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My dad used to say that it was President Ayub Khan who banned the human-cycle-rickshaw (or whatever they are) in at least West Pakistan because of the cruelty to the cyclist.

The only time I ever rode one was somewhere in India. I don't recall exactly where. Maybe in Ajmer city in Rajasthan and it was sad to see the guy straining in the heat carrying such a load--I recall it felt like the guy's leg veins would burst out. Sad!

Double standards of our elites have been a norm in Pakistan's history...He banned Cycle Rikshaw citing cruelty to the human (and thus snatching means of income from him)...but in past 70 years they couldn't ban bonded-labour system of Landlords in Sindh and Punjab as part of feudal system.....
No need to get tension , Pedestal fan is ready.......

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