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Northeast India seeks secession from India and integration into China

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People in the states of northeast India, including Arunachal Pradesh, whose major territory is claimed by the China as part of South Tibet, were severely discriminated against by other regions of India, since residents there look more like Chinese than Indians. The girls from northeast India, simply because their lighter skin color, often become targets of rapists. Over the years, India fails to invest any capital into these regions, resulting in their economic development severely lagging behind the rest of the country. Because of that, people from these states are always seeking independence, many of whom want to join China.

Some of comments allegedly made by India web users have been cited in the post:

Why don’t India gives the NE part to China, so Chinese can give a good lesson to Delhi????

China should step in and take the northest indian states. Indians from different states hate each other, then What is the point to maintain one India?

W. Bengal and northeast states should merge with China, the former for communism and cultural affinity and the latter for ethnic composition. It is enough with Hindustani rule. They will enjoy more prosperous development in China.

I have been in China for two years. North Indian and the Tibetean features are very close. Their cultures are very similar too.

China should take over this province. They will be treated in a more civilized manner.

When china fighted with India in 1962, no one citizen was harrased by the Chinese army. People from Assam and Arunachal treated the Indian army who fled away from war at their best. Ask any any veteran from the 1962 war. But the sad part is that Indian army raped woman from 13 years old girl to 60 years old lady during battles against the local militant of NE, as if they have been told that NE is a colony of India.

karni pratap | September 30, 2012
guys ! i am from rajasthan ! i belong to a rajput family ! in india tribals r given a 50% reservation in government jobs ! but v dont get a single percent ! but dis thing never bothered us ! we din ask indian govt. to separate us ! i hav got a lot of frnds in NE ! in my skul around 20 to 25 STUDENTS r frm NE ! u can ask any NE INDIAN who has been in here for a while if he/she has faced any problm in here !

Please Include My State to .................Kerala.........The First elected Communist Government In World Came to power in Kerala............
I am from the North East. When the grasping Chinaman comes again, we will use our appendages to hoist them by their nether regions to Vancouver or some such exotic places. We did it once - check out Makum in wikipedia. Assam is now Cinafrei.
Comments always reflect something. Keep on reading. If there is no problem in north east, those comments wouldn't come up.

Just a mild warning.Be careful what you say,at least not something your political leaders hate to hear.
There are lots of North East Indian members on this forum and they hate Chinese most.
Please Include My State to .................Kerala.........The First elected Communist Government In World Came to power in Kerala............

If not whole state... Please take VS, Pinarayi and all the Jayarajan's....... They will do good for akhand china.....

Btw : Do we have any scale to measure desperation????
Naaaaa chinese wet dream.

I think going by what is said by so many fake and warmongering running dogs on internet and everywhere in the newspapers and TV, China should become a part of Japan for better development as Japan is still 10 times richer per capita than China and it will take China at least 75 years to increase her per capita income to what the Japanese have been enjoying since the past 40 years.

Also much is said by Muslims on this forum and openly on TV in Pakistan and other Muslim countries about the infidel Chinese and how the Chinese need to be converted and China become a part of the Muslim Ummah. How have the pampered running dogs of Maoists responded to this???

The people of Hong Kong call the Chinese people LOCUSTS.

BBC News - Hong Kong advert calls Chinese mainlanders 'locusts'

The people of China are forced to worship the greatest rapist and mass murdered in history, Mao Zedong, who killed more than 70 million Chinese and millions of Koreans and Vietnamese (7 crores plus!!!!!!)


s a very positive sign that at least in India, people can raise voice against oppression...... while in some cultures rapists and murderers are venerated and worshiped. and you can just imagine the massive coverup these cultures do to crush dissent and sane voices.

take the case of China for example where Mao Ze Dong is the most venerated creature in everyday life. Mao was responsible for the death of 70 million (more than the population of France at present) through his 27 year rule in China (from 1949-1976) and he had four wives, all of whom he abandoned after torturing them.

Mao Zedong,who is yet worshiped in China, was a compulsive womanizer/rapist. As his traditions dictated, Mao kept company with young girls during the crossing of Jiangsu Province. Chairman Mao was a pedophile. According to historian Jeb Barlow, the number of young girls Mao slept with "must have been in the tens of thousands." The parents of these girls were "only happy to assist." "Think about it," Barlow continued, "their daughters were screwing the Chairman." Screwing the Chairman became a status symbol."

There are mausoleums for this mass rapist in China and countless statues all throughout the country where ordinary Chinese are forced by Mao worshipers to pay tributes to this mass rapist and murderer.

Mao slept with hundreds of other Chinese women. He once said he couldn't go "forty days without sex," and any female would do.

Mao slept with teenage virgins and gave them venereal diseases. Mao ate like a king while his country was starving.

Despite ushering in an anti-prostitution era, Mao was utterly inconsistent himself. “As Mao got older,” Mao’s personal physician Dr Li wrote, “he became an adherent of Taoist sexual practices which gave him an excuse to pursue sex not only for pleasure but to extend his life. He claimed he needed the waters of yin—or vaginal secretions—to supplement his own declining yang—or male essence, the source of his strength, power and longevity. Many of the women that Mao slept with were daughters of poor peasants who Li said believed that sleeping with the chairman was the greatest experience of their life. Mao was happiest and most satisfied when he had several young women simultaneously sharing his bed, and he encouraged his sexual partners to introduce him to others. He often told the young women to read the Taoist sex manual The Plain Girl’s Secret Way, in preparation for their trysts.

[Source: "The Private Life of Chairman Mao" by Dr. Li Zhisui, excerpts reprinted U.S. News and World Report, October 10, 1994]
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