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Not Fit to Print: An Insider Account of Pakistani Censorship

The military already has more say than the civilian ruling establishment in Pakistan. Another Myanmar in the making while Myanmar is aiming to be more like Singapore by opening up.

I really hope that the journalists of Pakistan don't fall for this; it will only make their country another junta ruled entity.
Carlotta gall vindicated
By what, a compilation of rumors, gossip and speculation about the alleged 'ties of the owners of the major media houses with the military'?

Given Carlotta Gall's own heavy reliance on 'rumor, speculation and one unverified and un-corroborated account from an 'ISI insider', I guess this particular piece does 'vindicate' Gall's style of 'rumor and speculation based journalism'.
hmmm...just as i had suspected. A Military-Media nexus at play.Those Media groups who follow the Military's instructions are allowed to function and even rewarded, while any media that does not do so or raises sensitive issues which are detrimental to the Pakistani military will face consequences like Geo. A case of curtailment of the freedom of press, making truth the first casualty and a disservice to the people and the nation. I feel sorry for those journalists who maintain professional ethics but are given the boot and sometimes even worse, attacks on them.
Geo's 'crime' was not simply a case of 'not following the military's instructions' - Geo acted completely irresponsibly and damaged national security with a media blitz against a serving ISI Director General on the basis of unsubstantiated claims and rumors by a staff member whose brother got shot.
Yet another instance of almost ZERO credible evidence supporting the allegations of the military being complicit in his murder. The man's paranoid delusions after being interviewed by PN officials and one comment about 'we'll let you know if we hear of any threats against you' wouldn't even qualify as credible in a Kangaroo court.

He was most likely killed by his employer.

Wikileaks - Saleem Shehzad was working for CIA
This is a spectacularly bias article where mere hearsay has been presented as evidence against an organization that has sacrificed it's blood whenever the nation has asked it to and really, thank God that Army doesn't toe the line of Nawaz Sharif else we would still be negotiating with Taliban. Nawaz Sharif has yet to sign the orders for hanging and is a coward to the core, on the other hand, all of us have witnessed the reaction that the military is planning: fast, lethal and one of impact.

The myths of good Taliban are not documented and I fail to understand why should we engage in a war with everyone who owns a gun when the attacks in Pakistan over last few years has clearly helped us make a distinction between the Anti-Pakistan and neutral elements. Do these liberal fascists want us to go Hitler's way and go head-on with all militant groups even if they have nothing against Pakistan?

And lastly, the Indian involvement is too magnificent really to be given a benefit of doubt. Now, how come we always come across Indian ammunition at the sites of such carnage? What are half a dozen Indian councelates doing on Af-Pak border? Why does India go bang bang at Samjhota Express when it's ien establishment is behind that? Why even Nawaz Sharif has to tell us that India is messing up Balochistan? I can go on and on but some people are just blinded by India.

It is really sad to see that a significant minority of our educated heads find it fashionable to write against army; an army that has shed its blood more than any other international force engaged in WoT. Young men are going to graves, let's pay them some respect instead of insulting the very uniform they wear. With half a dozen serving officers in family, it's a personal pain for me to read such articles that are based on myths, assumptions and half baked truths. We owe this unity to winning out war.

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