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No upcoming operation in North Waziristan: Security officials


Aug 26, 2007
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LAHORE: Speculations about possible Pakistan-US joint operation against the Haqqani Network in North Waziristan are absolutely baseless and absurd, said senior security officials requesting anonymity on Tuesday.

One of the officials vehemently rejected the possibility of any ISI-CIA led joint operation code-named as ‘Tight Screw’ against Haqqanis.

Sharing details regarding the recent visit of Lieutenant General Zaheerul Islam, the new head of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency – to Washington, the officer said that Pakistan does not support Haqqani Network and their activities inside Afghanistan and denied using them as surrogate against US-led Nato forces in Afghanistan.

The sources further added that such media speculations are creating misperceptions and that there is no truth in these fabricated stories.

No upcoming operation in North Waziristan: Security officials – The Express Tribune
pakistan cant afford another operation, the security situation is already too detrimental
well done don`t go for it ..... nation won`t support you ........ let the dog die in afghanistan
I am against the operation , it will backfire and we don't really have the capacity for millions of IDPs.
I am against the operation , it will backfire and we don't really have the capacity for millions of IDPs.


From what i have gathered, their might be an operation but it will be on a very limited scale. It will target TTP strongholds near the border with Afghanistan. I am not against an operation that targets TTP sanctuaries, elimination of TTP is a must for Pakistan.
TTP is being mentored, funded, guided and supported by our neighbours on eastern and western fronts (a bitter reality; anti thesis to CBMs and Aman ki Aasha) to create chaos in the country, to unleash their vengeance and entangle a major chunk of Pakistan Army in FATA. Who benefits from the major re-deployment of Pakistan Army from eastern to western fronts? Who benefits from attacks of TTP on P3C Orion aircrafts and AWACS? Questions are left to the sweet judgment of the readers.
These terrorists; the bed fellows of our allies / eastern neighbours will make all possible efforts to weaken Pakistan on economic and security fronts. The country that has suffered the most in the world due to this war is only and only Pakistan and still is considered and believed (courtesy to the Western and Indian media) that it has done nothing in war against terrorism. The whole nation is passing through a psychological trauma because of this war.

Why it is so that North Waziristan Agency has gained attention of international media over the years? Why it has become a dreaded dream of Panetta and others alike him in US policy circles? Why it is so that the war against militancy in which Pakistan remained engaged with all immeasurable back blows to the state and society has not gained much of appreciation by the US/West?
The answers to these questions may require some kind of debate to ponder over the real intentions and designs of US which she harbors against Pakistan.

In first scenario, US would like to keep the mantra of operation in NWA as a pressure tactic to force Pakistan to serve its interest in the region and extract maximum support from it for war in Afghanistan. Consequently, if Pakistan succumbs to US pressure and launches an operation in NWA then the pressure leverage which US is exploiting will be over. So, in reality, believe it or not, US would never like this operation to actually take place as they will then have to search another tool to pressurize Pakistan.

In another scenario, US would definitely like that Pakistan Army should undertake this operation so as to bury his failures and blunders of war in Afghanistan; a scapegoat analogy viz-a-viz Pakistan. TTP will continue to be supported by US and India which will make all out efforts to ensure that Pakistan Army does not succeed in this battle so as to discredit it on domestic front (being a viable institution and pride of nation) and undermine its professional capabilities, capacities and will to fight at international level. So, US will make another case against Pakistan for its inabilities of rooting out terrorist basis on its soil which will be followed by unfolding of sinister designs by US.

Our friends across the eastern borders must also realize that if they are creating troubles for Pakistan just to satisfy their ill-conceived ego which they developed and still harbour appallingly since 1947; then this onslaught of Talibanization may not apply breaks at Wagah Border and will take both the countries along with it into the seas of savagery and barbarism.

So, Dear Pakistan; be careful.:pakistan:

Our friends across the eastern borders must also realize that if they are creating troubles for Pakistan just to satisfy their ill-conceived ego which they developed and still harbour appallingly since 1947; then this onslaught of Talibanization may not apply breaks at Wagah Border and will take both the countries along with it into the seas of savagery and barbarism.

Don't think too much about it. If the Talibunnies try to cross the border at Wagah, they'll meet up with a reception that will make the Partition events seem like a picnic.

So its really time for the State of Pakistan to bite the bullet and exterminate the Talibunnies once and for all, since they can create greater havoc within Pakistan.
What do the SCUM have to do to provoke a response? This news just gives a big green-light to do another Mehran or Karmara attack
Oh there is an operation alright just not of that large a magnitude cuz it is not needed.
There will be several small operation i think.
No IDPs i hope,just do quick hit and leave operations.
I am getting this feeling that PA thinks of going to NW but then opts out because of threats from TTP. Maybe I am wrong but feels like they are scared.
I am getting this feeling that PA thinks of going to NW but then opts out because of threats from TTP. Maybe I am wrong but feels like they are scared.

I have a feeling that you are being stupid.
I have a feeling that you are being stupid.
Maybe you are getting emotional here but I based on sequence of events.

I have seen PA saying we will go after terrorist in NW, this is followed by attacks and threats and then I see them saying we are not going or we will go when it is time.

I mean how come they change the statement so often, the only reason I can think of is that they get scared of attacks and change mind.

Note:- I consider every human has fear, so people do revert their decision based on consequences nothing to malign PA. It looks normal to me.
Don't think too much about it. If the Talibunnies try to cross the border at Wagah, they'll meet up with a reception that will make the Partition events seem like a picnic.

So its really time for the State of Pakistan to bite the bullet and exterminate the Talibunnies once and for all, since they can create greater havoc within Pakistan.

Being neighbours; we ought to be worried about any wrong happenings to our neighbours. It was just a sweet reminder to you people. The choice lies now to our arch rival, sorry our beloved neighbour to ponder and think of collective goodwill for each other.:cool::wave:
I am getting this feeling that PA thinks of going to NW but then opts out because of threats from TTP. Maybe I am wrong but feels like they are scared.

Had that been the case, PA would not have done the massive and successful operations in Swat, Bajaur, Mohmand & least but not the last SWA which was the stronghold and birth place of TTP.

If PA was not afraid then, it won't hesitate now.

And guys, operation would be held, but a specific targeted operation, specifically against the now well established TTP network in NWA which is once again threatening Pakistan.

And strange thing is, in so many drone strikes, not a single TTP foot soldier or commander has died, same case when TTP was holding SWA.
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