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NOT VERIFIED: Pakistan Catholics protest after abduction, forced marriage of 13 year-old Catholic girl

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Honor killing is not limited to Muslims but is a South Asian issue.

In India the most well-known honor killing was the Manoj and Babli case from 2007. Both were Hindus from Haryana :


True... it's actually south asian culture, cannot be related to Islam. However Islam get localized in every region of the world, I mean Islam from Mauritania to Kazakhstan. Russia to Mauritius, everywhere local culture remain dominant over Muslims, not limited to marriage customs.
it is the responsibility of the government and police to investigate to find out what really happened and enforce the laws on the books.

They have already done that and found that everything is OK.
With just 2% minority population in Pakistan, is their some fascination for non Muslim women or is it the usual preying on the weak in a lawless country ?
Non-Muslim girls are easy prey I guess.
Honor killing is not limited to Muslims but is a South Asian issue.

In India the most well-known honor killing was the Manoj and Babli case from 2007. Both were Hindus from Haryana :

It's a Muslim issue too,
Honor killing is not limited to Muslims but is a South Asian issue.

In India the most well-known honor killing was the Manoj and Babli case from 2007. Both were Hindus from Haryana :

Read my complete post.
consent by a 13 year old ?? In USA you are looking at a long sentence in prison. plus you do not have to worry about being **** retentive in prison
Yeah like totally.
Hahahaha. Put the money where their mouth is. So to speak!
Agreed. Exactly like how in India it's always the Muslim with a penchant for sizzling steak who get's "beef lynched". Same evil packaged differantly?

Its really unfortunate but if this girl was abducted, bribing the higher courts is the easiest way of getting her back. Judiciary doesn't GAF about justice.

Did say you ever read the Asia bibi verdict the supreme Court put out? I remember at the time being shocked how the lower courts could convict her.

I initially blamed incompetence. In hindsight though its too blatant for corruption.

Ideology? Our judges are made up of our whiskey swigging elite, I doubt thier into religious bigotry.

Fear? These people are releasing terrorists and criminals against the wishes of the state. They're pretty bold. Maybe in some of the lower courts but the senior most judges in our country are well protected.

Money? Bingo. I am sure the blasphemy crew have money they throw at judges. They've got loads of lawyers who work for them for "free". The same arrogant mob who attacked a hospital are going to work for free because they have religious values? Lol. They're all on the take - it is Pakistan after all.
Read my complete post.

Your post was about two cases of Muslims involved in honor killing. And I pointed out that in India Hindus also do honor killing.

Did I miss out something ?

And yes as a man I can marry a women (set a side financial capability behind) and capable sexually to have sex with women legally in my 14 years old. Women get matured much earlier of course.

I don't know how I look now but as of two years ago I had women from 15 to 50 staring lasciviously at me and a few even flirting.

It's a Muslim issue too,

I have read about the Palestinian and Iranian cases. It is sad that in West Bank - Palestine where the various groups of the progressive PLO movement hold influence, there exists regressive activity like honor killing.

And I agree with your point of it being a Muslim issue to the extent that Muslims over the last 15 or so years have become regressive the world over and thus they should consult each other and reflect.
consent by a 13 year old ?? In USA you are looking at a long sentence in prison. plus you do not have to worry about being **** retentive in prison

Western moral laws are strange. The governments there promote gayness among ten-year-old boys, conduct war crimes and genocide, yet they get outraged by a 16-year-old girl having sexual relations with men. You should reflect.
I just cant believe that SHC allowed this animal to keep that child rather than giving her in custody of authorities. This is exactly why i have been saying to have a institute where judges are trained and taught prior to them sitting in courts to make decisions. Our judges are the biggest cause of corruption in this country.

Let us see.
I think it is the RAW agenda to bring Pakistan into bad media using our internal issues on international media. This is an off-topic analysis from the original post, but all these instances are connected to the main events. Recently Indian Major (R) Gaurav Arya is now openly giving warning to Pakistan Army and giving us another clue and India's plan. This is the ultimate case for Pakistan to take India into the right forum and dig out more details about them. It is a sign India is engaging us on internal and external threats and using corrupt politicians gang-up on PDM and serious remarks passing against us. It's a battlespace where a wide variety of actors with very different real-world goals are ending up using the very same tactics. India & Western interest uses the same tactics that Taylor Swift uses to sell her music albums. The only difference is Majority Muslims, how treating minority or Army vs. PDM. It is all tactics to defame Pakistan on an international platform to stop us from our economic growth.
what Indian defence analyst tweet about us , it is all International establishment agenda to derail us.
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At age of 44 was the guy still unmarried and if he was already married, don;t his family members have any objection??
Something seriously wrong with Pakistan society and courts as this is too regular a occurrence. 13 with 44 year old.
And not from some remote village but in the heart of Karachi.
Court allowing legal child abuse on a regular basis.

And we both know why this archaic law is still there. It's an open secret.
At age of 44 was the guy still unmarried and if he was already married, don;t his family members have any objection??

2nd wife
Its always a young non muslim girl ,whether 13 0r 16 , who suddenly disappears and then appears after conversion, professing her love for a Muslim guy , double her age. The relatives protesting, the courts intervening but ruling in favor of the marriage due to evidence and now to the next case.
Never heard of a muslim girl ever falling in love with a non Muslim guy living nearby and getting married ? Not a single case.
With just 2% minority population in Pakistan, is their some fascination for non Muslim women or is it the usual preying on the weak in a lawless country ?
And kudos on the "Richard Harris " tweets. Very credible.

Preying on the weak. You can rape a minority and nobody will care, unlike with a Muslim girl.
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I don't know how I look now but as of two years ago I had women from 15 to 50 staring lasciviously at me and a few even flirting.

That is good, it means you still have some sort of sex appeal among women :devil:. 15 years old girl, LOL, he he.

50 years old lady is still understandable though, although I rarely experience that, maybe just one occasion when I was in elevator and meet with an Arab lady, at that time I used perfect work clothes with tie.
She was pretty in some sense ( in advance , I like mature woman ) , so they abducated her , and in name of Islam force her to marry lustfull guy so the man can F her as he please ...

when there are some mufti and akhond who always give fatwa to kill , rape , take other heritics women and girld as sex slave ... muslims will stay in this mess ...

Agreed. There is a serious problem with our part of the world that came from across the waters, and it needs to go.
That is good, it means you still have some sort of sex appeal among women :devil:.

Yes, I still seem to have. :enjoy:
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Apparently she's 18 years old. She's provided documents to the courts to prove that and even released a video targeting media.

Who knows what the truth is.

She doesn't look at 18 at all, no where near in fact. She's had plenty of makeup put on her to make her look older as well. The documents have inaccuracies as well.
Let's forget all this, what's even more telling is that this is the guy's 'second wife'. You hardly get Muslim girls lining up to be second wives to men in their mid 40's, but here we get a minority girl, at a very young age being happy to be so. Sure, things seem ok... :rolleyes:
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