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Problem is you argue as if you have the CHOICE to adopt democracy or not.
If a begger says i dont like money or luxury cars and choose to live a simple life , his words have no value.
But if a ambani says i want a simple life and shuns luxury , ppl respect his words.
Dont argue any further , i win.
Both India and China' current government was founded in almost the same time, India was even ahead in many aspects back then, and look at where we stand today, you indeed win for choosing another path. :cheers:
If you want to know how bad democracy can be for a country, look no further than the good for nothing, all talk no actions of a country a.k.a. India. Yes Indians, why don't you come in here and tell me some about "freedom":taz:
If you want to know how bad democracy can be for a country, look no further than the good for nothing, all talk no actions of a country a.k.a. India. Yes Indians, why don't you come in here and tell me some about "freedom":taz:

In India you have freedom to rape. In China its illegal and comes with severe punishment
Lol the truths obvious


Lol the truths obvious


I don't know what these guys are protesting.
1, Nobody got killed in the movement. Not even one. What "They can't kill us all" means? You should say that after some one was killed by government.
2,HK does have press freedom. CCP didn't interfere HK medias.

They are protesting something that doesn't even exist.
What do you all think of the brand of democracy in Singapore with its managed Opposition. An Opposition that is mostly appointed by the Government, Non Nominated Member of Parliament(NMP), to question the Government and give opposing political views but with no voting rights.
Sort of fake democracy.
I think true democracy is the goal where the populace having achieved reasonable wealth and political stability, have the desire to fully participate in its governance. But this goal must be approached cautiously and systematically in steps by achieving wealth and cohesive political stability among the populace first. In other words, country is relatively wealthy and no ethnic or religious strive.
In the real world the ideal may have to settle somewhere between Authoritarian and true Democracy.
I think true Democracy is a luxury that is not wise to have if the populace is not ready for it.
But it can be a goal that we all would want to aim for.
I don't know what these guys are protesting.
1, Nobody got killed in the movement. Not even one. What "They can't kill us all" means? You should say that after some one was killed by government.
2,HK does have press freedom. CCP didn't interfere HK medias.

They are protesting something that doesn't even exist.
Freedom and HK democracy has many dimensions:
1) Rise of Christian grassroots human rights movement especially when many prominent bureaucrats have entrenched Christian affiliations as legacy from the British.
2) HK SAR purposely changed school curriculum post handover to closely resemble Anglo values
3) Some HK people actually feel they are WASP since China in the Anglo sphere has many negative connotations.
4) Poorer HK people is actually being marginalized by Rich immigrants from China. High cost of living and real estate prices are becoming a social burden.
5) HK is also a breeding ground for the CIA because of the legal protection as well.
6) China special forces don't give a crap about HK laws...secret arrest and killing did happen (CIA perhaps)
People are still free but they got to be worry though. Is it detrimental to HK common people? probably not.
Freedom and HK democracy has many dimensions:
1) Rise of Christian grassroots human rights movement especially when many prominent bureaucrats have entrenched Christian affiliations as legacy from the British.
2) HK SAR purposely changed school curriculum post handover to closely resemble Anglo values
3) Some HK people actually feel they are WASP since China in the Anglo sphere has many negative connotations.
4) Poorer HK people is actually being marginalized by Rich immigrants from China. High cost of living and real estate prices are becoming a social burden.
5) HK is also a breeding ground for the CIA because of the legal protection as well.
6) China special forces don't give a crap about HK laws...secret arrest and killing did happen (CIA perhaps)
People are still free but they got to be worry though. Is it detrimental to HK common people? probably not.
That reminds me the new textbook was strongly opposed in HK just because it contains content of patriotism(Quite normal, right? Who didn't do this?)
I'm speechless to these HK people. Are they mentally disordered? What the heck is WASP Hongkongers? Why don't they think they are spidermen instead? At least they don't have to worry seeing the true color of their skin.
It's not necessary for China government to secretly arrest or kill someone in HK. They can just arrest them in public. Who were secretly killed by the government? Could you name one?
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That reminds me the new textbook was strongly opposed in HK just because it contains content of patriotism(Quite normal, right? Who didn't do this?)
I'm speechless to these HK people. Are they mentally disordered? What the heck is WASP Hongkongers? Why don't they think they are spidermen instead? At least they don't have to worry seeing the true color of their skin.
It's not necessary for China government to secretly arrest or kill someone in HK. They can just arrest them in public. Who were secretly killed by the government? Could you name one?
Causeway bay books and his workers, which is well documented.
Many angle's to the 铜锣湾书店 story, probably many more ghost in the closet.
No other angle. This book store sold anti-government books to mainland readers.

