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North Korea says Japan has crossed military ‘danger line’

Its business for Chinese. How about really giving something like west, despite its many faults, is been doing for centuries?

One example; when devastating floods or earthquake occur Pakistan, its the west and mostly US that comes out to help. Even Japan pitches in. Chinese and Wahabis (both worshipped by Punjabi idiots) are nowhere to be seen until US pushes them into giving some aid, which they then grudgingly do.

Many Pakistani here don't want to take it into realization that China only use Pakistan for their interest only, when China done using Pakistan, China will dump Pakistan like a step child.

Pakistan needed to look at the Chinese history and find out if there is any country benefit from being allied with China.
UK is not China; there is no censorship here like China. There just isn't any real aid from China. China is a greedy bully.

This isn't difficult to understand as Chinese Communist Party is a greedy bully; it just doesn't have any values that support helping others unlike western values.

China has over 1 billion people to feed (the largest population in the world), including tens of millions of peasants who live in poverty and frequently suffers from natural disasters itself like earthquake and landslides. You expect China fork out handouts at will to other nations? America produces more food than its population needs. It can donate whenever it wants to without expense or hurt to itself. China's GDP per capita is lower than the west and it cannot afford to give out massive amounts of aid without hurting its own population.

China defends donations to Africa - China.org.cn

All those rich countries who can afford to give aid, do it because they want to improve their image and make others think positively of their country. There is no such thing as true altruism.

As for "threatening everyone", China does exactly what rival claimaints themselves do in disputed territories. Japan sending warships and nationalizing the islands is not threatening?

People who have no historical grudges against China disagree

China, hip-hop and the new Sudan - CNN.com

The Chinese don't influence our politics, They don't comment on it, and what they want, they pay for -- sometimes double the amount. This tends to make all Africans happy -- from the dictators to the democrats, There isn't a party in Africa that doesn't like them. Even if you're a rebel movement and you say to them you can secure gold, the Chinese will simply say they want to buy it. The only foreign policy advice I heard from China was when they said to Sudan, 'Don't go back to war.' That's all they said. They didn't push anything else
UK is not China; there is no censorship here like China. There just isn't any real aid from China. China is a greedy bully.

This isn't difficult to understand as Chinese Communist Party is a greedy bully; it just doesn't have any values that support helping others unlike western values.

You are a living prove, that you don't know the news.

You must be heard about the Orwellian (censorship) all the time. How about Aldous Huxley's Brave New World?
You are a living prove, that you don't know the news.

You must be heard about the Orwellian (censorship) all the time. How about Aldous Huxley's Brave New World?

You are a big Chinese stooge liar. When all else fails you resort to personal attacks. Go to hell, I have no interest in your BS baseless Communist Party propaganda.

Many Pakistani here don't want to take it into realization that China only use Pakistan for their interest only, when China done using Pakistan, China will dump Pakistan like a step child.

Pakistan needed to look at the Chinese history and find out if there is any country benefit from being allied with China.

This is unfortunately true and these people are mostly Punjabis many of whom have no sense of reality or rationale. They go by propaganda. It’s these same people who are otherwise holding Pakistan back too.
Many Pakistani here don't want to take it into realization that China only use Pakistan for their interest only, when China done using Pakistan, China will dump Pakistan like a step child.

Pakistan needed to look at the Chinese history and find out if there is any country benefit from being allied with China.

I agree - lets take a look

- when the Malacca Sultanate was conquered by the Portuguese in 1511, China massacred and arrested the entire Portuguese diplomatic delegation led by Tome Pires and defeated the Portuguese twice at Tamao in 1521 and 1522.

Chinese merchants provided guns and gunpowder to the Sulu Sultanate against Spain and thousands of Chinese also joined them to fight the Spanish directly.

When Japan invaded Korea in the Imjin war, China responded by declaring war on Japan and helped Korea drive out the Japanese from their territory.

When France invaded Vietnam, China attacked France at Bac Le and the French responded by attacking the Fuzhou fleet which started the Sino French war. China sent tens of thousands of soldiers to fight France on Vietnamese soil during the war.

