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Now is it a three front war?

I think the links are working now and its not old news.I agree it can be 4-5 border war and most will be pinpricks but we need strong leadership.Our armed forces can take care of all this if the political will is there which sadly seems to be lacking very badly.
My purpose is to just make Indians aware.
Atleast we are not losing islands left right and center to our neighbours :woot:

Oh India has lost territory to Pakistan and China in the past and continues to lose territory to China inch by inch! Your own newspapers is telling us this is the case.
I think the links are working now and its not old news.I agree it can be 4-5 border war and most will be pinpricks but we need strong leadership.Our armed forces can take care of all this if the political will is there which sadly seems to be lacking very badly.
My purpose is to just make Indians aware.
Its 10 days old . its called OLD NEWS ! ! ! PROBLEM SOLVED already . Why are u doing like this ... Put the Source ... or mention it as old news bro .. cheers
What a stupid comparison.

First of all, India is no rising power! If it was, it would have a certain level of clout and neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka wouldn't have the guts to kill Indian fishermen, Bangladeshi border guards wouldn't have the guts to kill BSF and Pakistan would think not twice but thrice before daring to mess with the so called rising power, etc.

I don't see any of China's neighbouring countries daring to send terrorists into their land, nor do I see any countries killing Chinese fishermen at will. China's neighbours don't have the guts to call China's bluff, all of India's neighbours call India's bluff and get away with it because India is such a sissy nation.

Bottom line is India is not even a regional power, it is a laughing stock, a freaking joke of a country (thanks to corrupt, incompetent, coward leaders/politicians that stupid Indians apparently "elect") , all of India's neighbours literally get away with murder.

anything else..your flag says europe..europe is no country..all shitty countries got together and named themselves europe..see the example of spain where people are going hungry and rioting...Dampkring, netherlands..where everyone is high on marijuana
TRUTH : India Cannot afford to fight 3 front or 4,5 front WAR ! That too with Bloody Morons rulling this country ! ! ! BLOODY HELL
dont post stupid threads like these . the quality of this forum is already down from last year , dont degrade it further.
@ Bling
I respectfully disagree partially we can easily fight a 5 front where our armed forces are used against only china and pak.Rest even paramilitary forces can handle but you are right partially that these bloody morons have to go first and replaced by strong leadership.
India needs to be carved up, then peace will return to the south asia.
This issue has been discussed before as there was dispute regarding ac certain border pillar while indians were fencing there border, it has been sorted out.
India needs to be carved up, then peace will return to the south asia.

yes, it needs to get into akhand bharat map..with pakistan, banglasdesh, afgasnistan, bhutan and nepal along with tebit in one map
Few days ago,Indian fishermen had severe spats with Srilankan Fishermen,so four front war is also not a distant possibility :coffee:
Few days ago,Indian fishermen had severe spats with Srilankan Fishermen,so four front war is also not a distant possibility :coffee:

The indian pm is not interested with the lives of indian fisherman of tamilnadu
What if the chinese enter into the fray?They are pretty cozy with myanmar generals.
Much oblidged if you read the question mark in the thread.It means this is a question.No need to go ballistic.Thanks.

china will never want to be in a war as it has no concerns for india
It wants to tackle USA
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