If China government has a name list about who need to be arrested for political reasons, the book store owner is not even qualified to be on the list. The guy is nobody compared to thousands anti-China activists. Whoever believes this story. He's retarded.
What do you all think of the brand of democracy in Singapore with its managed Opposition. An Opposition that is mostly appointed by the Government, Non Nominated Member of Parliament(NMP), to question the Government and give opposing political views but with no voting rights.
Sort of fake democracy.

The NMP isn't considered opposition but neutral. It's appointed by the President, a separately elected power from the government, designed to bring in more independent voices into the parliament which elected MPs can't. For example, you can bring in an artist, scientist or sportsman into the parliament to give their views on certain issues to the elected MPs. For specific healthcare polices, it would be wise to sought the views of a doctor instead of a banker. For issues on arts and culture, it's better to have some views from an artist or musician.

The elected MPs therefore have a better understanding on the issue and can make a more informed decision. The NMP is a reflection of the government's technocratic view on politics. However because they aren't elected, they don't have the moral authority and hence have no voting rights. Basically their role is to give independent views which mainstream political parties don't have.

This is different from the opposition in the parliament which is elected by the people and have voting rights. They can take over the government if they have enough seats. This is not a fake democracy.

NMPs are appointed for a term of two and a half years on the recommendation of a Special Select Committee chaired by the Speaker of Parliament. The Committee may nominate persons who have rendered distinguished public service or who have brought honour to Singapore, and also invites proposals of candidates from community groups in the fields of arts and letters, culture, the sciences, business, industry, the professions, social or community service, and the labour movement. In 2009, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong proposed in Parliament that the Committee should also invite nominations from the civil society such as candidates from the environmental movement, young activists, new citizens, and community and grassroots leaders. In addition, the Committee must have regard to the need for NMPs to reflect as wide a range of independent and nonpartisan views as possible.

During a debate in Parliament on 29 and 30 November 1989, the First Deputy Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong set out the Government's reasons for implementing the scheme. The NMP scheme was a move to provide more opportunities for Singaporeans to participate in politics. It was a "privilege" extended to Singaporeans who could make valuable contributions to public policy but for good reasons did not desire to enter politics and look after constituencies. Women were mentioned as an example of people who might be more willing to become NMPs, as many have to handle their families and careers and therefore do not have much spare time.

The aim of the scheme was to create a more "consensual style of government where alternative views are heard and constructive dissent accommodated". NMPs could play a constructive role in contributing to good governance that the Opposition and MPs of the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) could not provide. While PAP MPs had been encouraged to air opposing views, they were after all Government MPs and were not allowed to vote against the Government unless the Whip was lifted. Moreover, there were very few Opposition MPs. According to Goh, the Opposition had not been constructive as their objective was to discredit the Government so that they could win office. In contrast, NMPs would not belong to any political party, and could therefore represent the views of people who did not identify themselves with the PAP or the Opposition. Thus, NMPs would be able to concentrate on the "substance of the debate rather than form and rhetoric", and provide dissenting and constructive views that would contribute to good government.
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No other angle. This book store sold anti-government books to mainland readers.

If China government has a name list about who need to be arrested for political reasons, the book store owner is not even qualified to be on the list. The guy is nobody compared to thousands anti-China activists. Whoever believes this story. He's retarded.
I understand you views...I welcome it...just stop calling people retarded.

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