When Japan invaded Korea again, China declared war on them in the First Sino Japanese war.

What did Japan do other than invade? Or what did Vietnam do besides invade Champa and genocide the Cham? You're just humiliating yourself again. You asked us to look into Chinese history, it shows that China helps its allies when they are invaded.

EDIT: China also stoped Ayutthaya (Thailand) and Majapahit from attacking the Malacca Sultanate and freed Malacca from Ayutthaya vassalage.

EDIT: China also took in thousands of Cham Utsul Muslim refugees in Hainan after VIETNAM invaded Champa and genocided the Cham.

All of those wars and actions were of no material benefit to China at all. China could have chosen to do none of the things I listed.

You are a big Chinese stooge liar. When all else fails you resort to personal attacks. Go to hell, I have no interest in your BS baseless Communist Party propaganda.

This is unfortunately true and these people are mostly Punjabis many of whom have no sense of reality or rationale. They go by propaganda. It’s these same people who are otherwise holding Pakistan back too.

And Japan and the west are truly altruistic, backing up the genocidal Philippines (slaughterer of tens of thousands of Moro Muslims) and Vietnam to get back at China, forcing Okinawans and not the Japanese to shoulder the burden of American military bases, and surely all those aid which they can afford to give without making the slightest difference in their living standards doesn't buy them a positive image. Japan's image is **** according to the Moro National Liberation Front. The Moros remember Japan as a brutal colonizer and are still waiting for an apology, while China is viewed positively by the MNLF.
I agree - lets take a look

- when the Malacca Sultanate was conquered by the Portuguese in 1511, China massacred and arrested the entire Portuguese diplomatic delegation led by Tome Pires and defeated the Portuguese twice at Tamao in 1521 and 1522.

Chinese merchants provided guns and gunpowder to the Sulu Sultanate against Spain and thousands of Chinese also joined them to fight the Spanish directly.

When Japan invaded Korea in the Imjin war, China responded by declaring war on Japan and helped Korea drive out the Japanese from their territory.

When France invaded Vietnam, China attacked France at Bac Le and the French responded by attacking the Fuzhou fleet which started the Sino French war. China sent tens of thousands of soldiers to fight France on Vietnamese soil during the war.

When Japan invaded Korea again, China declared war on them in the First Sino Japanese war.

What did Japan do other than invade? Or what did Vietnam do besides invade Champa and genocide the Cham? You're just humiliating yourself again. You asked us to look into Chinese history, it shows that China helps its allies when they are invaded.

EDIT: China also stoped Ayutthaya (Thailand) and Majapahit from attacking the Malacca Sultanate and freed Malacca from Ayutthaya vassalage.

EDIT: China also took in thousands of Cham Utsul Muslim refugees in Hainan after VIETNAM invaded Champa and genocided the Cham.

All of those wars and actions were of no material benefit to China at all. China could have chosen to do none of the things I listed.
All what China did above is just for one reason: Kick other invaders out and China will be the one invader left to conquer VN and other south east Asia where having fertile lands and rich of resources
Before we were to leave, Mao met with Brother Truong Chinh and myself. Mao sat down to chat with us, and in the end he announced: "Comrades, I would like you to know this. I will be president of 500 million land-hungry peasants, and I will bring an army to strike downwards into Southeast Asia." Also seated there, Deng Xiaoping added: "It is mainly because the poor peasants are in such dire straits!"

Once we were outside, I told Brother Truong Chinh: "There you have it, the plot to take our country and Southeast Asia. It is clear now." They dared to announce it in such a way. They thought we would not understand. It is true that not a minute goes by that they do not think of fighting Vietnam!

I will say more to you comrades so that you may see more of the military importance of this matter. Mao asked me:

In Laos, how many square kilometers [of land] are there?

I answered:
About 200,000 [sq. km.].

What is its population? [Mao asked]:

[I answered]: Around 3 million!

[Mao responded:] That's not very much! I'll bring my people there, indeed!

[Mao asked:] How many square kilometers [of land] are there in Thailand?.

[I responded]: About 500,000 [sq. km.].

