout of the meeting, adding that the two leaders discussed their role in cooperating to uphold international laws and principles.

“Secretary Mattis and NSA Doval further discussed collaboration on a wide range of regional security matters, including maritime security and counter terrorism. The two pledged to continue the strong defence partnership between both nations,” Capt. Davis said.

Mr. Doval and Mr. McMaster during their meeting at the White House on Thursday “committed” to work together as partners to “combat the full spectrum” of terrorist threats, affirming that both great democracies stand together in the fight against terrorism, a senior Trump administration official said.

“All the meetings were very warm, very positive, very constructive. I think there is an open approach to India,” Indian sources said as Doval concluded his meetings in Washington DC on Friday.

This was Mr. Doval’s second trip to the US after Mr. Trump won the presidential elections in November.

In December, he met NSA-designate Gen (Retd) Michael Flynn, who resigned a few weeks after he took over the job due to the controversy surrounding Russian diplomats during the transition and election campaign.

Mr. Flynn was quickly replaced by McMaster who, according to the officials, has a very positive view about India.

“The discussions [in all these meetings] covered India’s economic plans, reforms, growth. They covered our core security concerns, regional concerns, defence and security aspect of the India-U.S. engagement,” the senior official said on condition of anonymity.

For instance, the meeting at the Pentagon covered defence relationship and issues such as maritime security.

“Naturally the challenge, nature and manifestation of terrorism and cooperation with regard,” the official said, adding that the sense from these meetings came out that the Trump administration seeks to take forward the upward trajectory of this bilateral relationship.

With Homeland Security, issues of radicalisation, cooperation in border controls, issues of information sharing, which can help fight terrorists, popped up.

The Trump administration officials were interested in hearing from Mr. Doval on New Delhi’s views in the region, in particular Afghanistan and vice versa, informed sources said.

In some of the conversations, issues like demonetisation and Goods and Services Tax (GST) also popped up, reflecting the close interest that the U.S. has in the economic growth of India.

There was no specific discussion on Pakistan, but it figured in the context of terrorism in the region.

Inside the Trump administration leadership, it is clear how this Indian neighbour is closely associated with terrorism, the official said.
But since USA only looks after her own interests and since India being very obedient and renting out her territory to USA, I don't expect anything of sorts will be discussed there....

Name country that allowed U-2 flights out of its territorry

Name country that allowed USAF drones to take off from its soil to kill its own citizens

Name country that allowed foreign powers to wage a holy war off its soil to its own long term detriment
USA should rather be discussing the resurgence of hindu Talibans - those fanatics in India who are threatening and killing minorities, talking about r@ping dead women and still getting all the powerful govt posts there.

And also Indian sponsored cross-border terrorism in the region should be the major topic.

But since USA only looks after her own interests and since India being very obedient and renting out her territory to USA, I don't expect anything of sorts will be discussed there....
Don't fall every word the Indian MSM propagate.


On the day Yogi Adityanath was announced as the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister by the BJP, some politicians and mediapersons had ganged up to spread a blatant lie about Yogi Adityanath delivering a hate speech about calling for the rape of dead Muslim women
USA should rather be discussing the resurgence of hindu Talibans - those fanatics in India who are threatening and killing minorities, talking about r@ping dead women and still getting all the powerful govt posts there.

And also Indian sponsored cross-border terrorism in the region should be the major topic.

But since USA only looks after her own interests and since India being very obedient and renting out her territory to USA, I don't expect anything of sorts will be discussed there....

Still better than Pakistan Taliban and Pakistan....LOL

On topic : I always like Indian foreign policy. We have true and trusted Russian friend and same time also have gud relation with USA and West

Washington: Presence of terror safe havens in Pakistan, aggressive Chinese behaviour and the Afghanistan situation dominated last month's meeting between US Defence Secretary Gen (retd) James Mattis and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, according to an American defence official.

"They talked a lot about China...The concern about China sometimes bullying some of its neighbours in the region. There was concern about that," a US defence official told PTI about the Mattis-Doval meeting at the Pentagon on March 24.

This was the highest-level interaction of Mattis with a top Indian official after becoming the Defence Secretary.

China is also very important to the US with regard to the North Korea situation, said the defence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Pakistan and Afghanistan were the two major topics of discussion between the two leaders, the official said.

"They talked about Pakistan," the official said, adding that Doval "talked more" on the issue than Mattis.

"There was not a whole lot specifics. We have a number of concerns with respect to Pakistan...Counter-terrorism, nuclear weapons. They talked a little bit about that. It is obviously a concern of India's and it is an important player in the region and the world," the defence official said.

The US would like to see Pakistan in a situation with it where they can have a productive relationship, the official said.
"They talked a lot about Afghanistan...And the need to try to get it...Just finish it (the war). It has been going on (for) too long," the defence official said.

The official explained that this meant "finish the operations and leave (Afghanistan) in a stable state".

While successive US administrations have praised India's developmental assistance in Afghanistan, some recent media reports both in India and the US have referred to Trump Administration's desire of enhanced military role of India in the war-torn country.

The official said he "did not recall" any such conversation during the Pentagon meeting.

Reflecting on the meeting, the official said the Defence Secretary is "very keen on India".

