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Rhetoric on disputed islets softens after 'comfort women' accord

TOKYO -- Japan and South Korea have toned down the rhetoric over a group of disputed islets in an effort to further improve relations thawed by a landmark agreement on the issue of wartime "comfort women."

On Monday, the Japanese central government sent Yasuyuki Sakai, a Cabinet Office parliamentary vice minister, to Shimane Prefecture in southwest Japan to attend Takeshima Day festivities, named after the Japanese moniker for the islets. This marks the fourth consecutive year a parliamentary secretary from the Cabinet Office has been dispatched to the event.

Japan-South Korea relations: Rhetoric on disputed islets softens after 'comfort women' accord- Nikkei Asian Review
off topic, why was the film banned initially?
I remembered back then people were talking about his film showed many dark sides of China, for instance old foot-binding women.
Yeah but Europe was in industrialisation period at that time, ME on the other hand looks like a doomed place with no hope for future.

Actually I am a bit confused with our Shiah brothers (Iran, Hisbullah, Pakistani Shiah, etc). Shiah is supposed to be a sect within Islam that is anti-authoritarian regime just like their opposition toward, especially in the past, Muawiyah family empire.

And now they back authoritarian regime in Syria......:crazy:

So what they are doing now is opposite to Shiah ideology.......
Actually I am a bit confused with our Shiah brothers (Iran, Hisbullah, Pakistani Shiah, etc). Shiah is supposed to be a sect within Islam that is anti-authoritarian regime just like their opposition toward, especially in the past, Muawiyah family empire.

And now they back authoritarian regime in Syria......:crazy:

So what they are doing now is opposite to Shiah ideology.......

There are times where political ideologies is at odds with religious beliefs (or vice-versa) which is due to self-interest, whether it is personal self-interest , group self-interest or state/national self-interest.

Though there are also times where politics complements religion, usually when both have the same views, whether it is for the greater good or worst of the worst.
I remembered back then people were talking about his film showed many dark sides of China, for instance old foot-binding women.

In defense of Han people, however, my friend. Foot binding was not a Han practice, historically. Rather, it was an alien practice imposed on the Chinese Han by the Manchu.
In defense of Han people, however, my friend. Foot binding was not a Han practice, historically. Rather, it was an alien practice imposed on the Chinese Han by the Manchu.
Are you sure about that? My knowledge say the otherwise.
Are you sure about that? My knowledge say the otherwise.

Upon further research, it seems that you're right,@bbccdd1470 , thank you for the correction and clarification. I accept your correction.
In defense of Han people, however, my friend. Foot binding was not a Han practice, historically. Rather, it was an alien practice imposed on the Chinese Han by the Manchu.
Besides foot binding old women in his film, another evidence we were told about Antonioni's ill-intention of disfiguring China when we were young boys was he filmed the horse -drawn cart passing Tiananmen Squares, the symbol of China.

However, the point I am trying to make here is that within a generation, the psyche of the Chinese people has changed enormously as their economic condition improved. China 40 years ago was very much alike North Korea today.
Besides foot binding old women in his film, another evidence we were told about Antonioni's ill-intention of disfiguring China when we were young boys was he filmed the horse -drawn cart passing Tiananmen Squares, the symbol of China.

However, the point I am trying to make here is that within a generation, the psyche of the Chinese people has changed enormously as their economic condition improved. China 40 years ago was very much alike North Korea today.

The Great Nation of China and the Chinese People have , indeed, transformed themselves to remind the world of what work efficiency, national harmony , and absolute perseverance means. Even to the Japanese patriot, i must humbly admit, we have seen the success of the Government in Beijing in being able to lift over 800 million Chinese from poverty in less than 30 years time. That is a feat, a mandate no power in earth has been able to realize, especially in regards to size and scale. Japan, among many other nations, continues to draw strength and inspiration from China's ascendancy and awing transformation.

As if to remind the world of who and what China is, and what China represents and means. Zhongguo. Truly, the Middle Kingdom.
Today's Chinese state media Huanqiu.com published two pieces of news from Japan, which is unimaginable merely 2 years ago. Very interesting dynamics....

