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No to operation in North Waziristan Agency

Afghan Talibans aren't interested by Pakistan at all; for TTP, their whole propaganda is based on American attacks, and other sympathetic things, so if America departs, TTP will perhaps still be there, but with no more local support, as peoples are actually fighting in order to revenge their lost lives.
So Pakistan shouldn't attack the Afghan Taliban and/or the so called 'Haqqani network', as it would just create more enmity. We can deal with the TTP latter, in all serenity. :police:

So wait...the Taliban's excuse is to attack Pakistan because American troops are in AFGHANISTAN? How about all the Taliban should go to Afghanistan to fight instead of attacking Pakistan eh? Does that make common sense? Or does the Taliban have another motive? Did people forget to read my post about the Swat Valley fiasco when the Taliban try to expand?
So wait...the Taliban's excuse is to attack Pakistan because American troops are in AFGHANISTAN? How about all the Taliban should go to Afghanistan to fight instead of attacking Pakistan eh? Does that make common sense? Or does the Taliban have another motive?

No they r attacking us coz we are helping usa........ Beware they didnt attack us before US invade A-stan and we joined "ur" war and bring it home.
What a bunch of BULL CRAP!! What evidence do you have to support your sensational argument. Afghanistan was certainly not in an ideal state but certainly not the mess that US invasion has made it. If you analyze their demands at the time post 9/11 they were all just but were you ever bothered to listen to reason? NO ! And so it will come to pass that where ever the US steps in , its greed will leave another mess in its wake.

As people say in the state of Texas, REMEMBER THE SWAT!!!
Thats what I am pointing out. Don't do what Americans are doing cause they made the same mistake. South Vietnam suffered. Pakistan will suffer when the U.S. negotiates a peace settlement which the Taliban will violate. Don't you remember the Swat Valley fiasco? Its your country, don't listen to the Americans. Attack the Taliban before its too late.

There is a giant azz diff between what happened in vietnam where 2 govts were fightin eachother n the ppl supported the communists who were fightin US puppets n usa.
No they r attacking us coz we are helping usa........ Beware they didnt attack us before US invade A-stan and we joined "ur" war and bring it home.

Helping the USA? Seriously? So far you guys refuse to do operations unless its in your own interests when the Taliban started attacking Pakistan. Not the other way around. Heard of the good Taliban and the bad Taliban as you call it?
There is a giant azz diff between what happened in vietnam where 2 govts were fightin eachother n the ppl supported the communists who were fightin US puppets n usa.

Don't you mean communist puppets as well? Its kind of funny because after Vietnam war, China which was Vietnam's ally and supported the North Vietnamese invasion went to war against each other. China lost of course. But as people said they like to compare to whats going on in the region equivalent to the Vietnam war. Once ISAF leaves its chaos there. I know for certain that the Taliban won't die down. They will think they feel so confident that they defeated the ISAF they will go to invade Pakistan using Afghanistan as a base again.
What a bunch of BULL CRAP!! What evidence do you have to support your sensational argument. Afghanistan was certainly not in an ideal state but certainly not the mess that US invasion has made it. If you analyze their demands at the time post 9/11 they were all just but were you ever bothered to listen to reason? NO ! And so it will come to pass that where ever the US steps in , its greed will leave another mess in its wake.

I'm surprised you used the word "greed". We are bankrupting ourselves with these police actions around the world. Greed is not at all in play. And the Afghan Taliban position was not sincere before the USA invasion. Omar was then and is now totally intransigent. Pakistan should have worked harder to get them to expel bin Laden if that's what you think was possible. And, finally, Afghanistan has been a total mess since the Soviets invaded. It may be less of a "mess" today than it has b een in the past 20 years.
So wait...the Taliban's excuse is to attack Pakistan because American troops are in AFGHANISTAN? How about all the Taliban should go to Afghanistan to fight instead of attacking Pakistan eh? Does that make common sense? Or does the Taliban have another motive? Did people forget to read my post about the Swat Valley fiasco when the Taliban try to expand?

The TTP (of which the Swat Taliban can be considered an off shoot) certainly will not stop fighting the Pakistani State even if the Afghan Taliban negotiate an end to the conflict in Afghanistan. However, a negotiated end to the conflict in Afghanistan (with the Afghan Taliban and Mullah Omar) will significantly deny the TTP legitemacy in attacking the Pakistani State, and end one of their propaganda tools - namely that the Pakistani Government and Military are assisting the US in occupying Afghanistan and killing Afghans.

