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North Korea Develops Fusion Technology

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N.Korea boasts success in nuclear fusion

SEOUL (AFP) – North Korea announced Wednesday it has successfully carried out a nuclear fusion reaction in what it called a breakthrough towards developing new energy sources.

The report in Rodong Sinmun, newspaper of the ruling communist party, made no mention of using the claimed new technology for the North's atomic weapons programme.

Nuclear fusion reactions can be employed to make hydrogen bombs.

"The successful nuclear fusion marks a great event that demonstrated the rapidly developing cutting-edge science and technology of the DPRK (North Korea)," the paper said.

It said scientists worldwide were studying nuclear fusion as a way of obtaining "safe and environment-friendly new energy" but the North's experts had worked hard to develop the technology their own way.

As part of the process, "Korean style thermonuclear reaction devices were designed and manufactured, basic researches into nuclear fusion reaction completed and strong scientific and technological forces built to perfect the thermonuclear technology by their own efforts".

Scientists worldwide are striving to develop a nuclear fusion power plant that would produce little radioactive waste.

The International Atomic Energy Agency website describes the building of such plants as "a great challenge" involving scientists in many member states.

Rodong Sinmun said the North had "made a definite breakthrough toward the development of new energy and opened up a new phase in the nation's development of the latest science and technology".

The North has for decades had a nuclear weapons programme based on plutonium produced from spent fuel at its Yongbyon reactor. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has estimated it has up to six atomic weapons.

Last September the North announced for the first time that it had reached the final stage of enriching uranium, a second way of making nuclear bombs.

And in March it said it would build a light water nuclear power plant "in the near future", relying on indigenously-produced fuel.

Six-nation talks aimed at shutting down the North's nuclear programmes have been stalled since December 2008. In April last year the North announced it was quitting the forum.

It staged its second atomic weapons test the following month, incurring tougher United Nations sanctions.

On a rare visit to China last week, leader Kim Jong-Il pledged to try to revive the stalled nuclear disarmament talks but made no firm commitment to return to dialogue.

Kim, at a meeting with President Hu Jintao, said his country "will work with China to create favourable conditions for restarting the six-party talks", Xinhua news agency reported.

The talks group the two Koreas, China, Russia, the United States and Japan.
DPRK announces success in nuclear fusion reaction - People's Daily Online May 12, 2010

Scientists of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) have succeeded in nuclear fusion reaction, the newspaper Rodong Sinmun reported on Wednesday.

This success means a step forward in the development of nuclear technology.

The success is "a definite breakthrough toward the development of new energy and opened up a new phase in the nation's development of the latest science and technology," said the report, carried by the KCNA news agency.

The Rodong Simmun report did not mention possible use of the technology for nuclear weapons.

Fusion reactions, much more powerful than fission reactions, can result in a thermonuclear explosion.

The success in nuclear fusion marks a great event that demonstrates rapid development of cutting-edge science and technology by the DPRK, the Rodong Sinmun said, adding that DPRK scientists have worked hard to develop nuclear fusion technology in their own way.

Source: Xinhua
they should really think before releasing news like this, the world best and brightest,back by the world richest,most powerful countries,with years of experience is only hoping to demonstrate a power producing fusion prototype in 2030 , read that is the most powerful/advanced countries on earth together ie us, eu,china, japan etc. cant do it yet.
Bogus news? No other country has successfully produced controlled nuclear fusion.

it is nuclear fusion, not controlled nuclear fusion. Even controlled nuclear fusion can be achieved in laboratory condition within seconds. it is called tokamak first invented in soviet union in 1960s. china had that in 80's if i am not mistaken.

it is possible that north korea has developed the technology required for H-bomb now
it is nuclear fusion, not controlled nuclear fusion. Even controlled nuclear fusion can be achieved in laboratory condition within seconds. it is called tokamak first invented in soviet union in 1960s. china had that in 80's if i am not mistaken.

it is possible that north korea has developed the technology required for H-bomb now

No one has achieved controlled nuclear fusion yet as to my knowledge. Tokamak, laser stuff are attempts. Otherwise we could have use it to generate electricity already.

Nuclear fusion is either controlled or uncontrolled. Uncontrolled nuclear fusion is essentially a hydrogen bomb, and I doubt NK has tested one already.

Seems like a bluff to me that coincides with Kim's visit to China.
What does NK spend on the military? You would think that feeding a starving population and building a stronger economy would be the top priority.
What does NK spend on the military? You would think that feeding a starving population and building a stronger economy would be the top priority.

because the military keeps kim power not the population or economy (which it basically dont have)
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