日媒:美军方在南海撒弥天大谎 捏造中国威胁
日媒:美军方在南海撒弥天大谎 捏造中国威胁_军事_环球网

“小题大做:五角大楼在南海撒下弥天大谎”。日本《外 交学者》杂志24日刊载文章称,尽管美国在西沙群岛的一个岛屿上“发现”了地对空导弹,并将其作为打击中国的一个“新政治工具”,声称中国违反了“不将南 沙群岛军事化”的承诺。但实际上不应该夸大这些设施的军事意义。报道称,当前争论的大背景就是五角大楼制造的一个弥天大谎:中国在南海的行动威胁到了商业 运输。这个谎言又被人们夸大了。人们对中国微小的军事调整都进行密切关注,而不是其他国家的行动。文章称,正如美国中情局1981年将蜜蜂粪便误判为苏联 的生物武器一样,美国军方这一系列分析是有关东南亚区域的一堆最大分析垃圾。


2016-02-25 16:18:00 环球网 马丽 分享











  当然,有许多人还是受到了政治上的影响。随着钓鱼岛问题越来越紧迫,人们也不好大 张旗鼓的说想去日本。一方面,现在的年轻人喜欢日本的感觉可能和上一辈有所不同。80年代的亲日可以说是“官方”的。然而,在现在这个网络时代,人们自己 通过时尚、动漫、音乐这一些自身的兴趣爱好来感受日本的魅力。常听中国的一些知识分子说,对于他们来说,日本看起来像是一个“平行世界”。他们心中有这样 子的疑问:“中国倘若发展成现在的日本这样也并不是什么奇怪的事。但是事实上为什么中日两国大不相同呢?”



  事实上,也有很多人是通过欧美文化而注意到日本文化的魅力的。比如说,乔布斯制造iPhone就是收到了日本枯山水的启发。喜欢美国文 化的年轻人,就有可能从这里对日本的禅文化产生兴趣。他们会注意到,“原来自己喜欢的欧美的东西,实际上是从日本传来的呀!”又比如说,“生态”、 “LOHAS(lifestyles of health and sustainability)”等等欧美潮流,是通过日本传入中国的。明治时期的日本人在引进欧美的概念后所创造的“科学”、“哲学”、“经济”等汉 语,至今仍然还被中国人使用。可能正如此,对于中国人来说,西洋的东西经过日本之后也变得比较容易理解。


  所以有很多的中国人会喜欢日本的“优衣库”、“无印良品”等等品牌,也会爱读村上 村树或者玛格丽特・杜拉斯的作品。又或者,有些人会在套房中设置一间铺着榻榻米的、日本式的房间。并不羡慕名人一般的奢华的生活,只要是能让心灵和身体都 得到满足的安心的生活,只要能用手抓住的幸福都会让人珍惜。

  在村上春树的小说中出现的生活方式,带有一点“日本人羡慕的西洋风”的感觉。比如 说戏剧、西方音乐的录音等等。这与中国的年青一代对欧美的向往,可以说是异曲同工的吧。虽然中国不是很容易接受外来文化,但中国人的意识却是对外的。想去 外国旅行、想去外国的大学读书,甚至想到外国移民。

  虽然带着异域风情但却是由自己的文化和文明所建造起来的日本,对于中国人而言恐怕将会一直是个充满魅力的多元宇宙吧!(实习编译:邓琪 审稿:马丽)
@Tiqiu ,




  邓伟总领事在致辞中介绍了当前中日关系,积极评价日中友好协会自成立以来为推动中日民间友好交流发挥的积极作用。表示长崎县联合会作为日中友好 协会的分支机构,多年来通过开展各类活动,积极推动长崎对华友好交往,为增进两国民众相互理解和友情做出了积极努力。希协会今后继续高举反省历史、和平友 好旗帜,发扬知华、友华传统,为进一步深化长崎民间对华友好交往做出新贡献。


  津村副会长回顾了五十年前第一次访华的难忘经历,介绍了协会60年走过的历程。表示日中互为重要近邻,发展长期稳定的睦邻友好关系十分必要。日 本应深刻反省历史,坚持战后和平发展道路。日中友协长崎联合会今后将继续致力于日中友好交流事业,不断丰富活动内容,积极扩大活动影响,为增进两国民众相 互理解和友情做出新的努力。








  邓伟总领事表示,长崎国际大学秉承国际化办学理念,积极与中国院校开展交流合作,吸引了越来越多中国留学生前来求学。希望长崎国际大学发挥自身 优势,不断为在校中国留学生提供更好的学习生活环境,为推动长崎对华人文教育领域交流合作,增进中日两国青年相互理解和友谊作出努力。



@Tiqiu ,




  邓伟总领事在致辞中介绍了当前中日关系,积极评价日中友好协会自成立以来为推动中日民间友好交流发挥的积极作用。表示长崎县联合会作为日中友好 协会的分支机构,多年来通过开展各类活动,积极推动长崎对华友好交往,为增进两国民众相互理解和友情做出了积极努力。希协会今后继续高举反省历史、和平友 好旗帜,发扬知华、友华传统,为进一步深化长崎民间对华友好交往做出新贡献。


