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Now Nepali Woman Gang Raped And Dumped


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Nepali woman gang-raped in Delhi, dumped on flyover

A Nepali woman in her early 20s was allegedly gang-raped in the national capital, police said Thursday.

The woman was found in half-naked and semi-conscious condition near Nanakpura flyover in south Delhi around 7.30 a.m. Thursday.

The woman was taken to Safdarjung Hospital where she is being treated.

According to her statement to police, she was abducted from Kotla Mubarkpur area near South Extension in south Delhi Wednesday night by three unidentified people, who raped and dumped her near the flyover.
@WebMaster pls make this a sticky for windjammed's pleasure so that we can post all the rape stories in India and not make a new thread daily. By official estimates thousands of rapes take place in India every year and it would be very difficult to keep posting each and every case in a separate thread. So make a sticky for the convenience of all of us. Thank you.
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What is wrong with these thugs . Can't we make an example out of an incident where we hang the rapist in front of the public so that these bastards bear some fear in mind .
I'm getting sick of the New Delhi trend :hitwall: :hitwall:
What is wrong with these thugs . Can't we make an example out of an incident where we hang the rapist in front of the public so that these bastards bear some fear in mind .
I'm getting sick of the New Delhi trend :hitwall: :hitwall:

They beheaded a pakistani in saudi last week for rape. Does that mean rapes won't happen in saudi or pakistan?

Can you show with statistics that india's rape crime rate is significantly different from a developing poor country where women are allowed to go out on their own?

Most of the overreaction also stems from the same woman-honor kind of macho mentality that is the root cause in the first place.
@WebMaster pls make this a sticky for windjammed's pleasure so that we can post all the rape stories in India and not make a new thread daily. By official estimates thousands of rapes take place in India every year and it would be very difficult to keep posting each and every case in a separate thread. So make a sticky for the convenience of all of us. Thank you.

you can't hide from this ugly reality of india

as indian what is bothering you more here , do you feel ashamed that rapes take place so frequently india or it is that they are getting reported and shattering the myth of incredible india ?
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nothing new after all INCREDIBLE India :rofl:
They beheaded a pakistani in saudi last week for rape. Does that mean rapes won't happen in saudi or pakistan?

Can you show with statistics that india's rape crime rate is significantly different from a developing poor country where women are allowed to go out on their own?

Most of the overreaction also stems from the same woman-honor kind of macho mentality that is the root cause in the first place.

You mean that we shouldn't do anything and ignore the rape issue :woot:
Some days back whole of India were shouting to burn alive those men who raped that Medical student just to make it an example so were they wrong ??
This has to minimize and if hanging/burning these thugs alive is the farthest step , so be it .
Disgusting that people bring out such statistics just to bring the other country down.....

This is not some India vs Pakistan crap you guys are gonna fight over.
Rapes happens everywhere.

There are scums everywhere in the world.

Should make an example by punishing a rapist so severly that no one tries to do it again.

Shameful, tragic.

That what even I said but my friend @fateh71 doesn't seems to agree , I don't know why :coffee:
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Rapes happens everywhere.

There are scums everywhere in the world.

Should make an example by punishing a rapist so severly that no one tries to do it again.

Shameful, tragic.

u are very much correct and I also am aware that India has a huge population, but this is way too much. every goddamn day there is a rape....no correction, gangrape. these bastards become eunuchs when they roam alone, and whenever they meet up with their bastard frens , they become giant A$$ -o-es of this society.
the world is laughing at us seeing this state of our society and all our leaders/managers/ordinary ppl think abt money and power while their mothers/sisters/daughters get raped every 19 mins as @DESERT FIGHTER said.
You mean that we shouldn't do anything and ignore the rape issue :woot:
Some days back whole of India were shouting to burn alive those men who raped that Medical student just to make it an example so were they wrong ??
This has to minimize and if hanging/burning these thugs alive is the farthest step , so be it .

Burning of criminals is a joke, I hope both of us agree.

The solution is - better policing on streets, better investigative work leading to better conviction rates, openness in society where there is no stigma attached to becoming victim to a crime, full acceptance and rehabilitation of victims.

Dude lots of crimes unfortunately happen, the rape thing is looked at differently because society looks at it from an ''honor'' viewpoint, which is a problem for soem of the solution steps i suggested.

BTW how many pickpockets get lynched in india and how many rapists? Think about it.

you can't hide from this ugly reality of india

as indian what is bothering you more here , do you feel ashamed that rapes take place so frequently india or it is that they are getting reported and shattering the myth of incredible india ?

If you were not a pakistani, you would know there is nothing exceptional about the rate of rape incidents in india. You and windy are free to jerk off to your beliefs otherwise.
u are very much correct and I also am aware that India has a huge population, but this is way too much. every goddamn day there is a rape....no correction, gangrape. these bastards become eunuchs when they roam alone, and whenever they meet up with their bastard frens , they become giant A$$ -o-es of this society.
the world is laughing at us seeing this state of our society and all our leaders/managers/ordinary ppl think abt money and power while their mothers/sisters/daughters get raped every 19 mins as @DESERT FIGHTER said.

I know, and this is here your police force and judiciary has failed.

You need to catch this bastards, give them a beating in jail and sentence them to death to make an example that anyone who tries to rape someone will not get away with it and will be punished serverly.
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