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Non-Muslims ought to be eligible to become President, PM: Kamran Michael


Jul 20, 2010
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LAHORE: Provincial Minister for Finance, Minorities Affairs and Human Rights, Kamran Michael has said that not only are non-Muslims ineligible to become the President, a recent Constitutional Reforms Committee decisions has also made them ineligible to stand a chance of taking the Prime Minister’s slot as well.

Michael, who himself was the centre of a storm when he was first asked to present the Punjab budget. Being a Christian, he was superseded at the behest of some Punjab assembly members who did not think a Christian ought to be charged with such an important task. The Chief Minister of Punjab, Shehbaz Sharif finally charged with presenting the budget after media reports highlighted religious discrimination within his earlier decision. Michael became the first non-Muslim finance minister to present the provincial budget.

Michael said that though minorities may follow a different religion to the official one, but as Pakistanis they were are as patriotic as anyone else. Reacting to celebrating August 11 as Minorities Day, he said that it was grave injustice to fix only one day for hundreds of thousands of members of the society who belong to different religions as it promotes a feeling being left out, that they are not Pakistanis and it is not their country.

The Minister further said that minorities are an integral part of Pakistani society and they have their roots in this land and they also rendered sacrifices for the creation of Pakistan. He said that minorities are not the custodian of only one day but 365 days of the year as they are a part of Pakistani nation.

He said that it is an injustice that despite being patriotic Pakistanis, members of minority groups are still considered unequal citizens. Kamran Michael further said that the speech of Quaid-e-Azam on August 11, 1947 should be made a part of the constitution of Pakistan to remove the sense of insecurity within minority communities and they should be eligible for the office of president and prime minister of Pakistan.

Kamran Michael said that Quaid-e-Azam was that leader of every Pakistani and his principles should be followed so that Pakistan could be made a welfare state.

Non-Muslims ought to be eligible to become President, PM: Kamran Michael – The Express Tribune
excude my english i didnt understand these 2 words eligible and ineligible.
in short - does this mean non muslims can become the president of pakistan
excude my english i didnt understand these 2 words eligible and ineligible.
in short - does this mean non muslims can become the president of pakistan

Yes the article says that Non Muslims should be allowed to take TOP posts in Pakistan
excude my english i didnt understand these 2 words eligible and ineligible.
in short - does this mean non muslims can become the president of pakistan

It means Non-Muslims cannot become the President


I would personally choose anybody above Zardari if I am to choose the PM or President. They are equally patriotic as us so why discriminate them
I am not sure how many Pakistain Brothers will accept that, Pakistan has never been a secular state, its too dificult to get that comment on the constitutional papers.
I am not sure how many Pakistain Brothers will accept that, Pakistan has never been a secular state, its too dificult to get that comment on the constitutional papers.

In the 1962 constitution the word Islamic was removed from the full name of Pakistan
I am not sure how many Pakistain Brothers will accept that, Pakistan has never been a secular state, its too dificult to get that comment on the constitutional papers.

especially in the current situation where the country is teeming with people waiting for a reason to bomb some place or the other.....
when their flag , ISI symbol, Govt Emblem etc all contain religious sign the how come you expect them to behave secular..they are nothing but hardcore Muslims wannabe Arabs..and its good for them and in long rum for us

Lets not just accuse the Muslim world, it was the founding fathers ambiton that a nation for Muslim be created. its not in the intension of Jinha to undermine the minorities.
You are talking like a kid out of a school. you need some IQ and patience while contributing to your neighbour
when their flag , ISI symbol, Govt Emblem etc all contain religious sign the how come you expect them to behave secular..they are nothing but hardcore Muslims wannabe Arabs..and its good for them and in long rum for us

Another misinformed bharti

The white bar on the Pakistani flag represents minorities. Islam only became the state religion in the 70s. Before that Pakistan was purely secular. There are also quota for non Muslims.
We are not like India which calls itself secular but bans cow slaughter because it upsets hindu extremists. We are not like India where the government has operations against minorities.

I'm part Christian and all of my mother's family is Christian. Never even once have we been discriminated or made to be felt like non Pakistanis.
This is good news everyone in Pakistan no matter the religion should be able to become PM or President .
there is no harm in it, rather its need of the hour, however there are pre-requisites to it...(I wont go into details but they need to be established firmly in the country first)
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