  津村副会长回顾了五十年前第一次访华的难忘经历,介绍了协会60年走过的历程。表示日中互为重要近邻,发展长期稳定的睦邻友好关系十分必要。日 本应深刻反省历史,坚持战后和平发展道路。日中友协长崎联合会今后将继续致力于日中友好交流事业,不断丰富活动内容,积极扩大活动影响,为增进两国民众相 互理解和友情做出新的努力。








  邓伟总领事表示,长崎国际大学秉承国际化办学理念,积极与中国院校开展交流合作,吸引了越来越多中国留学生前来求学。希望长崎国际大学发挥自身 优势,不断为在校中国留学生提供更好的学习生活环境,为推动长崎对华人文教育领域交流合作,增进中日两国青年相互理解和友谊作出努力。



You even know how to type and read Simplified Chinese, impressive!!
日本最近流行“伪中国语” 中国人也能看懂
日本最近流行“伪中国语” 中国人也能看懂
東京新青年 2016-02-21 11:25:00


偽中国語 ”是什么鬼?






























With regard to the future of RMB, anything is possible. I cant predict the future. Know well this :the one(s) in charge of RMB policy in Beijing better make viable solution or else his or their head(s) will roll.

Markets | Sat Feb 20, 2016 2:04am EST
Related: China
China removes stocks regulator head after market woes
SHANGHAI | By Adam Jourdan

China Securities Regulatory Commission Chairman Xiao Gang addresses the Asian Financial Forum in Hong Kong January 19, 2015.
Reuters/Bobby Yip

China has removed the head of its securities regulator following a turbulent period in the country's stock markets, appointing a top state banking executive as his replacement, as leaders move to restore confidence in the economy.

The announcement on the official Xinhua news agency on Saturday follows a string of assurances from senior leaders following the Lunar New Year holiday that China will underpin its slowing economy and steady its wobbly currency.

Xinhua said Xiao Gang, chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) since 2013, had been succeeded by Liu Shiyu, chairman of the Agricultural Bank of China Ltd (AgBank) (601288.SS) (1288.HK) and a former deputy governor of the central bank.

"Xiao's departure is not a surprise following the recent stock disaster. This is a role vulnerable to public criticism because most Chinese retail investors are destined to lose money in such a market," said Zhang Kaihua, a fund manager of Nanjing-based hedge fund Huyang Investment.

Reuters could not immediately reach the CSRC or Agricultural Bank of China for comment.

Xiao and the CSRC came under fire as China's Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets slumped as much as 40 percent in just a few months last summer.

In a further blow, a stock index "circuit breaker" introduced in January to limit stock market losses was deactivated after four days of use because it was blamed for exacerbating a sharp selloff. Online media nicknamed Xiao "Mr Circuit Breaker".

Reuters reported in January that Xiao, 57, had offered to resign following the "circuit-breaker" failure. The CSRC said at the time the information did not conform to the facts.

The gyrations in China's stock markets, an unexpected devaluation of the yuan in August and sharp falls in currency reserves rattled global markets, raising concerns about the health of the economy and Beijing's ability to steer the country through both a protracted slowdown in growth and a shift away from manufacturing toward services.

Economic growth slipped last year to 6.9 percent, stellar by Western standards, but the weakest pace for China in more than two decades.

Ahead of two high-profile events for China - a meeting in Shanghai next week of G20 financial leaders and the annual gathering of China's legislature in March - officials have announced various measures to support the economy, including funds for infrastructure projects and increased financial support to struggling industry.

China's Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng said in an interview with state television on Friday that he was confident that the country's trade conditions would stabilize and improve in 2016.


Investors and analysts said the new chief Liu, 54, a trained economist, would bring in new policies and strategies, but it remained to be seen what direction he would take.

"Liu has a lot of experience in the financial sector, but there will be some policy uncertainty in the short term as it will take at least six months for the former banker to get used to his new role," fund manager Zhang said.

Andrew Sullivan, managing director, sales trading at Haitong International Securities Group in Hong Kong, said that removing Xiao had been largely expected.

"But by bringing in the AgBank chairman, they are really not bringing anybody with a fresh market perspective but a political insider," he said.

Liu spent most of his career at the People's Bank of China (PBOC), rising to deputy governor and holding that post from 2006 until he left in late 2014 to head up AgBank.

Xiao became the CSRC head in March 2013 and was charged with attracting investment into equities and away from speculative bubbles in sectors such as real estate, while defending against endemic insider trading.

