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Noreen Laghari says she was going to be used as suicide bomber

You have a right to criticize and hold your views but terrorism is not what you say it is. Now there is also terrorism in IRA why. Terrorism has every thing to do with political oppression and unjust society. Those who exploded bombs in England were Irish. Those who exploded bombs in Spain and France were Spanish so terrorism is a result of politics and nothing else. Where ever there is political oppression you will find terrorism alongside

I think what you both are saying is not mutually exclusive. You both are correct about terrorism.

Terrorism is both a.) not restricted to lower/middle class and/or uneducated recruits and b.) is usually the result of political oppression.
The fact is our university & schools are filled with corrupt politician favourites & where the Government have sold jobs to incompetent & worthless teachers in schools & university & this is the main cause of students going in the wrong direction.
Remove from gene pool, annihilate her. Also find out about her friends and family.

This monkey brain is easy target for foreign agencies to manipulate. It's best she is put down.
Find her links, her handlers, then the relatives of hers. Monitor their phones , her friends and her husbands friends phones. After the dragnet is complete; execute her and any others involved
Execute her ! she wanted to be a suicide bomber anyway so just oblige her death wish .
As she said she took the decision with her own will. No one forced her. If not captured she wud have killed uncountable innocent ppl. So, why rehabilitate her? The rehabilitate Kalbhoshan yadiv, ehsan Ullah ehsan and all other bastards. So, point is she took her decision nd state should make example out of her. No sympathies with her.
As she said she took the decision with her own will. No one forced her. If not captured she wud have killed uncountable innocent ppl. So, why rehabilitate her? The rehabilitate Kalbhoshan yadiv, ehsan Ullah ehsan and all other bastards. So, point is she took her decision nd state should make example out of her. No sympathies with her.

Absolutely. Make an example out of her. Have saved so many innocent lives.

She didn't take the decision off her own accord. She has been radicalized and manipulated by someone and I am sure that person has a network behind him.

The entire South Punjab should have an operation done on it along with Quetta.

She should be prosecuted and hanged---. She got caught before she pressed the button---.

Only those need rehab those who walk away and seek refuge---those who are caught alive---must feel the rope around their necks.
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