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North Korea sanctions punish the whole population

Probably another hoax.
That one is apparently true, although the reasons for his...unusual execution had more to it than his just falling asleep at meetings with the 'Supreme Leader'. There have been numerous executions of senior officials during Kim Jong-un's tenure, in a series of purges. Yong-chol was replaced by Pak Yong-sik, who is quite old and served Kim Jong-un's father.
LOL I didnt realize that was a hoax it was all over the internet,

Did this one really happen or not?

Kim Jong-Un EXECUTES defence minister Hyon Yong-Chol for dozing off | Daily Mail Online

Probably another hoax.

Contradictions, contradictions...

But unlike the story with Jang Sung-taek, his image was not removed from documentaries and his old pictures appeared in the chronicle. Nevertheless, anti-North Korean forces already announced that he had been buried. They supported this statement with a number or heart-rending details speculating about the reason for his execution. He allegedly fell asleep at the parliamentary session in the presence of Kim! He was preparing a military coup! During his visit to Russia, he did not sign a secret military agreement! The sources of information in each case are always “reliable” and anonymous.
Got Enmeshed in Own Fabrications about North Korea? | New Eastern Outlook

North Korean Defense Minister appears alive

The North Korean Defense Minister Hyon Yong-chol, who was said to be shot with anti-aircraft machine guns, appeared alive.

The information on his death had come from Seul, namely from the deputy director of the National Intelligence Service of South Korea Khan-Gi-Bom during a closed briefing for the members of the Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence. The "secret" information should have been let out by the journalists.

However, official contradiction also came from Seul. The South Korean Ministry of Unification claimed that North Korean central television released video with safe and sound Hyon Yong-chol.

After another failure of South Korean intelligence, the Republic authorities called for a necessary verification of the intelligence.

We shall remind that the Yonhap News Agency has recently reported that the North Korean Defense Minister Hyon Yong-chol was publicly shot with anti-aircraft machine guns. The execution was carried out in front of the leader of North Korea Kim Jong-un and several hundreds of people. Death penalty was ordered for "disobedience" of the Minister of Defense as well as for falling asleep at the meeting where the North Korean leader was present.

North Korean Defense Minister appears alive - PravdaReport
That one is apparently true, although the reasons for his...unusual execution had more to it than his just falling asleep at meetings with the 'Supreme Leader'. There have been numerous executions of senior officials during Kim Jong-un's tenure, in a series of purges. Yong-chol was replaced by Pak Yong-sik, who is quite old and served Kim Jong-un's father.

Highly doubt that.

Arigadou gozaimasu, @Arryn!
Turns out that the report was a hoax. Funny where journalists nowadays get their information from and present it as "news".

'Kim Jong-un fed uncle to dogs' myth started by satirical tweet - Telegraph

The man was executed by firing squad. (IT said so on your own source)

The report is sensationalized, but nonetheless, truth....

and the most ironic thing is? The eaten by dog "satire" was oringinated senstaionalized from SIna Tencents Weibo (chinese tweeter) again as per your own source said

But an alternative narrative of the 67-year old's death emerged on what appears to have been a satirical post on the Chinese Tencent Weibo site that has been repeated by many media outlets worldwide.

'Kim Jong-un fed uncle to dogs' myth started by satirical tweet - Telegraph
The Western press is a highly-ideologized and mission-oriented apparatus. Demonization is a method they often mobilize against perceived rivals. For that reason, any news sourced from a Western media outlet must be viewed from the perspective of the interests of the very regime that the media outlet is attached to by an "invisible hand."

They played a similar ploy against Saddam. Another one against Gaddafi. If they had any accountability left and their rival had been yet another weak nation, they would die to play it against Mr. Putin. But, of course, size and sources are important. In the end, it appeared that Mr. Putin, despite all vile and sneaky Western media attempts to demonize, became more popular and universally admired, as opposed to Mr. Obama (who is not a bad person, in essence, I believe).

DPRK government is an easy target. Think about the level of isolation they have to suffer from. When the victim is weakened and defenseless, the US will produce lots of Rambos.

When they face a tough nut like Mr. Lavrov, they will back away. Power, the language of power is the only discourse one can engage with them.
The Western press is a highly-ideologized and mission-oriented apparatus. Demonization is a method they often mobilize against perceived rivals. For that reason, any news sourced from a Western media outlet must be viewed from the perspective of the interests of the very regime that the media outlet is attached to by an "invisible hand."

They played a similar ploy against Saddam. Another one against Gaddafi. If they had any accountability left and their rival had been yet another weak nation, they would die to play it against Mr. Putin. But, of course, size and sources are important. In the end, it appeared that Mr. Putin, despite all vile and sneaky Western media attempts to demonize, became more popular and universally admired, as opposed to Mr. Obama (who is not a bad person, in essence, I believe).

DPRK government is an easy target. Think about the level of isolation they have to suffer from. When the victim is weakened and defenseless, the US will produce lots of Rambos.

When they face a tough nut like Mr. Lavrov, they will back away. Power, the language of power is the only discourse one can engage with them.

I have never trust the Western media source since the first day I accessed to the internet or watch TV, some people still take western source as bible and worship their parole as god message LMAO. ...my final saying is that Western press are just BS.
The current sanctions have not only failed to curtail the nuclear ambitions and human rights abuses of the ambitious North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, they are also constraining the actions of humanitarian NGOs trying to carry out life-saving activities inside the DPRK. These essential humanitarian activities include the provision of nutritional supplements to malnourished children; the treatment of infectious diseases, such as drug-resistant tuberculosis; the provision of support to rural villages; and the delivery of basic medicines, such as antibiotics and pain relief.

Because of sanctions targeted at banks dealing with the DPRK, one European diplomat told me that humanitarian agencies had resorted to carrying large amounts of cash into the DPRK in order to maintain basic operations

But...people here convinced me NGO's were pure evil and should be kicked out of every country for being a public menace and a government threat.

Now people are complaining they are having trouble bringing in suitcases full of cash..what???

I say nobody should fly there with foreign cash. Stop the NGO's at the border. They are all troublemakers anyway.
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I have never trust the Western media source since the first day I accessed to the internet or watch TV, some people still take western source as bible and worship their parole as god message LMAO. ...my final saying is that Western press are just BS.

That's definitely the correct political and critical approach.
whole population has been brainwashed from birth... 4 entire generations!! isolated from the outside world and taught that the Kim family are divine

I could care less about these people.

I care more for the ones in the re-education camps that went against the system that China allows to continue.

South Korea tried to be nice and help the North Koreans in the 90's and 00's, but they blew it

Sunshine Policy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there is no saving North Korea.

no matter how many pictures and videos of malnourished norks you show me won't change my opinion
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For start, it's unfair to blame China for not doing anything now. They cannot do anything at the moment.
A sanction regime is voluntary. JPN and SKR defied the US and invested in VN while there was a sanction regime from the US against VN. So if it is unfair to blame China for doing nothing to help NKR, then it is equally unfair to blame the US who maintains the sanction regime precisely because China and anyone else have the final freedom to assist NKR.

If the US is to blame for NKR's plight, then why not China equally to blame, especially since NKR is China's creation ?

If the US refuse to trade with X country because X President is left handed, would that refusal qualify as sanction ? If yes, then it means there is an obligation to trade, which is absurd. It removes the freedom and right to association.
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