Once that particular propaganda tool is taken away, their support will erode significantly.
The Military officials at the NDU, that the NYT maligned for being 'conspiracy theorists' since they believed the CIA controlled the US media, actually have it completely correct, given the propaganda we see on display in the American media.

CBS evening news two weeks ago covered a story of American troops in Afghanistan who were attacked couple of months back by militants. story goes on to state the attack supposedly came by militants from inside Pakistan and the field reporter Lara Logan very effectively wrapped up the story by telling katie couric, you can just imagine what an reliable and ineffective partner ally Pakistan is.

Interestingly enough, the story was aired a day after a very large group of militants from Afghanistan attacked a Pakistani check post in Dir and killed Pakistani soldiers. And yes you guessed it, there was no mention of that incident.
CBS evening news two weeks ago covered a story of American troops in Afghanistan who were attacked couple of months back by militants. story goes on to state the attack supposedly came by militants from inside Pakistan and the field reporter Lara Logan very effectively wrapped up the story by telling katie couric, you can just imagine what an reliable and ineffective partner ally Pakistan is.

Interestingly enough, the story was aired a day after a very large group of militants from Afghanistan attacked a Pakistani check post in Dir and killed Pakistani soldiers. And yes you guessed it, there was no mention of that incident.
The US media can be quite independent (though it may continue to exhibit ideological/political bias depending upon the organization, and can be very trivial and tabloidish) in its domestic coverage, however it is very much under the influence (indirectly in most cases) of the US military/intelligence and government Establishment.

Many of their top reporters owe their reputations to 'sources within government/military/intelligence' that provide them with 'scoops' that sell. The very same 'sources' can then be used to manipulate these 'reputable journalists' into printing US Establishment propaganda.

Objective reporters would balance US claims with Pakistani claims.

Our own media does a much better job of being 'balanced' in that they re-publish US media accounts and US claims and statements regularly and without editing or censorship.
Two days ago it was reported puppet president karzai saying the US was in talks with afghan taliban. Earlier this year it was reported, US was offering taliban 12 provinces in afghanistan while taliban wanted 25. So, the numbers are already being thrown around and the deal IS being made probably in its final stages. And meanwhile we are expected to fight the possible future rulers of Afghanistan. The final American coup de grace.
Quite absurd. No one or group is being "given" Provinces in Afghansitan. Rough cut though it factually is elections have routinely been held since 911 in all parts of Afghanistan and some sort of people's choices have been achieved, even though some election box counts are regularly questioned. That beats having no box to vote in and no choices to make for elective office.

Northern Waziristan has been home base to violent, heretics who are extremist Taliban and some al Qaida types, of various nationalisties. N. Waziristan needs to be cleaned out to the extent possible and the native peoples there need a fair shake in future jobs. construction projects, housing, roads, power projects and repatriantion of profits from mined, drilled, or otherwise extracted (as it cut trees for lumber) natural products being sold from the area.
Quite absurd. No one or group is being "given" Provinces in Afghansitan. Rough cut though it factually is elections have routinely been held since 911 in all parts of Afghanistan and some sort of people's choices have been achieved, even though some election box counts are regularly questioned. That beats having no box to vote in and no choices to make for elective office.

Northern Waziristan has been home base to violent, heretics who are extremist Taliban and some al Qaida types, of various nationalisties. N. Waziristan needs to be cleaned out to the extent possible and the native peoples there need a fair shake in future jobs. construction projects, housing, roads, power projects and repatriantion of profits from mined, drilled, or otherwise extracted (as it cut trees for lumber) natural products being sold from the area.

Since when has america been interested in democracy. Israel with the support of America insisted that the palestinians should hold elections so that the Israelis could negotiate with the legitimate represntives of the palestinian people. But when Hamas won thee election and would not play ball with Israe. america and israel then said they are terrorist organisation. we should be now used to the americans speaked with fork tongue.
Quite absurd. No one or group is being "given" Provinces in Afghansitan. Rough cut though it factually is elections have routinely been held since 911 in all parts of Afghanistan and some sort of people's choices have been achieved, even though some election box counts are regularly questioned. That beats having no box to vote in and no choices to make for elective office.

Northern Waziristan has been home base to violent, heretics who are extremist Taliban and some al Qaida types, of various nationalisties. N. Waziristan needs to be cleaned out to the extent possible and the native peoples there need a fair shake in future jobs. construction projects, housing, roads, power projects and repatriantion of profits from mined, drilled, or otherwise extracted (as it cut trees for lumber) natural products being sold from the area.

Hey! why we shold not send half of those pplz to US so that they can live there...if u r so much sincere with them...let us see then........:azn:
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