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North-East racial slur could get you jailed for five years Read more at:

Poor oppressed and discriminated North-Easterners; they need a country of their own because as they don't share anything, not even looks, with these Gangian people.

if u want we can share some of our brains with you
Firstly I admired India. Unfortunately after that, I tried actually talking to Indians, and I got what you saw above.

It's some kind of mindset which cannot be changed unfortunately.

sorry to say but every community on this forum has its own share of trolls

our kind brothers(not all) from west routinely make us remember about poverty in India, that we are rice eaters, short, dark

then our great brothers (not all) from land of dragon bash GOI and reforms and keep saying "oh my god! You spend so much on arms!" forgetting that why we need them

so neglect trolls and stick to topic
The next time you decide to call a person from the North-East a 'Chinki', you could end up cooling your heels behind bars for the next five years.

Growing incidents of racial discrimination and verbal abuse against citizens from the North-East have forced the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to send a letter to all the states and Union Territories, asking them to book offenders guilty of atrocity against people from the region under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act since a significant number of persons from the North-East belong to the Scheduled Tribes.

Under the law, an offender can end up spending five years in jail and the accused could be denied anticipatory bail as well. And in case the police fail to act on a complaint, he/ she could be imprisoned for a term which should not be less than six months and may be extended to a year.

The Act, considered draconian by many because of its harsh provisions, was put to use vigorously in Uttar Pradesh during Mayawati's rule to check atrocities against people from the lower castes.

According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), 6,272 persons were booked under the Act in Uttar Pradesh in 2010. But the implementation of the Act has been rare when it comes to major cities. Just 16 persons were booked under the Act in Delhi in 2010.

In the letter, MHA joint secretary (centre-state) S. Suresh Kumar has admitted that people from the North-East do face abuse in major cities and feel insecure.

"A sizeable number of persons belonging to the North-Eastern states are residing in metropolitan cities and in major urban areas of the country for education and employment. It is reported that people originating from these North-Eastern states are facing discrimination as they are addressed with derogatory adjectives or face discrimination in the form of targeted attacks, assault, molestation and other atrocities," the letter, a copy of which is in possession of Mail Today, states.

"This has caused considerable anguish and distress in the minds of people from the North-East. Hence, it is of utmost importance that this feeling of insecurity and negativity in the minds of the people should be assuaged by an adequate and pro-active response that would not only reassure them but also prove that the government would not tolerate discrimination in any form," it adds.

The MHA estimates that most North-East persons in major cities belong to the ST category. According to a provision under Section 3 of the SC/ ST Act , an offence will be committed if any member of the SC/ ST category is "deliberately insulted and humiliated in public view."

Not just the victim, but anyone who knows that an offence has been committed under the Act can lodge a complaint. The police are empowered under the Act to arrest the offender without any warrant and launch an investigation.

The MHA letter says that if a complaint is received from any citizen hailing from the North-East but no follow-up action is taken, then a "serious view" should be taken against the police officer concerned and also the officer incharge of the police station.

"If the complainant from the North-East is a member of the Scheduled Tribes, then the provision of Section 4 of the SC/ ST Act should be invoked," the letter states.

North-East racial slur could get you jailed for five years : North, News - India Today

This is very good decision becoz I have seen such cases no of times where our own indians use some racial word to our Indian(Northeast) brothers. They are very much like us.... But I think this is a social problem & need to change people's mind.....
Yaar stupid reflexive decision....Indians from all directions are racist....Talk about Bhaiyyas, paanwallahs, rotiwallah, cowbelter, Madrasi also...why only chinkis..? :D
some racist Chinese products.. :lol:



North east people get on well with people calling them Chinki,just Indian government think must do something not for so called racial slur but for the reminding about that north east people are just the same as Chinese.
That is not true, being from NE I know that all NE students with mongoloid features(there are people in NE who don't have mongoloid features) find the term "chinki" highly offensive.

I find many things offensive around me. It doesn't mean that I want police to arrest all those people & throw them into JAIL for calling me north-indian or anything. That's stupidity & arrogance. That shows racial mentality behind such laws & lawmakers. Typical "divide and rule" congressi votebank policy. :tdown:

For you I would say, learn some tolerance & grow up, dude. This is India, not banana republic. Don't act like a small spoiled baby, and ask others to pamper you. I have seen how NE students behave, most of them are good and understand the difference between jokes and friendship. They appreciate the differences and don't act like foreigners. But some are retarded, fanatics(specially converted Christians). They act like as if their ancestors belong to Vatican, not India. It is these minority groups who create noise about "discrimination" to achieve their own agendas.