The Communist Party had described Xiao as "young, energetic, resolute". He was also self-effacing, once saying the only thing he'd done right in life was to marry his wife.

Xiao was previously chairman of Bank of China Ltd (BoC) (601988.SS) (3988.HK), China's fourth-biggest lender, and had worked at China's central bank for over two decades.

(Reporting by Adam Jourdan, David Lin and Samuel Shen; additional reporting from Saikat Chatterjee in Hong Kong; Editing by Tom Hogue and Neil Fullick)

Told you so.

lol, your funeral.

Ok, continue to the next phase.

First of all. Your argument is to proved that EU formed with "SOLELY" economic cooperation, not SOLELY security cooperation or WITH security cooperation. As you already said in previous point, that is your assumption. Notice the keyword : SOLELY.

So, have you prove the point? No. Why? Let's see

Argument 1. The title of the article immediately said

So, it already break your point, let me reiterate it again. Your point being, and it's with your own word, not mind.

I can prove that the EU is soley based on the Economic Cooperation

Because the very first sentence on this reference called EU a unique economic and POLITICAL partnership. So it was both economic AND political, then it would NOT be solely. (By the way, you spell solely wrong.)

Also, on the exact script you quote. Notice this Bolded part

The EU was created in the aftermath of the Second World War. The first steps were to foster economic cooperation: the idea being that countries who trade with one another become economically interdependent and so more likely to avoid conflict.

I don't know about you, in Plain English, it would mean the action of foresting economic cooperation is to avoid conflict. So basically, the action of forming EU can also be interpret as simply "to avoid conflict" Hence not "SOLELY" on economic cooperation.

Argument 2

LOL. Quoting a law database on directive and regulation prove anything? No.

Look at the same directive and regulation, have you notice something called Solidarity clause?

Again, let me remind you that your argument is this

I can prove that the EU is soley based on the Economic Cooperation

Which is the EU is solely based on Economic Cooperation. Which if this is true, then why there are also political and military cooperation, directive and regulation? When EU have law regarding other aspect in mind, then the term will not be SOLELY.

I don't know what kind of lawyer are you (one post you claim you are a student, another post you claim to be an actual lawyer) It don't need my wife to take your argument apart. And it's quite obvious that you not even know what the hack were you arguing about.

Actually i can add much more to counter your arguments but we both know you are just arguing for the sake of arguing. To tell you the truth, after reading your whole posts again, i fell off my IKEA chair for the first time. It strucks my mind that you and your wife who is specialized in militairy law (LOL)are actually much more brilliant than i will ever be. Since i am ashamed of my ignorancy and AT LEAST HAVE THE COURAGE TO ADMIT IT, i will refrein from making any stupid comments based on my law degree, worth 10 euro. My intelligence is not on the same level as yours. So I ''Better Call Saul'' to upgrade my EU legal knowledge.
At end 2015, SK's net IIP has reached positive $323.2 billion, which probably can rank among world's top dozen or so creditor nations. Though still behind East Asian peers, progress is still remarkable since they were a debtor nation until just a few years ago (before mid 2009).


(LEAD) S. Korea's short-term foreign debt dips in 2015

S. Korea's short-term foreign debt dips in 2015

SEOUL, Feb. 25 (Yonhap) -- South Korea's short-term foreign debt dropped slightly in 2015 from the previous year as banks cut back on their overseas borrowing, the central bank said Thursday.

The country's external debt with a maturity of one year or shorter totaled US$108.7 billion as of the end of 2015, falling $7.7 billion from a year earlier, according to the Bank of Korea (BOK).

Seoul's total external debt stood at $396.6 billion as of the end of last year, also dropping $27.8 billion from the previous year. The value of all assets held abroad stood at $719.7 billion, up $36.2 billion from 2014.

The ratio of short-term debt to the country's total debt stayed at 27.4 percent as of the end of the year, unchanged from 2014.

South Korea's short-term foreign debt was an area of concern during past financial crises as it left local banks vulnerable to external shocks.

The data, meanwhile, showed that the country's net international investment position -- the value of external assets minus external liabilities -- surged to a record high of $323.2 billion at the end of last year, up $64 billion from the year before.

"The drop in short-term debt was brought on by less overseas borrowing by local banks and a drop in trade that reduced the letter of credit issued," the finance ministry said.

It also said that actions by foreign investors to lower their holdings of South Korea's Treasurys and currency stabilization bonds helped bring down the total debt.

The ministry said that while the country's debt situation is stable, rising downside risks in the global financial market are making it necessary to keep close tabs on developments.
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