And how many people? [Mao asked].

About 40 million! [I answered].

My God! [Mao said], Szechwan province of China has 500,000 sq. km., but has 90 million people. I'll take some more of my people there, too [to Thailand]!

As for Vietnam, they did not dare to speak about moving in people this way. However, he [Mao] told me: "Comrade, isn't it true that your people have fought and defeated the Yuan army?" I said: "Correct." "Isn't it also true, comrade, that you defeated the Qing army?" I said: "Correct." He said: "And the Ming army as well?" I said: "Yes, and you too. I have beaten you as well. Did you know that?" I spoke with Mao Zedong in that way. He said: "Yes, yes!" He wanted to take Laos, all of Thailand – as well as wanting to take all of Southeast Asia. Bringing people to live there. It was complicated [to that point].

In the past [referring to possible problems stemming from the Chinese threat during these times], we had made intense preparations; it is not that we were unprepared. If we had not made preparations, the recent situation would have been very dangerous. It was not a simple matter. Ten years ago, I summoned together our brothers in the military to meet with me. I told them that the Soviet Union and the US were at odds with each other. As for China, they had joined hands with the US imperialists. In this tense situation, you must study this problem immediately. I was afraid that the military did not understand me, so I told them that there was no other way to understand the matter. But they found it very difficult to understand. It was not easy at all. But I could not speak in any other way. And I did not allow others to grab me.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-far-east/227105-vietnam-laos-cambodia.html#ixzz2bJ9unDLK
Sounds like it. Chinese are appearing more and more a real bad bunch, plundering world resources for their greed but never giving anything back to the world and then threatening everyone on top too.

I dont know about plundering world resources, USA holds the title for that but 'not giving anything back' is partly true. Most people are starting to view the Chinese as greedy and money hungry I will be honest. Chinese need to to a better job at training and education her people when they do business in others countries. Take for example China's gold mining in Ghana Chinese need to do a better job or else they will be kicked out from everywhere.
All what China did above just for one reason: Kick other invader out and China will be the one invader left to conquer VN and other south east Asia where having fertile lands and rich of resources

Great, so you use a Vietnamese propaganda source during the war to show us this fabricated conversation. China had plenty of empty space, it moved millions of people to the largely empty Dzungharia (the Dzunghars were massacred hundreds of years ago). No western or Chinese source talks about this nonexistent plan to move tens of millions of Chinese into southeast asia. Only in Vietnam, LOL.

This also has nothing to do with Korea, Malacca or China taking in Cham refugees. During the Ming dynasty most of the Chinese diaspora was living in the Sulu Sultanate, Malacca Sultanate and other Indonesian islands, not Vietnam.
I dont know about plundering world resources, USA holds the title for that but 'not giving anything back' is partly true. Most people are starting to view the Chinese as greedy and money hungry I will be honest. Chinese need to to a better job at training and education her people when they do business in others countries. Take for example China's gold mining in Ghana Chinese need to do a better job or else they will be kicked out from everywhere.

Those gold miners in Ghana are poor rural peasants who can barely afford to sustain themselves. They went out for gold mining in the hopes of supporting their families. They were attacked by corrupt police officers and bandits and the Ghana government only declared them illegal after the mines were set up.

Ghana’s Crackdown on Chinese Gold Miners Hits One Rural Area Hard - nytimes
Many Pakistani here don't want to take it into realization that China only use Pakistan for their interest only, when China done using Pakistan, China will dump Pakistan like a step child.

Pakistan needed to look at the Chinese history and find out if there is any country benefit from being allied with China.

Lets not speak too fast. I truly feel China treat Pakistan better than any of her allies and favors her, treats her a like a true brother. But China can not interfere in Pakistan internal affairs Pakistan needs to sort out her troubles and China is there to help whether financially or militarily. I dont think Vietnamese people should try and create division somewhere her mouth doesnt belong.

Its business for Chinese. How about really giving something like west, despite its many faults, is been doing for centuries?