This law is a cheap votebank politics to legalize all NE people as some king of a "special group" which has been systematically discriminated(which doesn't exist in reality) and it will do more harm than good. Now NE students will start acting like "special human beings" and demand a separate hostel etc. for them. This is just beginning. The seed of division has been drawn by that haraami british Chidambaram. :tdown:

Watch the upcoming generations of NE people. Their parents will now teach their kids about how a special law exists in India to protect them and it will help Vatican Christian mafia to further alienate the young NE people from India & spread their propaganda that "you are from Vatican, you belong to great great nanga-Alexander and not to India".

In short, g@ndu Congress is repeating Nehruvian blunder of Kashmir in NE states.
I think if more north eastern start going west more and more probably start having permanent residency, and then brown-looking people will get used to see them more and more, things will be normal. Its all about geographic mobility.

good to see a sensible BD poster :tup:

North east people get on well with people calling them Chinki,just Indian government think must do something not for so called racial slur but for the reminding about that north east people are just the same as Chinese.

saying that north east people are just the same as Chinese is like saying Tibetans are just the same as Chinese
I am not sure if these laws are really necessary. There is high chance of these laws being misused . there is subtle racism against NE people. But most of the serious crimes against NE people is not due to hatred for them. NE girls get molested more not because they are hated but because guys think they are pretty and exotic. still a horrific crime. But not exactly racial prejudice. Most of the NE people in fact get preference over other Indians in certain professions like hospitality.
Yaar stupid reflexive decision....Indians from all directions are racist....Talk about Bhaiyyas, paanwallahs, rotiwallah, cowbelter, Madrasi also...why only chinkis..? :D

Its becoz most of people use Chinkis instead ASSAMI,Manipuri etc n finally indian......
The next time you call a person from North East a 'chinki' you could end up behind bars for five years.
How many times have you heard someone call a person from the North East 'chinki'? How many times have you called someone from the North East 'chinki'? Now is the time to watch your tongue before you stereotype someone, because calling someone 'chinki' can land you in jail for up to five years. The term, even though derogatory, has become synonymous with people from North East because of their mongoloid features.
But in an attempt to prevent racial discrimination against people from the North East, the Ministry of Home Affairs has asked all the states and union territories to book anyone who commits an act of atrocity against people from the region under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.
Cyberspace has already started debating the pros and cons of this law, and while some people think a rule like this was long due, some feel that five years in jail is a little extreme. We asked people from the North East residing in Delhi if they think that people should be jailed from calling them 'chinki'.

Five years? hell, ya!
Of course it's fair to send someone to jail for calling us 'chinki'! What did Gandhi do when he was thrown out of the train because of his colour? He started a movement. That was in a foreign land, here we are treated differently and called names in our own country! - A 26-year-old sales executive
In Delhi, people call North Eastern women 'chinki', implying that they are "easy". This is an attack on a person's integrity and dignity. I am glad steps are being taken to stop this kind of discrimination. - A 20-year-old DU student
Sending people to prison is going to result in resentment and hostile behaviour. But sometimes these measures need to be taken because the discrimination against people from the North East in Delhi is appaling. - A 25-year-old JNU student
A little too extreme
Being called 'chinki' is very common in Delhi. For that, years of imprisonment isn't exactly required. A week should suffice. - A 24-year-old call centre employee
Imprisoning people for five years is a bit extreme. A few weeks should make the difference. But I'm glad this initiative is being taken because it's really difficult for people from the North East to settle down in a place where people just look down upon them all the time. - A 21-year-old DU student
Ask me this question after somebody is sentenced to jail for calling someone 'chinki'. I have my doubts. In case it is acted upon, then also I feel imprisonment for five years is way too much. - A 27-year-old journalist

Call a Northeastern 'Chinki', be jailed for 5 yrs - Times Of India

The use of racial slurs is quite common by Indians especially when it comes to address Pakistanis and Chinese. One must always use official terms unless otherwise requested.
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