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Novak Djokovic Arrested

Mike... bro nice to see you back. hope all is well.

man, too much rifraf now from FSB here as well. you can clearly make these people out easily. .. claiming to be polish .. when no pole will even give a russian a toilet paper to use.

bro please dont give compliments like that to Polish :omghaha:
Poles are notoriously Pro American.
ja. for a pole to be any pro Russian is an insult; definitely disowned by family.

all poles i know - and i know a lot of them, they will not even talk to a russian - they simply hate them period.
no, not a Nazi regime (...)

I’m not talking only about how they treat Djokovic. But also about how Scott Morrison regime peddle conspiracy theory about coronavirus originating from China, Australian “soldiers” killing kids in Afghanistan and persecution of Natives. Scott Morrison is a fascist.

(...) but an arrogant *** hole who thought he could ignore any rules, lie why applying for a visa and got caught.
Why should he have different or more rights than any other person?

It’s what Scott Morrison regime said. Don’t you remember how all mainstream media in US, England and Australia were peddling narrative about alleged weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ?

I’m not saying that Djokovic is right in this case but I would not take what Morrison regime say for granted.
This is how nations that respect themselves behave, Australia is not letting anyone whether it be an international tennis star think they are above the rules, it is the same for everyone, no vaccination no entry, the decision to arrest and deport him is commendable and just.
no, not a Nazi regime but an arrogant *** hole who thought he could ignore any rules, lie why applying for a visa and got caught.
Why should he have different or more rights than any other person?

This is false.

Australian government is not even arguing about the medical exemption and visa. They conceded that point to Djokovic.

They are arguing that Djokovic’s presence will cause a rise in anti-vaccine movement within Australia. That is what the 2nd visa cancellation is about.
He wasnt vaccinated and didnt get PCR prior to his arrival. Even lied about not travelling anywhere else before entering Australia. He entered australia in a such a state where he endangered other people durring a time when Covid is alread rampant in Australia. We all have seen how china treats COVId patients so spare us with your morally twisted compass.


Australian regime is not even arguing about his medical exemption and visa. They conceded that point to Djokovic.

They are arguing that his presence might create a rise in anti-vaccine movement. That’s why his visa was cancelled for 2nd time. It is a new case altogether.

This is just thuggery by the Anglo-Saxon regime that can’t fathom to see a Serbian be the best tennis player ever. Everything else is just a cover to stop him from getting to 21 slams.
The tennis star is not vaccinated, he was given an exemption by the tennis association to play without being vaccinated. Australia, like most Western countries, is going full throttle on its covid rules of being vaccinated and those who aren't get sent to a sort of internment camp to quarantine. Since Jokovich managed to be exempted, it is perceived that the Australian immigration were pressed into detaining Jokovich on grounds of his visa, which they cancelled. Jokovich appealed against the cancellation of his visa and won.

Australian government is towing the line of the West, and has arrested Jokovich despite the court ruling in favor of the tennis star. What can possibly be interpreted as making an example of Jokovich, to any other sportsman who resists being vaccinated.

My sincerest apologies for spelling the Serbian tennis star's name incorrectly. It's spelt as, Djokovic and not Jokovich.
this tennis "star" whoever his name is

lied on his COVID form and refused to bide by the rules of the nation he visited

he should be arrested and stripped of all his titles

who the h$LL does he think he is? Leader of North Korea ?

back to dump you go where you came from
Wow I didn't know that so many NON-Australians would poke their nose and give out FALSE information.

As an Aussie, Let me give you the CORRECT information as to why Novak was deported.

THE JUDGES and the Australian Immigration minister conceded that tennis star had a VALID exemption. However, the Australian Government deported Djokovic because the Government "Deemed Novak's PRESENCE in the country a threat of spreading DISSENT due to his Anti-Vax stance". The Judges Agreed with the Immigration Minister that Novak was risk to “civil unrest” and a “talisman of anti-vaccination sentiment” .

So this is the LEGAL basis on which Novak was deported !!
That has nothing to do with the Anglo Saxon problem.

That is obviously that Australian Prime Minister Morrison is shaping an image of "being very responsible for the epidemic" in order to restore support.

Djokovic was the victim of a political show.
Then why he attacked France and British knowing invading Poland will trigger the fight?
Like I said, he only invaded France because Britain had declared war on Germany.
yes and we all know how Russia treated the Polish people

and yes he did meet Hitler as did many including the Mayor of Jerusalem

but that goes someone equate to Chamberlain being responsible for the Holocaust

people meet people shake hands and someone took a photo

its a non story
How did Novak Djokovic issue with Australian immigration turn into Anglo saxon inspired Hiler Nazis Germany? ONLY ON PDF. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Lol Yeah, agree. Reason Polish people love Russia so much. Every Polish person I have seen loves Russia and wish they were still occupied by Russia, since Russia was very nice and sweet to Poland during their occupation of the country

Nazi Germany and the USSR were the aggressors, but the poles and Jews did not deserve our sympathy.

April 1939, before the German invasion of Poland (September 1939). Poles and NDVK-Jews slaughtered and ethnically cleansed the Germans in danze. Danze was originally German territory, but danze's Germans were aborigines. Before Germany invaded Poland, at least 58000 German Aborigines were slaughtered by poles and Jews. Even on September 3, 1939, the bromberger blutsontag incident broke out.

In October 1920, after the Polish-USSR campaign, Poland slaughtered more than 100000 USSR prisoners of war.
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A stupid political show.
They allowed him in, then arrested him 2 times and deported him.

Totally changing face.

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