Mattis "recognises the important role that it plays in the region and the world and It's unique position vis-a-vis Pakistan, vis-a-vis China," said the defence official.

Secretary Mattis wants to have a solid defence relationship with India, the official said.

The Secretary was interested in listening from the NSA what India's perspective was on most of these issues, both regional and global.

"I think, the NSA probably did most of the talking. It bodes well for the future. I think, he (Mattis) wants to have a solid defence relationship with India," the official said in response to a question.

Doval made a quite visit to the United States for a few days around March 20, during which he also met the Homeland Security Secretary Gen (retd) John Kelly and US National Security Advisor Lt Gen H R McMaster.

First Published: Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - 11:13
Doval is travelling to the USA to put the final nail in India's independence and destroy what is left of india's foreign policy.
Doval is travelling to the USA to put the final nail in India's independence and destroy what is left of india's foreign policy.

"They talked a lot about Afghanistan...And the need to try to get it...Just finish it (the war). It has been going on (for) too long," the defence official said.
Prime Minister's Office
18-April, 2017 16:04 IST
Lt. Gen H. R. McMaster, U.S. National Security Advisor calls on Prime Minister

Lt. Gen H. R. McMaster, U.S. National Security Advisor called on Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today.

Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster conveyed the greetings of President Donald Trump to Prime Minister. Prime Minister recalled his positive telephonic conversations with President Trump that reaffirmed the importance attached by both sides to the strategic partnership and to stepping up India-U.S. engagement across the board.

Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster shared his perspective with Prime Minister on the security situation in the extended region, including in Afghanistan, West Asia and the DPRK. During the conversation, they exchanged views on how both countries can work together to effectively address the challenge of terrorism and to advance regional peace, security and stability.


The NSA, US, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster calls on the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in New Delhi on April 18, 2017.

The NSA, US, Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster calls on the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, in New Delhi on April 18, 2017.

New Delhi: US National Security Adviser (NSA) Lt Gen HR McMaster on Tuesday called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and held separate talks with his counterpart Ajit Doval.

Foreign Secretary S Jaishankar and NSA Ajit Doval also attended the meeting at Modi`s official residence, according to a picture released by the Prime Minister`s Office.

Here are the key takeaways:

  • Informed sources said the officials discussed security issues concerning South Asia and how to better cooperate on countering terror threats emanating from the Taliban and Islamic State`s presence in Afghanistan.
  • As per the US embassy, McMaster emphasised the importance of US-India strategic relationship and reaffirmed India`s designation as a major defence partner.
  • "The two sides discussed a range of bilateral and regional issues, including their shared interest in increasing defence and counterterrorism cooperation," an embassy statement said.
  • Doval and McMaster held detailed discussions on Indo-US relations, especially the security aspect of the ties, sources said.
  • McMaster's visit was a part of regional consultations that included stops in Kabul and Islamabad.

The US NSA arrived here on Monday evening, the first visit by a senior official of President Donald Trump`s administration.

On his South Asian trip that began over the weekend, McMaster on Monday visited Pakistan where he met Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Foreign Affairs Adviser Sartaj Aziz and the Army chief, stressing "the need to confront terrorism in all its forms".

He also visited Afghanistan to review efforts at stabilising the country.



New Delhi: The US on Tuesday reaffirmed that India remained its "major defence partner" as Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump's top security aide Lt Gen HR McMaster met to discuss military and counter-terror ties between the two countries.

The visiting US National Security Adviser (NSA) called on PM Modi at his official residence, a day after he arrived here on the first visit by a senior White House official since President Trump took over in January.

The US embassy said McMaster in his meeting with Modi that was also attended by Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar and NSA Ajit Doval "emphasised the importance of US-India strategic relationship and reaffirmed India's designation as a major defence partner".

"The two sides discussed a range of bilateral and regional issues, including their shared interest in increasing defence and counterterrorism cooperation," an embassy statement said.

McMaster also met separately with Doval and Jaishankar. The embassy noted that the meetings were "productive".

The Prime Minister's Office said in a statement that "McMaster conveyed the greetings of President Trump" to Modi, who recalled "the importance attached by both sides to the strategic partnership and to stepping up India-US engagement across the board".

The PMO statement said Modi and McMaster discussed peace and security in war-torn Afghanistan and the extended region, including the Middle East.

"McMaster shared his perspective with (the) Prime Minister on the security situation in the extended region, including in Afghanistan, West Asia and the DPRK (North Korea).

"During the conversation, they exchanged views on how both countries can work together to effectively address the challenge of terrorism and to advance regional peace, security and stability."

The US official's trip was part of his South Asian sojourn that began over the weekend.

On Monday, he visited Pakistan where he met Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Foreign Affairs Adviser Sartaj Aziz and the army chief, stressing "the need to confront terrorism in all its forms".

He also visited Afghanistan to review efforts at stabilizing the country.

"The visit was a part of regional consultations that included stops in Kabul and Islamabad," said the embassy statement.

The trip assumes significance amid growing US concerns over terror threats emanating from a resurgent Taliban and rising Islamic State's influence in Afghanistan, where America has some 8,400 troops.

On Thursday, the US military dropped what it said was the "Mother of All Bombs" -- the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast -- on suspected Islamic State hideouts in Afghanistan.

The first use of the bomb in a combat killed some 95 militants, the US said.
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