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North Korea sanctions punish the whole population

I do not think China sees NKR as a genuine military threat. Rather, if NKR lobs a nuke at ANYONE, China will get the blame. I do not see any way China would be able to get out of it. Whatever NKR does, China is always the first to get dragged in. China cannot afford to let anyone else discipline NKR in that if anyone else does it, China loses NKR.

A sanction regime is not discipline. As harsh as it is, a sanction regime is essentially hard persuasion, not even waterboarding, so it is not discipline. A military response is the only type of discipline that outsiders can do, but China can discipline NKR via internal politics as well as militarily. So when it comes to NKR, the burden is mainly on China IF she want to keep NKR. Everybody knows it.
Yeah...a lot the Chinese can do when the North Korean leadership has now purged any and all of the military/government whom were pro China. NK is a loose cannon now but China created the nation to protect its own borders. Its like home owners who purchase a loud barking dog but now that dog has gone feral but its still in their backyard. America on the other hand purchased a feral dog (Alqaeda/Taliban/ISIS) and just let it loose on the neighbourhood. So you tell me who the hell is more responsible?
Yeah...a lot the Chinese can do when the North Korean leadership has now purged any and all of the military/government whom were pro China. NK is a loose cannon now but China created the nation to protect its own borders. Its like home owners who purchase a loud barking dog but now that dog has gone feral but its still in their backyard. America on the other hand purchased a feral dog (Alqaeda/Taliban/ISIS) and just let it loose on the neighbourhood. So you tell me who the hell is more responsible?

That is the issue. China must protect and deflect sanctions on Pyongyang, and develop closer relationship through more austere channels with Mr. Kim. I suppose tokyo and Seoul should not be too critical of Beijing , rather, should encourage Beijing to foster a stronger relationship with Pyongyang. Ultimately, it comes down to that.
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Yeah...a lot the Chinese can do when the North Korean leadership has now purged any and all of the military/government whom were pro China. NK is a loose cannon now but China created the nation to protect its own borders. Its like home owners who purchase a loud barking dog but now that dog has gone feral but its still in their backyard. America on the other hand purchased a feral dog (Alqaeda/Taliban/ISIS) and just let it loose on the neighbourhood. So you tell me who the hell is more responsible?
All your deflections is not going to divert from the cold hard fact that China have just joined US in this latest sanction regime. Sucking up to the Chinese members here is not going to help your argument.

North Korea Sanctions Should Not Affect People's Livelihood: Beijing


File photo shows Hong Lei, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson. [Photo: fmprc.gov.cn]

Chinese authorities are urging caution regarding efforts to impose new sanctions against North Korea, warning that the move should not affect people's livelihoods in the country.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei made the remark as the United States introduced a draft UN Security Council resolution on Thursday to impose sanctions on North Korea.

"The United Nations Security Council is discussing new sanctions against North Korea. China believes that relevant resolution should focus on containing the country's capacity of nuclear and ballistic missile development. The sanctions should have clear orientation, and should not affect the livelihood of the people of the country."

Hong Lei added that China believes that sanctions alone will not succeed.

"China has put forward a very important proposal of seeking parallel progress in the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and in the peace process. The proposal is conducive to the realization of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, conducive to the answer to the reasonable concerns of all parties and conducive to the long-term peace and stability of the Peninsula."

Meantime, the South Korean Unification Ministry said on Friday that the expected ban under the new UN resolution on North Korea's mineral resources exports will significantly damage the North's foreign currency income.

Tens of thousands South Koreans protests against closure of Industrial Area. Blood is indeed thicker than water.

U.S., China agree on draft North Korea sanctions resolution at U.N.: envoys| Reuters

"The United States and China have agreed on a draft resolution that would expand U.N. Security Council sanctions against North Korea over its latest nuclear test and hope to put it to a vote in the coming days, council diplomats said on Wednesday."

ultimately, I can only see China start building a wall (Like the one Trump promised to do if and when he elected POTUS) in their border, to, frankly, protect them from North Korea
All your deflections is not going to divert from the cold hard fact that China have just joined US in this latest sanction regime. Sucking up to the Chinese members here is not going to help your argument.
Since i saw you on Irandefence around 10years ago you have not grown or matured one bit. How unfortunate that you still have to have that gun-ho-ethical high ground approach. Do you tire of this? Because this ethical high chair bullsh1t is very tiresome, Some of my patients have dementia and they seem more interesting than you at this stage mate with your constant regurgitating of the we are good you are evil bullsh1t.
It's part of the western government strategy regardless if it's a liberal or conservative media. They all have one common goal in mind--to demonize a nation and brainwash its own people
as a brainwashed U.S citizen could you give me a unbiased opinion on the state of North Korea :lol:

is everything we've been taught a lie?? is North Korea really a utopia?
I don´t know what to think about North Korea. Its hold artificial alive by china until now. I feel sad for the people who have to endure this bizarre regime.

North Korea Sanctions Should Not Affect People's Livelihood: Beijing


File photo shows Hong Lei, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson. [Photo: fmprc.gov.cn]

Chinese authorities are urging caution regarding efforts to impose new sanctions against North Korea, warning that the move should not affect people's livelihoods in the country.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei made the remark as the United States introduced a draft UN Security Council resolution on Thursday to impose sanctions on North Korea.

"The United Nations Security Council is discussing new sanctions against North Korea. China believes that relevant resolution should focus on containing the country's capacity of nuclear and ballistic missile development. The sanctions should have clear orientation, and should not affect the livelihood of the people of the country."

Hong Lei added that China believes that sanctions alone will not succeed.

"China has put forward a very important proposal of seeking parallel progress in the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and in the peace process. The proposal is conducive to the realization of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, conducive to the answer to the reasonable concerns of all parties and conducive to the long-term peace and stability of the Peninsula."

Meantime, the South Korean Unification Ministry said on Friday that the expected ban under the new UN resolution on North Korea's mineral resources exports will significantly damage the North's foreign currency income.


SERIOUSLY?? China thinks N.Korea will get rid of its nuclear weapons/denuclearize so we can all have a nuclear free Korean peninsula?? :cheesy:

Is this a joke??:disagree: Fat Kim must be laughing his *** out. :lol:
as a brainwashed U.S citizen could you give me a unbiased opinion on the state of North Korea :lol:

is everything we've been taught a lie?? is North Korea really a utopia?
Typical American. Everything is either BLACK or WHITE. There is no gray. Heaven or Hell, Pure or Evil, Good or Bad.

Life is made of the parts inbetween. In fact there is nothing besides the gray parts in life as there is no purity in the world. Understanding the natural forces which lie due to the circumstances is vital in understanding the way the world works. A cheap and easy life lesson for you my young protege.
Typical American. Everything is either BLACK or WHITE. There is no gray. Heaven or Hell, Pure or Evil, Good or Bad.

Life is made of the parts inbetween. In fact there is nothing besides the gray parts in life as there is no purity in the world. Understanding the natural forces which lie due to the circumstances is vital in understanding the way the world works. A cheap and easy life lesson for you my young protege.

then explain to me what North Korea is? :rofl: is it a utopia or is it a hell?? or is it just your average country :eek:

clearly we have been misled in the first world about North Korea :azn:

What is wrong about him...for being more friendlier with Chinese people???

does SinoJin agree Diaoyu is not Senkaku??

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