One example; when devastating floods or earthquake occur Pakistan, its the west and mostly US that comes out to help. Even Japan pitches in. Chinese and Wahabis (both worshipped by Punjabi idiots) are nowhere to be seen until US pushes them into giving some aid, which they then grudgingly do.

China need to learn how to play the game if she wants to become the super power whether she wants it or not. Chinese need to learn how to break bread as she rise to keep the small guys all happy. This is how usa does it and win the hearts and minds of others. China on the other hand take take take but does not help others rise with her. Sure it is not their business to interfere but human nature, when we see one man keep getting richer and we stay poor there will be animosity.
Great, so you use a Vietnamese propaganda source during the war to show us this fabricated conversation. China had plenty of empty space........
And its just polluted, barren lands, worse than Sahara desert. Poor Chinese were born there, so they have no choice but living on these barren and polluted land and die of lung cancer after few years :pop:
BEIJING - Although China's success in feeding 22 percent of the world population using the world's less than 10 percent arable land has been hailed as a miracle, concern is growing that the country's shrinking arable land would jeopardize grain security.

The country's summer grain output inched down 0.3 percent from one year earlier to 123 million tonnes in the first half of this year after a prolonged drought in southwestern China. It was the first decline in seven years for China's summer grain output.

To ensure grain security, China set a "red line" to guarantee its arable land never shrinks to less than 1.8 billion mu (120 million hectares).

According to statistics from China's Ministry of Land and Resources (MLR), the country is already edging dangerously close to its "red line", with just 1.826 billion mu available as of the end of last year.

China lost 123 million mu of arable land from 1997 to 2009.
Shrinking arable land threatens grain security
Wholegrain said:
This also has nothing to do with Korea, Malacca or China taking in Cham refugees. During the Ming dynasty most of the Chinese diaspora was living in the Sulu Sultanate, Malacca Sultanate and other Indonesian islands, not Vietnam
China use N.K as a shield against US, so of course u will try to fortify ur shield. Those Cham sided wt u to attack VN, of course u need to help them and hope they can do some bad things to VN like what Pol Pot did to us in 1979.
Those gold miners in Ghana are poor rural peasants who can barely afford to sustain themselves. They went out for gold mining in the hopes of supporting their families. They were attacked by corrupt police officers and bandits and the Ghana government only declared them illegal after the mines were set up.

Ghana’s Crackdown on Chinese Gold Miners Hits One Rural Area Hard - nytimes[/url]

I understand my friend but most people do not care or do not know who is peasant chinese or regular educated chinese. I the peoples eyes they are CHINESE. USA capitalizes on all Chinese mistakes to destroy chinese character and image the chinese need to a better job at boossting her image around the globe. Chinese is doing business in every country it is important to keep good positive image if you want to stay. No excuse, peasant or not. honestly, most countries feel chinese are cheats and dishonest I will tell you the honest truth. You need to turn this image around. People think highly of chinese culture and past glorious history but presently they are seeing the opposite.
I understand my friend but most people do not care or do not know who is peasant chinese or regular educated chinese. I the peoples eyes they are CHINESE. USA capitalizes on all Chinese mistakes to destroy chinese character and image the chinese need to a better job at boossting her image around the globe. Chinese is doing business in every country it is important to keep good positive image if you want to stay. No excuse, peasant or not. honestly, most countries feel chinese are cheats and dishonest I will tell you the honest truth. You need to turn this image around. People think highly of chinese culture and past glorious history but presently they are seeing the opposite.

I'm now throwing them under the bus for being peasants, I'm saying the Ghanaian government victimized them. They first let thm set up the mines but then after the work was done, they declared them illegal and unleashed police and bandits on the miners.
And its just polluted, barren lands, worse than Sahara desert. Poor Chinese were born there, so they have no choice but living on these barren and polluted land and die of lung cancer after few years :pop:

China use N.K as a shield against US, so of course u will try to fortify ur shield. Those Cham sided wt u to attack VN, of course u need to help them and hope they can do some bad things to VN like what Pol Pot did to us in 1979.

Wrong, Dzungharia is not barren, crops can grow there. There were almost no Chinese in Vietnam before the fall of the Ming.

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